Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1782: Terrifying realm

Soon, the gray was like a plague, spreading quickly to the surroundings, whether it was a person or a thing, after touching that area, everything turned gray, without any color at all.

"This, what the **** is this?"

The monks watched their whole body lose their color, and their faces couldn't help showing endless fear.

Soon, they were horrified to find that the strength in their bodies had completely disappeared, and their bodies were as fragile as paper. Every time they moved, they would consume a lot of strength, and they would start to pant after a few moves.

"I can't imagine...Is this the domain of the Devil Emperor?"

Li Gong looked at his pale paper arm and poked his nail a little bit to pierce his skin that even the magical soldiers could not break!

"Not only has all the power disappeared, but even his body has become weaker than ordinary people..."

"With my current state, I am afraid that even a monk in the Qi Gathering Realm can kill me!"

Li Gong's heart became more and more shocked, and endless fear appeared in his eyes looking at Zhang Ziling.

I am afraid that it is not just him who lost his cultivation base, all the people who turned gray have lost their cultivation base and become the weakest ordinary people.

Feeling quite bad, Li Gong quickly asked the endless disciples around him to surround him!

Now he is in this state, I am afraid that a small knife can stab him to death!

After Li Gong began to let the surrounding disciples protect him, the big men of other forces also reacted and asked the disciples to surround him for fear of being assassinated.

However, there are still some monks with bad luck. They used to offend too many enemies. They used to be so powerful that no one dared to provoke them, but now everyone has become ordinary people. Soon high-ranking monks were killed by low-ranking monks. Happening.

And the powerhouses of the Lower Realm that had been hiding in various parts of Antarctic City at this moment also joined forces to assassinate the leaders or high-ranking monks of the major forces.

The imperial powers of the lower realm are basically practicing from the lowest to the top. Even if their bodies become fragile and have no strength, they have mastered martial arts techniques and have extremely rich combat experience!

The high-ranking monks of the Antarctic Sky are basically practicing smoothly, and they basically rely on powerful exercises and martial arts to fight against others. They have no experience in close combat.

Even those Daoists and a few besieging a lower realm emperor rank powerhouse are still not the opponents of those emperor rank powerhouses.

Grey blood was splashing, and the space was filled with sorrowful howls.

The leaders of those large forces were all frightened and shrank into the protection circle of their own disciples.

Fortunately, the lower realm emperor rank powerhouses did not rush into the crowd, but hunted and killed the lonely monks in the periphery, which made the big men feel quite comfortable.

As a result, those strong people who were alone were crying for the big forces to take in, and even promised many benefits.

Later, the leaders of the major forces began to sit down and raise prices, and the monks who did not pay enough benefits would be driven out of the encirclement and be mercilessly beheaded by the monks of the lower realm.

The Antarctic City has become chaotic, and the surrounding area of ​​Zhang Ziling has fallen into deathly silence.

Zhang Ziling was still sitting on the ground, the magic flame burning quietly around him.

The ancestor of Nantian Pavilion and the two half-walking ancestors have been crushed to the ground by Zhang Ziling's powerful force.

Except for the ancestors of the Southern Heaven Pavilion who still has the strength of the real martial level, all the others are weaker than the Qi Gathering realm monks!

Moreover, the domain of the ancestor of the Nantian Pavilion has been completely suppressed, and he can no longer redefine the surrounding rules.

Feeling the weakness coming from his body, he can't wait to die now!

Zhang Ziling seemed to be completely ignorant of what was happening outside, his expression calm, his eyes closed slightly.

No one knows that Zhang Ziling is still in the process of developing the field at this moment.

The outside world turned gray, and it was just the embryonic form of Zhang Ziling's domain.

Now Zhang Ziling knew that the field that the bronze shards led him to develop was a rather abnormal skill.

The only solution found out of countless choices... Zhang Ziling just felt the power surging in the depths of his soul, and felt his scalp numb.

I still can't see the full picture of the field, but Zhang Ziling can be sure that it is a pretty scary thing, I am afraid that even I am afraid!

Tianxunyi didn't speak anymore, it just quietly watched Zhang Ziling from the development field.

Once again disturbed by the heart of ultimate, the field that is about to take shape dissipates.

Zhang Ziling didn't feel any surprise, and built the domain at a very fast speed. In less than a second, Zhang Ziling caught up with the previous progress, and then was disturbed again, again.

Zhang Ziling can't remember how many times of this kind of process. Zhang Ziling can no longer be familiar with the field he constructed, and he can reconstruct it with conditioned reflex.

Even the sky seeker can remember all the subtle characteristics of the domain!

As the field becomes more and more complete, the outer gray tone has diffused outside the Antarctic city, affecting the entire Antarctic sky.

Everyone's power seems to have disappeared out of thin air, and even their vigor is eaten away bit by bit, and even breathing feels extremely laborious.

The strength of the Nantian Pavilion ancestors has also been suppressed to the level of ordinary people. The three ancestors have long been decayed because they slept for too long. Now they have been deprived of all their strength, and they are much weaker than the others. They are unable to move. move!

"Help, help..." The ancestor of the Nantian Pavilion felt that he was extremely weak, and his whole mind was completely swallowed by fear!

Nan Meng's face was also pale, and he felt that it would consume a lot of energy to move it.

He looked at Zhang Ziling, and then at his three ancestors, with a fierce flash in his eyes.

He greeted a disciple of Nantian Pavilion to come over, and pulled out the disciple's sword.

"Pavilion Master you!"

The disciple looked at Nan Meng holding the sword hard, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Now in our Nantian Pavilion, only those three ancestors have attacked the Devil Emperor... As long as I kill those three, there will be a chance between us and the Devil Emperor."

Nan Meng carried the sword and slowly moved to the three ancestors:

"But if those three people don't die...When the Devil Emperor wakes up, then all of us will die!"

The pupils of the Nantian Pavilion disciple shrank suddenly, and the urge to stop Nan Meng was immediately extinguished.

The current ending is obvious. The three ancestors are not the opponents of the Devil Emperor at all, and the three ancestors still ignore the advice of everyone and insist on making enemies with the Devil Emperor.

If they died because of the impulse of the three ancestors, no one would be happy.

People are always selfish in the end.

What's more, most of the disciples in the South Heaven Pavilion have not even heard of the existence of those three ancestors. If they want to exchange their lives with those three ancestors, everyone is happy...

"You, you beast...what do you want to do?"

"You are turning the other way!"

The ancestor of Nantian Pavilion saw Nan Meng move towards him for the New Year, his eyes flashed with fear, and he shouted sharply.

Nan Meng did not respond to the question of his ancestors, and walked in front of the three ancestors step by step, with cold killing intent in his eyes.

" do not die, the next one is our South Heaven Pavilion!"

"So, for the sake of Nantian Pavilion, three ancestors, you should go to death!"

Nan Meng's words have become extremely cold, he raised the sword in his hand and cut it down mercilessly!


A head flew out, and grey blood flowed all over the ground.

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