This time, with the power of the bronze shards, Zhang Ziling's devilish energy instantly found countless Taoist-level bugs, blocking the road in front of them, densely packed!

"What the **** is this?"

Jinning looked at the dense worms in front of him, and there was fear in his eyes.

Each of those bugs has the power of a Taoist monarch and can easily tear her into pieces!

The overwhelming Taoist?

Jinning couldn't believe what she saw.

However, Zhang Ziling and Izanami had already seen this kind of scene, and they were not surprised.

Although there are a lot of these bugs, they only have the power of a Daoist in their attack power, and their defense power is even weaker than that of a saint. As long as these bugs are not endless, they will not pose much threat to Zhang Ziling.

"Unexpectedly, these insects actually possess the ability to completely hide their breath and body...This is a bit troublesome."

Zhang Ziling looked at the group of insects and muttered, the mysterious sword in his hand surged with terrifying sword intent.

With a flick of his hand, Zhang Ziling would swing a large swath of sword intent and kill a large swath of Taoist bugs.

However, the vacant insect swarm was quickly filled by the insects behind, and there was no end in sight.

Zhang Ziling also tried to remove the power of the Ultimate Heart, but at the moment of removal, Zhang Ziling found that the insects had disappeared suddenly, and could no longer feel the breath anyway.

In desperation, Zhang Ziling had to re-use the power of the ultimate heart, and the bugs came into view again.

"The Devil Emperor, don't try to reject the power of the Ultimate Heart anymore. My Thousand Chance Insects are derived from the power in the Shards of Shadow, and they are aimed at you, those who own the Shard!

"Without the position of the ultimate mind, these bugs are invisible!"

Suddenly, an ethereal voice rang around Zhang Ziling, with a slight joking in his tone.

Seeing the Lord appearing, Zhang Ziling's expression did not change at all, and asked indifferently: "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that we are all owners of the ultimate heart...and also have great power."

"However, there are still some differences between us... You have always rejected the ultimate heart, refused to improve yourself, and after I got the ultimate heart fragment, I opened my heart to accept it, absorb it, and It has its power!"

"It is precisely because of this that my strength has skyrocketed, and I stepped into the realm of the Taoist master in one fell swoop, while still working hard!"

"Tao, Dao master?" Jin Ning swallowed slightly, his body trembling slightly.

In fact, she already had the mental preparation that the enemy was a Taoist master, but after hearing the enemy's own words, she still felt extremely shocked, and her heart trembled.

Dao Master, that is a legendary character, a supreme existence that countless people have never seen!

But who would have thought that in the small Antarctic sky, there would actually be two Taoists facing each other!

"The Devil... We could have worked together to conspire for these three thousand universes, so I deliberately observed you in the dark for a while... Unfortunately, you disappointed me too much."

"I can't stand your stupid way if I don't take advantage of it and leave the heart of the ultimate in dust."

"So, I decided to kill you, take the fragments from your hand, and let me inherit the power of the ultimate heart!"

Hearing the words of the Daoist in the dark, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but laughed and said: "After all, you can't beat me, right?"

The Taoist in the dark suddenly stagnated, and fell silent for a while.

But Zhang Ziling did not let go of taunting the Taoist master at all, and continued: "To put it bluntly, you just want the ultimate heart in my body. Unfortunately, you are not my opponent. You can only hide in the dark and use some Conspiracy and tricks to disturb my mind, take the opportunity to sneak attack."

"It's really a waste... The power that has absorbed the ultimate heart can't beat me, and that fragment is wasted on you."

Zhang Ziling's mouth sneered: "Why don't you give it to me?"

"shut up!"

It seemed that Zhang Ziling had hit the painful spot, and the Taoist hiding in the dark roared, and the dense Taoist insects swept away towards Zhang Ziling.


Feeling the anger of the Taoist master, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but smile on his face, condensing a large wall of magic flames in front of him, and the insects were burned to ashes the moment they touched the magic flames.

This is the first time that Zhang Ziling has encountered a Taoist master. If he encounters an old fox who has been in the realm of Taoism for a while, Zhang Ziling would be troublesome to deal with it.

Now encountering an enemy of the same tier who has just stepped into the realm of Dao, this is quite precious combat experience for Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling's magic flame wall blocked most of the worms in the Taoist realm, but a small number of worms successfully bypassed the wall of fire and rushed towards Zhang Ziling.

Although only a small part of the bugs rushed over, the number was quite large and should not be underestimated.

Jin Ning and Izanami stayed behind Zhang Ziling, and saw the Taoist bugs overwhelming, their faces were pale, and they couldn't move at all.

Jin Ning is a Daoist, and Izanami is only in the Supreme Realm now. In front of the huge number of Daoist monarchs, the two of them can't even mobilize the spiritual power in their bodies!

The coercion is too strong.

"You two don't get out of my defense range. I can't take care of you if it's too far!" Zhang Ziling held the Xuanji Divine Sword and protected the two with sword energy and magic flames, so that the insects could not get close.

And Zhang Ziling also took care of protecting the two of them, and he was swallowed by a large number of bugs, completely gone.

"Ziling (Master)!"

Izanami and Jinning exclaimed at the same time, but they did not dare to rush out of Zhang Ziling's protection circle, and could only watch Zhang Ziling being swallowed.

Soon, the two of them were covered with bugs, and those bugs that tried to get close to the two girls would be cut off by the sword qi, or burned by the devil flame.

The smell of meat permeated all around.

The two women were unharmed under Zhang Ziling's guardianship, but Zhang Ziling was completely covered by the overwhelming Taoist bugs, and he could no longer feel a breath.

"The shouldn't have only this strength, right?"

The Taoist who was hiding in the dark seemed to have walked out of the angry mood, and the tone of his speech once again brought ridicule.

"These bugs are just the legion that comes with the fragments. I haven't had time to use real power. If you just cross it like this, it would disappoint me too..."

The voice fell, and at the end of the insect swarm, a man with short white hair slowly appeared.

He was wearing white short-sleeved shorts, bare feet, and his skin was as white as jade, and his eyes were shining like stars, but he was full of pride.

In the palm of his left hand, a piece of bronze fragment filled with powerful aura, surging with suffocating coercion.

Shard holder, Taoist!

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