Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1798: Critical moment

After realizing that the earth is a special planet, the supreme is unwilling to continue to let Rocco run wild on this earth.

Killing some ordinary people is nothing, but doing so will definitely cause fierce resistance from the local monks. When that time, Rocco will kill most of the monks, and this earth will definitely lose the value of research.

In that case, there is no point in reporting by yourself.

The Heavenly Spirit Empire governs many small world universes, planets like the Earth, if there is no special place, they would not care at all.

"Captain, do you really think those people in the Empire will reward you?" Rocco said impatiently, "You don't know what the virtues of those people above are. Even if you report, your credit will be taken away by the generals. !"

"The generals are all Dao Venerables, do you think they will be willing to let people like us get the cultivation resources of Dao Venerable?" Rocco roared.

He is only an emperor, if the captain is asked to report this earth to the Heavenly Spirit Empire, there is a high probability that he will not get anything.

Therefore, he can only confuse the captain and brainwash him!

"The two of them seem to be at odds."

Lucifer and Gilgamesh found that the emperor outside the prohibition and the supreme were quarreling, and a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

"Just right! We take advantage of this to kill, even if we can't kill the two of them, at least we can get them injured. When the time comes, Head Xu will come over, and our six emperor ranks, plus the magic array of the gods, will provide us with Strength, we may not have the strength to fight!"

Lucifer acted decisively and immediately manipulated the constructed killing formation to quietly accumulate strength.

Gilgamesh also knew that this was a rare opportunity, and did not hesitate to begin to provide strength to Lucifer.

"Captain, think about it, how arrogant those generals are. Do you really think that you have the opportunity to rely on the resources of the empire?"

Rocco was still persuading him tirelessly, and he didn't realize that Lucifer and the others had already targeted them.

Even if Lucifer and Gilgamesh both have the strength of the emperor, Rocco will subconsciously despise them in his heart, thinking that the earth poses no threat to them.

The supreme was obviously hesitated by Rocco's words again, and for a while became extremely tangled.

Seeing that his persuasion was effective, Rocco couldn't help but smile again.

He is known to be able to say in the team, with the supreme head, there is no way to argue.

"Just this opportunity!"

Lucifer saw the two men in a daze, and the cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, and manipulated the killing formation to attack the two.


The turbulent beam of light immediately arrived in front of Supreme and Rocco, and the two of them had no time to react and were directly swallowed by the power of the killing array.

"It's now, everyone go up together, throw all the attacks on!"

Lucifer roared, and surging spiritual power poured over the two who were hit by the killing array.

When the gods heard Lucifer's words, they also threw their skills at the Supreme and Rocco.

The splendid spiritual power exploded in the universe, and everyone on earth could see the splashing spiritual power in the sky.

"Lucifer, here we are!"

Four **** soldiers, including Yutian Longyin, flew out of Shushan and came to support.

Behind them, Xu Qianrou and others also rushed over.

"It's just right, while attacking now, the opponent has a supreme, don't let him breathe!" Now everyone has grown up, attacking together, plus the increase in the killing array, even the supreme can't easily resist it!

"it is good!"

The four divine soldiers are not nonsense, each showing their supernatural powers, and their great power suppresses the supreme and Rocco.

Now their strength is at the peak of the emperor rank, even if it is not much worse than the supreme, the four gods jointly suppressed, and the power is great.

Xu Qianrou did not attack, but instead raised the Shushan sword formation on the spot, borrowing the power of the great avenue provided by the earth's heavenly way to increase the crowd!

Ella Louise and others are also very aware of their current position, and have raised various buffing arrays to make Lucifer and others' attacks more fierce.

The bombardment of the people lasted for more than half an hour, and it was only after the spiritual power was about to bottom out.

"Now... even if the opponent is supreme, he should peel off his skin if he doesn't die." Lucifer panted heavily, quickly took out the pill to restore spiritual power, and swallowed it.

The power of the Devil Emperor penetrated into his mind, and the scene of the Devil Emperor slaughtering the gods by himself is still vivid.

Now that the cultivation base of an enemy is almost the same as the Devil Emperor, he naturally dare not care.

Gilgamesh did not hesitate, and hurriedly distributed the medicine to the gods.

Their pills were all transported from the Xuanxiao Continent, and they could easily restore the spiritual power they had consumed. Although the place where they were connected to the Xuanxiao Continent was broken, they did not stock up on the Xuanxiao Continent before sending them. The medicine that comes.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and everyone was able to see clearly that there were two figures inside.

"Damn bugs... you angered me!"

A stern roar blasted in the ears of the gods, a powerful coercion rushed toward his face, and Lucifer's expression changed drastically.

"Not good! All defense!"


"It's almost here! I hope nothing will happen." Not far from the solar system, a black light was advancing rapidly.

Izanami has been folding space from the southern part of the universe, spanning a distance of billions of light years, all the way to the western part of the universe.

During the period, she also encountered a lot of troubles, but fortunately, with the power of the mysterious sword, few monks and monsters roaming in the space dared to pester Izanami.

After arriving near the solar system, Izanami was unable to accurately coordinate the coordinates of the solar system, so it has been advancing rapidly at a speed exceeding the speed of light, getting closer and closer to the solar system.

At the current speed of Izanami, it won't take long to reach the solar system.

"Xuntian, can your soul detect the earth now?" Izanami asked softly, with a little anxiety in the universe.

"This distance... I will try!" Tian Xun Yi also hesitated, spreading his soul and covering the surroundings.

Soon, the celestial finder was able to perceive the situation on the other side of the earth, and it could feel a lot of chaotic spiritual power fluctuations!

Tian Xun Yi suddenly changed his expression: "No! A supreme-level monk has come to Earth, and now they are resisting with difficulty, I am afraid they will not last long!"

"It's so fast...The mere supreme dare to come to the door?" Hearing Xuntianyi's words, a cold killing intent flashed through Yixian's beautiful eyes, speeding up her speed again, tearing the space apart, Flee in the direction of the earth!

The Nine Heavens Demon Orb also accepted the power of the Xuanji Divine Sword. At this moment, it has increased the power of Izanami sixteen times, and now the power of Izanami can rival Dao Zun!

A black glow tore through the space and rushed into the solar system!

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