Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1787: Another shard holder

Seeing the appearance of Izanami, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but stop.

It stands to reason that he is next to Izanami, and Izanami shouldn't be as anxious as he is now.

As a god, Izanami is very keen on her own safety. Now she is still throbbing, which also means that even if Zhang Ziling is by her side, she still cannot get her life out of danger.

"Boss, this is not right... Is there any danger ahead?" Sky Seeker said solemnly.

Zhang Ziling shook his head slightly, just standing in the void, his soul spreading around, and he began to carefully search for what was around him.

After calming down, Zhang Ziling also found that he also had an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

Just now I didn't feel it, it was just covered by the excitement.

"Jinning, do you feel it?"

Without finding anything unusual around, Zhang Ziling couldn't help asking Jinning.

"Me?" Jin Ning was in a daze, then shook his head quickly: "I don't feel anything."

Hearing Jin Ning's words, Zhang Ziling's eyes suddenly changed, and a powerful aura surged from his body.

"It seems... we were targeted when we were in Antarctic City!" Zhang Ziling said in a condensed voice, "The opponent's strength is also a bit weird, and may not be weaker than me. Be careful."

"Not weaker than the master?"

Jin Ning was immediately stunned, and a deep shock suddenly appeared on her face.

She knew that Zhang Ziling had the power of a Taoist master, and now the opponent was not weaker than Zhang Ziling. Doesn't it mean that the opponent is also a Taoist master?

Zhang Ziling didn't explain too much to Jin Ning. After realizing that his opponent was probably also a Taoist, he began to fully guard.

Now they are in the light, the enemy is in the dark, and they will suffer if they are not careful.

In Zhang Ziling's body, the ultimate heart was still pointing forward, but it was pointing in a different direction from the previous Antarctic City.

"Boss, you said... Could the fragments in the Southern Territory have been taken by others?"

At this time, the sky seeker threw a hypothesis to make Zhang Ziling vigilant.

The person who got the ultimate heart, his strength also soared like the boss, and reached the realm of Taoist master.

And he sensed that the boss also had fragments of the ultimate heart, so he focused on the boss and prepared to act on the boss.


Zhang Ziling nodded solemnly, and began to actively guide the power of the Ultimate Heart in his body.

"Since the other party also has the ultimate heart, I am afraid that it also has an incredible field. Maybe we are already in that guy's field."

The heart of Xuan Ji appeared in Zhang Ziling's hands, and the powerful pressure suddenly distorted the surrounding space slightly.

"You two get closer to me. Your opponent is the Taoist Master. You stand too far away. I'm not sure to keep you safe!"

Zhang Ziling solemnly said, and did not bring them to the small world.

Izanami felt heart palpitations in his small world, which showed that the opponent could use some unknown means to bypass him and directly attack the people in the small world.

In this case, Izanami would be much safer next to him.

Although Zhang Ziling doesn't know where his opponent is now, Zhang Ziling is confident that as long as the guy launches an attack, he will definitely be able to find it the first time!

Moreover, Izanami and Jin Ning were nearby, and even if there was an accident, Zhang Ziling was able to reverse time and space and bring them back to life.

The coercion of the Xuanji Divine Sword permeated the space, and the powerful spiritual power surged around, blocking the space.

To be honest, Zhang Ziling has not yet played against someone at the Taoist level, but Zhang Ziling does not think he will lose to the opponent.

If the opponent's strength is really stronger than his own, and he covets the ultimate heart in his body, then instead of using such sneaky means, it is better to come up and grab it quickly.

"How do you feel now?"

"It's better, but the throbbing still exists." Izanami said, but the worry in her eyes was still strong.

"Master, did the other party silently tamper with you before?"

"Although you are very strong, master, if the other party is also a Taoist master, you may not be able to do things without telling the master."

Jin Ning looked at the current situation, also a little worried, could not help but remind.

In her opinion, Zhang Ziling, as a Taoist master, may not have encountered an existence comparable to her for a long time, and she would subconsciously think that no one can get close to certain issues without her knowledge.


Hearing Jin Ning's words, Zhang Ziling also nodded, and began to check the physical condition of himself and Yizanami with his soul.

However, after careful investigation, Zhang Ziling found nothing unusual.

"Boss, would you say that the other party used the power of the ultimate mind?" Xuntianyi hypothesized, "Although you have never used the ultimate mind until now, you can't deny that the ultimate mind is unimaginable. Power and ability."

"After all, boss, your perverted field was developed with the ultimate mind."

The same is true. In the three thousand universes, there are no more than ten better than Zhang Ziling, and Zhang Ziling’s time to step into the Taoist Lord is still quite short, and he has not even fully understood the power of his own, the power and ability of the ultimate heart. , Zhang Ziling did not develop it either.

After all, this ultimate heart is the ultimate thing no matter what, Zhang Ziling still has a little resistance in his heart.

Relying on the power of the ultimate, can you defeat the ultimate?

Therefore, Zhang Ziling did not want to rely too much on the power of the ultimate heart.

But now, it is about the life of Izanami, and it is difficult for Zhang Ziling to continue to reject the ultimate heart and start to mobilize the power in it.

When Zhang Ziling mobilized the ultimate heart, he suddenly discovered that he and Yixanamei were filled with these black auras.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Ziling quickly drew out the source of black energy from Yizanami, and saw a little worm of Taoist level struggling in his hands.

"The throbbing disappeared!"

After Zhang Ziling pulled out the little worm at the Taoist level, Izanami felt relieved and said quickly.

"This breath..." Zhang Ziling also grabbed the source of the black energy hidden in her body, and frowned slightly while looking at the two Taoist insects in her hands.

"Why are these two insects exactly the same as the monsters we encountered when we took the bronze shards?" Xun Tianyi first exclaimed.

"It seems to be certain... the opponent, like me, is the one who got a piece of debris."

Zhang Ziling crushed the two insects and his eyes became cold.

"Dare to find me... I seem to be living impatiently..."


The dark magic energy, mixed with the power of bronze shards, swept around!

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