Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1776: Three ancestors

Stardust Sect... was destroyed?

After hearing this news, the faces of Nan Meng and Li Gong showed deep fear and shock.

How long has it been?

You know, there is still an old sect master in the Stardust Sect. That is a Dao Sovereign-level powerhouse, plus the guardian sect and countless Dao Venerables, how could it be destroyed in such a short time?

"Do you take it seriously?"

Nan Meng clenched the collar that came to inform the monk and shouted sharply.

His eyes are about to bulge out, bloodshot, and bruises in his neck.

The Stardust Sect is the same strength as theirs, if the Stardust Sect can't stop Zhang Ziling for long, then they are the same, at most it will only last for a while.

Until now, Daojun Tianyuan has not come out, which means Daojun Tianyuan will never come!

If this is true, then their South Heaven Pavilion is probably also dangerous.

"Little and little people saw it with their own eyes..." the monk said with a trembling voice, with fear in his eyes, "The Stardust Sect was razed directly, and the Antarctic City is missing a corner. Now that one... is coming to us. The road to Nantian Pavilion attracted the attention of countless people!"


Nan Meng's body trembled suddenly, fear could not stop appearing on his face, and he didn't look like a pavilion master should.

"Nan Meng, you will ask for more blessings..."

A wry smile appeared on Li Gong's face, and he dared not stay here any longer, and quickly disappeared.

"This shit!" Nan Meng couldn't help feeling extremely irritable when he saw Li Gong just run away.

He threw the monk who had come to report to the ground and shouted coldly: "I'll call the ancestors to wake up, you keep the gate! Remember, you must not attack the monster, you can only defend! If you can't defend it, let it He comes in!"

"Yes Yes……"

The monk replied with a trembling voice, and then ran outside shivering.

At this moment, only Nan Meng was left in the hall.

"The huge Antarctic City is now falling into fear and anxiety because of a single person. What is this called?"

Nan Meng muttered to himself with a frown, and walked quickly towards the gate of Zong.

Walking into the circle, Nan Meng soon teleported to the depths of the earth, where there were three ancient bronze coffins, all exuding unimaginable aura.

"Three ancestors, one Taoist monarch, two half-step Taoists, plus my words...I guess there is no chance of winning."

Nan Meng looked at the three ancient coffins and muttered to himself, covered in cold sweat:

"Wake up the ancestors first, and then discuss what to do next."

When the voice fell, Nan Meng lifted the restriction and opened the ancient coffin.

The three ancestors have lived for too long, too long, so long that they can't remember them, and even start to hate everything.

Therefore, they chose to seal themselves in the ancient coffin and kill time with deep sleep.

At the realm of Taoist monarchs, the life span is almost infinite, if not seriously injured, you can live forever.

There are always times when you are tired.

After burying the three ancestors in the ancient coffin, they will come out after the Nantian Pavilion is in trouble, which can be used as a trump card.

However, the danger encountered by Nantian Pavilion is too great now, and the hole cards seem to be somewhat useless.

"Nan Meng, what can I do to wake me up?"

The bronze coffin was opened, and a dull voice sounded around, vicissitudes of life.

Nan Meng knelt down and said: "Going back to the ancestors, now the Nantian Pavilion is in a catastrophe. I can't resist, please help the ancestors?"

"Oh? Did the Antarctic Palace act on us?"

The three elders with childlike appearances sat up from the bronze coffin, looked straight at Nan Meng and asked.

Their South Heaven Pavilion is in the Antarctic City, and no external forces can enter and threaten them.

The only thing the three can think of is that the Antarctic Palace will move their Nantian Pavilion.

"Huh! Tianyuan originally agreed with me to protect the South Heaven Pavilion, so I supported him to become the lord of a domain. I didn't expect him to be ungrateful now! I have to meet him!"

The face of the old man in the middle couldn't help showing anger, and the power of the Taoist filled his body, suppressing the surrounding atmosphere to the extreme.

When Nan Meng saw the three waking up, he insisted that the Antarctic Palace had acted on them, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Old ancestors, you are mistaken, it was not the Antarctic Palace that had acted on us!"

"Not the Antarctic Palace?" The old man in the middle brows slightly, "How weak are our Nantian Pavilion now, so that we can be bullied by outsiders to the point of being destroyed?"

Seeing that the three ancestors did not have any sense of urgency, Nan Meng did not know how to explain to them, so he had to take the three back to the ground first.

"What? Isn't this good?"

The three ancestors glanced at the surrounding halls, and covered the entire Nantian Pavilion with their souls, and found that no one was damaged at all. Except for the disciples and elders who were waiting in full battle, no enemy was visible at all.

"Nan Meng...Aren't you teasing us?" An ancestor squinted at Nan Meng, with a touch of coldness in his eyes.

Nan Meng's body trembled suddenly and quickly said, "No, you really misunderstood the old ancestor. Now there is a Gui monster coming to our South Heaven Pavilion. We can't stop it at all."

"A person?"

Hearing Nan Meng's words, the three old men were a little surprised and asked.

"Yes! The other party is just one person. He has already destroyed the Stardust Sect. He is now coming to our Nantian Pavilion and will soon be in front of the sect." Nan Meng saw that the three ancestors finally listened to his words with a face. Can not help but show joy.

However, before he could speak, a fierce attack blasted him out of his chest.

"Old, old ancestor?"

Nan Meng didn't understand why he was attacked, and looked at the three ancestors with puzzled expression.

"It's really a waste, the huge Nantian Pavilion, I can't stop even one person... and I'm waiting for my dream." The attitude of the three ancestors changed completely, and their eyes were extremely cold.

"At the beginning, it was a mistake to let you be the pavilion master of the Nantian Pavilion. It seems that you have to train a new person." Daojun-level ancestor said lightly, looking at Nan Meng with extremely indifferent eyes.

"Well, it's time to change one. The huge Nantian Pavilion can't stop one person. What a joke!"

"At the beginning I said this guy is not good, you have to let him be the pavilion master, but I didn't expect to make the Nantian Pavilion so weak now!"

The ancestors of the other two and a half trail monarchs also looked sarcastically, contemptuous of Nan Meng.

Nan Meng didn't expect the three ancestors to be so disdainful of his attitude. They couldn't help clenching their fists, and couldn't help but feel anger in his heart.

Three unknown old things!

You don't even know how strong that one is!

"Pavilion Master, it's not good! That person has come to our sect and said that he wants to see the Pavilion Master!"

At this moment, a monk rushed into the hall to report the letter, just to see the injured Nan Meng, and the three ancestors, he was taken aback.

"I want to see, who on earth dare to be so crazy!"

When the old man heard the monk's words, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Before Nan Meng could speak, it turned into a gust of wind, and the other two old men followed close behind.

"This has happened, they have to be stopped!"

Seeing the three ancestors rushing out, Nan Meng couldn't help but frightened, and quickly followed.

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