Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1785: One-third Antarctic Sky

Daojun Tianyuan...

Has been slaughtered?

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, everyone was almost scared to death!

Although everyone could guess that Daojun Tianyuan must have something wrong, but no one thought about the death of Daojun Tianyuan.

Tianyuan Daojun, as the master of a domain, sits in the Antarctic Heaven for countless eras. In the eyes of the monks in the Antarctic City, that is an invincible existence!

The number of powerful Daoist masters who died in the hands of Daojun Tianyuan didn't know how many, and now their first reaction to the news that Daojun Tianyuan was killed is not to believe it.

However, they had to believe it again.

Now Zhang Ziling has shown a power even stronger than Tianyuan Daojun. Whether it is the Stardust Sect or the ancestor of the Southern Heaven Pavilion, Zhang Ziling has no resistance at all to be easily resolved.

I'm afraid this is replaced by Tianyuan Daojun, and he can't do things so smoothly and smoothly like Zhang Ziling.

"Daojun Tianyuan... I'm afraid it really fell..." Li Gong was in a cold sweat, and the death of Taoist Tianyuan made him somewhat unacceptable.

As one of the leaders of the three major sects, he had been in contact with Daojun Tianyuan many times, and he knew exactly how terrifying the Daojun Tianyuan was.

To him, Tianyuan Daojun is an irresistible existence!

He really couldn't imagine how Tianyuan Daojun was killed by Zhang Ziling?

"No, it's impossible... Daojun Tianyuan is really dead? Isn't this lying to us?"

"But, if the Devil Emperor is telling lies, why haven't the people in the Antarctic Palace reacted at all? Why hasn't Tianyuan Daojun not appeared?"

"Tianyuan Daojun can easily circulate time and space like the Devil Emperor, and resurrect all the souls scattered? The strength of the Devil Emperor is no longer what I can imagine!"

A group of monks began to debate fiercely, but most of them chose to believe in Zhang Ziling. Only a few monks who had been deeply impressed by Taoist Tianyuan could not believe what Zhang Ziling said.

However, those few people had no influence on the overall situation. After everyone knew that the Tianyuan Daoist had died, the fear that had been lingering in their hearts disappeared.

In fact, after Zhang Ziling showed the strength of a Taoist monarch, many people wanted to take refuge in Zhang Ziling and eat a bite of food.

However, because of fear of revenge from the Antarctic Palace, everyone did not dare to surrender to Zhang Ziling.

But now, Tianyuan Daojun is dead, and the fear in their hearts has disappeared. It is much easier to think of Zhang Ziling's surrender.

At this time, everyone remembered that Zhang Ziling said that new forces should rule the Antarctic sky instead of letting the lower realm monks rule them.

This also means that any of their forces may become the new ruler of Antarctica!

At the thought of this, the big influencers became extremely excited.

As long as they get the support of the Devil Emperor and become a force like the Antarctic Palace, it is only a matter of time.

"Master Demon Emperor, my Nantian Pavilion is willing to assist you in managing the Antarctic Sky!"

Nan Meng reacted first and said loudly to Zhang Ziling.

"You?" Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows and glanced at Nan Meng, with a playful look in his eyes.

When Nan Meng saw that Zhang Ziling did not agree to him at the first time, he couldn't help but panicked and said: "I have dealt with the three prisoners who offended you, Lord Devil Emperor. Our Nantian Pavilion will become Lord Devil Emperor and you Faithful Hound!"

"This guy is really shameless, he can even say such things!"

Seeing that Nan Meng had completely lost all his morals, Li Gong could not help but curse, but the next moment Li Gong quickly flew to Zhang Ziling and said loudly, "Master Devil, we have a complete set of management in the door. As long as the Lord Devil Emperor needs you, we can provide a full range of services to Lord Devil Emperor to ensure that the management of the Antarctic Heaven is properly maintained!"

"Master Devil, there is no powerhouse at the Daoist level in our Nantian Pavilion. You will not pose any threat to Master Demon. Moreover, as a force established with the Antarctic Palace, our Nantian Pavilion has a more complete management system!" Nan He said hurriedly, for fear that this opportunity would be snatched by Li Gong.

Now the situation in the Antarctic Sky has changed, all forces have to reshuffle their cards, and their Nantian Pavilion's hole cards are gone, if they don't hold Zhang Ziling's thighs, they will be suppressed into a second-rate force soon.

As time goes by, sooner or later their South Heaven Pavilion will completely decline!

As an endless leader, Li Gong of course also knew what it meant to be in favor of Zhang Ziling and gaining the authority to manage the Antarctic Sky. He couldn't easily give this to the Nantian Pavilion and start fighting for it.

For a while, the two began to confront each other, faintly rubbing a little anger.

The leaders of other forces shrank their necks when they saw the endless gate and the bars of the Nantian Pavilion, and then stepped back.

Although Wuximen and Nantian Pavilion were vulnerable in front of Zhang Ziling, they were still huge to the other monks in Antarctic City.

Now that the two families are fighting in front of the Devil Emperor, the others are also self-aware and are not ready to go up.

After the end of the matter authorized by the Devil Emperor, they will go to please the two major sects. This is the kingly way.

Seeing the blushing face of the endless gate and the Nantian Pavilion, Zhang Ziling was also quite happy.

When the power is placed in one family, that family will inevitably inflate, and then the Antarctic sky will be out of balance.

Let the Nantian Pavilion and the endless gate check and balance each other, and the monks of the lower realm form a force, and the three families manage the Antarctic Sky together, and most of the Antarctic Sky can be solved quite well.

There is a lower realm monk standing in the management, then at least in the Antarctic sky, there will be no more people going to the lower realm to catch a powerful emperor.

Under strict prohibitions and heavy penalties, the benefits and risks are extremely unequal, so no one will do those thankless things.

Even if there are people with extremely distorted psychology who are going to the lower realms to arrest people, after Zhang Ziling has opened up the Antarctic Sky and all the worlds under his subordinates, there will be no realm shackles, then everyone's future destiny and status can only rely on their own good fortune.

After all, the world itself is cruel, and it is impossible for Zhang Ziling to create a utopia.

After thoroughly igniting Nan Meng and Li Gong's anger, Zhang Ziling divided the power to manage the Antarctic Sky into three parts, letting Nantian Pavilion, Changmeng, and Lower Realm Monarchs each hold one side.

The monks of the lower realms were all very grateful to Zhang Ziling, and there was no meaning to Zhang Ziling's arrangement, and they readily agreed to Zhang Ziling.

After that, the three parties walked into the Antarctic Palace together to distribute power.

The three parties are all at the level of the old fox, and no one can pit anyone, so the distribution of power is probably a tug of war.

How to evenly distribute all efforts is quite troublesome, and Zhang Ziling didn't bother to take care of it, so he simply left it all to them.

Because there was no Tianyuan Daojun, the people in the Antarctic Palace did not dare to stop Zhang Ziling and the others, so they could only honestly give up the Antarctic Palace, and even many people directly joined the tripartite forces and continued to work in the Antarctic Palace.

The tripartite forces moved into the Antarctic Palace, and the news that the Antarctic sky was completely destroyed at the Origin Star station also spread throughout the Antarctic City.

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