Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1783: I come from the lower world

The three headless corpses fell to the ground, Nan Meng stood on the spot with a bleeding sword, breathing heavily.

Before killing the three ancestors, he was under unbearable pressure and almost collapsed.

If the ancestor can move, then he is dead...

Fortunately, the three ancestors couldn't even move in the domain of the Devil Emperor. Otherwise, as long as the Nantian Pavilion ancestor moved a finger, Nan Meng would be scared to throw away the sword in his hand!

"This guy... really is an extremely self-interested person!" Seeing Nan Meng kill the ancestor of Nan Tian Pavilion, Li Gong couldn't help but become a little wary of Nan Meng.

In the beginning, Nan Meng did not hesitate to abandon his son, and now he ruthlessly killed his three ancestors, which can fully express Nan Meng's ruthless cold blood.

Cang Dang!

Nan Meng threw the sword in his hand to the ground, picked up the heads of the three ancestors, and placed them in front of him. Then he knelt down towards Zhang Ziling.

"South Tiange disciples listen to orders!"

Nan fiercely yelled, and the sound exploded in everyone's ears, causing the disciples to tremble suddenly and stand at attention subconsciously!

After Nan Meng cut off the three ancestors, his reputation among the disciples of the Southern Heaven Pavilion skyrocketed again.

"Kneel down!"


Nan shouted fiercely, all the disciples knelt down towards Zhang Ziling without any hesitation!

The monks in the Antarctic City watched as the disciples of the Nantian Pavilion knelt down to Zhang Ziling in unison, and instead of showing any contempt in their hearts, they quite agreed with the actions of the Nantian Pavilion.

Zhang Ziling's strength is obvious to all. I am afraid that all the people in Antarctic City will not hurt Zhang Ziling a single hair.

In doing so, Nantian Pavilion will have a chance of life.

In this situation, no one from the Antarctic Palace has appeared. Even if the monks are stupid, it is clear that something has definitely happened to the Antarctic Palace, and it is likely that Zhang Ziling did it!

It is quite common in the universe for a strong man to suppress a city.

But a strong man suppressed Antarctic City...This has never happened before!

The Antarctic City is the capital of the Antarctic Sky. There are countless strong people, Taoist priests walk everywhere, and there are many Taoist monarchs.

I am afraid that even if the lord of a domain comes over, he can't have such a strong sense of oppression like Zhang Ziling!

Everyone even had a hunch, as long as Zhang Ziling wanted to, he could easily erase the city!

Suddenly, the gray area began to shrink inward, and the monks outside recovered their color, and their strength and physical strength instantly recovered.

The emperor-level powerhouses of the lower realm found Zhang Ziling in the recovery field, their expressions changed slightly, and they hurried to Zhang Ziling's direction.

After the monks regained their power, the emperor-level strong would instantly become weak in this Antarctic city. If they escaped, they would not be able to escape!

All the monks put on grinning smiles on their faces, chasing after the powerful emperors.

However, everyone did not step into the gray realm, but continued to persecute the powerful emperors on the periphery.

"Hahaha! These gangsters... just killed us and we were happy, now we have to go back!"

"When the devil emperor's domain is withdrawn, don't even try to escape from any of these powerful emperors!"

"I'm afraid we don't need to do it! These netherworld shards only dare to show prestige in the domain. In order to survive, they can only keep getting close to the Devil Emperor! When the Devil Emperor wakes up, looking at so many wastes around, those people are dead!

The strong people laughed and were in high spirits.

After all, many of them were killed by a group of monks like chickens just now, and they were extremely angry.

As the gray area gets smaller and smaller, the powers of the lower realm emperors can't help but shrink together, their expressions getting more and more solemn.

"This is bad. If all the gray areas are shrunk and the Devil Emperor does not believe it, I am afraid we will be wiped out in the first place...dead!" An emperor smiled bitterly, and his eyes couldn't help but flash. A little helpless.

"Forget it, the wave of massacres just now can be regarded as a return. A life can be replaced by a few lives or even dozens of lives. Even death is worth it."

"This time the Devil Emperor has given us such a good opportunity, it is considered sufficient."

Thinking of this, the monks of the lower realm emperor rank also became open-minded, and smiles appeared on their faces.

Since being caught, they have never been so happy as they are now!

The gray area is getting smaller and smaller, the grinning smiles on the faces of the Taoist priests on the periphery are getting stronger and stronger, and the spiritual power in the body begins to surge.

As long as the gray realm disappears, they can erase those lower realm monks in an instant, so that all lower realm monks disappear without disturbing the devil emperor.

Soon, some emperor-ranked monks finally turned into colors, and the surrounding Taoist priests rushed forward like hungry wolves. Those emperor-ranked monks turned into fragments without any resistance, and were blown away by the wind.

The gray areas are getting smaller and smaller, and more and more emperors disappear into fragments.

With the complete shrinkage of the domain, all the emperor-rank monks disappeared, leaving only the hands-on Dao Venerable laughing wildly.

The world turned to color again, and Zhang Ziling slowly opened his eyes.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

All the Taoist priests closed their mouths and stared straight at Zhang Ziling, their heads covered with cold sweat, completely devoid of the previous madness.

Zhang Ziling has now become a nightmare for all monks.

He opened his eyes, glanced at the surrounding Dao Zun, felt the breath remaining in the surrounding air, and frowned slightly.

"What did"

Zhang Ziling asked, causing the bodies of the Taoist priests to tremble, and even their souls began to tremble violently.

No one dared to speak and answer, and they all held their breath, afraid to move.

The surroundings were extremely quiet, Zhang Ziling set his gaze on Nan Meng, and said, "Say it."

Nan Meng shook slightly, and didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly replied: "After your domain has shrunk, the monks in the city just now besieged and killed the monks in the lower realm."

"Father of the Lower Realm?"

Hearing Nan Meng's words, Zhang Ziling's eyes drooped, and an ice-cold aura filled his body.

"Just now, who did it?"

The icy words echoed in the ears of the monks, making the monks feel like an ice cellar.

Each monk didn't know what happened, but in their opinion, killing the slaves in the lower realm was not a big deal at all. It didn't matter if you wanted to come to the Devil Emperor, just ask casually.

Those Dao Venerables who did their work took the initiative to stand up, and there were more than fifty!

A Daoist summoned up the courage and said to Zhang Ziling: "Master Devil, those slaves in the lower realm wanted to approach the adults. I couldn't bear to wait for the adults to be defiled, so I took the initiative to end the lives of those slaves!"

Seeing that someone started to flatter the Devil Emperor, they all reacted and started rushing to flatter themselves.

In their view, letting the slaves of the lower realm approach is extremely detrimental to their status and face, so it is also a merit to help actively get rid of those despicable slaves.

The other monks looked at the dozens of Taoist priests with envious expressions, regretting that they should also stand out and get a familiar face.

Unfortunately, it is too late now.

"So, you killed all the'nether slaves'?" Zhang Ziling laughed and confirmed.

However, his eyes were extremely cold!


Said the Dao Zun proudly!

"good very good!"

"You know..."

Zhang Ziling stood up, the surrounding space gradually distorted.

"I am also from the lower realm?"

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