Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1786: Far South

Three months after Zhang Ziling took over the Antarctic Sky and the news that the Antarctic Sky was destroyed at the origin star's station spread throughout Antarctica.

Antarctic City first experienced a month of chaos, coupled with the disagreement of the three forces, and arguing for a month, finally reached a tacit understanding, it took a month to restore Antarctic City to normal operations.

Although there is still a lot of difficulty in retaking the entire Antarctic sky, it is only a matter of time.

There is almost no Daojun-level existence in other planets in the Antarctic sky, and the strongest is no Dao-zun.

However, there are few powerful worlds whose overall strength is second only to Antarctic City. Li Gong and Nan Meng both personally visited them. It was really impossible to ask Zhang Ziling to come forward. In the end, all those worlds surrendered.

During these three months, Emperor Yulong regained his sanity. He broke through to the Supreme in just three months, and his cultivation speed is getting faster and faster. It is estimated that it will not take long to break through to the Dao Zun realm.

With his accumulation and accumulation, even though the Emperor Yulong stayed in Antarctic City for thousands of years, he spent every day in the battle of life and death, and thus laid a solid foundation.

Now Emperor Yulong no longer has the shackles to restrict his cultivation, and his cultivation naturally goes a long way.

Red Ghost and Qing Yuan, like Jin Ning, recognized Zhang Ziling as their masters, and were imprinted in the depths of their souls, so they could no longer betray.

However, after they got Zhang Ziling's power, their strengths soared, and they reached the peak of Dao Zun one after another.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling was standing on the platform above the Antarctic Palace, calmly looking at the city below, his eyes deep to the extreme.

"This Antarctic City is basically back on track. With the help of Yulong and Guilian, there will be no major disturbances."

Zhang Ziling said to himself that when he decentralized power, he naturally planted restrictions on everyone in the management to prevent anyone from coming in disorder.

Zhang Ziling does not mind that they use their power to seek benefits for their own sect. After all, it can increase their enthusiasm for work, but... Once someone dares to harm the interests of Antarctica, or try to go to the lower realm to catch slaves again, Zhang Ziling will also let They taste the deepest pain in the world.

"Zi You is currently in Origin Star, and things are almost handled here. It's time to see Zi You in the past."

Nowadays, the prestige of the Shadow Palace in the Origin Star has skyrocketed, and the Shadow Palace’s claim that Zi You's name is also famous in the Three Thousand Universes, the princes of all parties dare not easily provoke them.

With Zhang Ziyou's current fame, it is not very difficult for Zhang Ziling to find Ziyou.

"Ziling, I suddenly have an ominous premonition."

Suddenly, Izanami appeared next to Zhang Ziling, with a ray of worry flashing in his eyes.

"what happened?"

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and asked in a low voice when he heard what Izanami said.

"I don't know, but I always feel that something is approaching me, and getting closer and closer, making me feel a little scared..." Izanami also didn't know what was going on with the throbbing in her heart. .

"If nothing happens, you can't be palpitating. Get closer to me."

Zhang Ziling pulled Izanami to her side, and at the same time protected her with spiritual power.

What can make Izanami in the small world feel palpitations is absolutely extraordinary!

At this time, Jin Ning was walking towards Zhang Ziling with a bunch of documents. It was the work report of the tripartite forces today.

"the host……"

"Don't talk about it yet."

Zhang Ziling stopped Jin Ning, and Jin Ning was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't ask more, just stood quietly.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became a bit solemn.

Not long after Izanami came out, Zhang Ziling also had a little throbbing in his heart, but he didn't know what was the reason for the throbbing.


Feeling something wrong with the momentum, Jin Ning swallowed slightly, and subconsciously approached Zhang Ziling.

It seems that some enemy is coming.

Suddenly, the entire Antarctic City became extremely depressed, and all the monks in the Antarctic City felt an inexplicable throbbing in their hearts, as if danger was coming.

"Boss, the ultimate heart is shaking!"

The heaven seeker yelled, causing Zhang Ziling to shake suddenly.

"this is?"

Zhang Ziling focused his attention on the bronze shards in his body, and found that the bronze shards began to vibrate violently, and the sharp spot seemed to be pointing in a certain direction.

"This ultimate heart will react only after encountering the same fragments, now..."

Zhang Ziling suddenly remembered that Izanami had been attacked by another level when he was in Tianyang Realm!

Now Izanami's heart is throbbing, it is estimated that another fragment has come to the door!

"Unexpectedly, I didn't even have time to find you, so you came here by yourself!" Excitement appeared in Zhang Ziling's eyes. He dragged Yixannami and Jinning together, and quickly fleeed in the direction of the ultimate heart in the body.

Keeping the two of them in place, Zhang Ziling was not at ease, so he simply took him with him.

With Zhang Ziling's current strength, the bronze shards can no longer hurt him, and Zhang Ziling's desire to take the shards will not be as dangerous as the first time.

In the realm of Taoist Lord, killing a Taoist monarch is like killing a chicken, not to mention Zhang Ziling has its own domain.

Thinking of the complete state of his domain, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but feel a little afraid.

That is really too exaggerated!

Soon Zhang Ziling flew out of Antarctic City with Izanami and Jinning, and continued to fly south.

"Master, are you going to the extreme south?" Jin Ning recognized Zhang Ziling's direction and couldn't help but exclaim.

"The Territory of the South, what is that place?" Zhang Ziling gave a slight pause before looking at Jin Ning and asked.

"The Southern Territory is in the south of Antarctic City. There is chaos and no creatures. As long as you stray into that area, you can't get out anyway!" Jin Ning explained quickly, "At the beginning, Tianyuan Daojun strictly prohibited anyone from entering. The Territory of the South, there is also a forbidden place for the Antarctic Sky!"

"In other words, is this extremely southern region and the'Forgotten Land of the Gods' a forbidden land?" Zhang Ziling's eyes suddenly lit up.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Jin Ning was taken aback, opened his mouth, and then nodded: "Yes, yes..."

Jin Ning then remembered that Zhang Ziling had already walked out of a forbidden area similar to the southern region. I was afraid that Zhang Ziling could not be trapped in the southern region.

Realizing that he was talking too much, Jin Ning stopped talking, just quietly following Zhang Ziling.

"Izanami, how are you feeling now?" Zhang Ziling asked Izanami.

"The uneasy feeling in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. We seem to be getting closer and closer to that thing. Are you sure you want to go?"

Izanami trembled, and fear couldn't stop appearing in her eyes.

This time, even if she stayed beside Zhang Ziling, she still didn't feel any sense of security!

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