Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1799: Izanami Arrives

The restriction on the periphery of the earth has already been blown away by the supreme.

A large number of angels and gods were beheaded by the supreme, falling into reincarnation, and the blood of the gods filled the space.

Half of Lucifer's wings were chopped off, one arm was also chopped off, and his body was covered with blood.

Gilgamesh's situation was not very good either, Xia itself had been cut off, and golden blood was permeating all around.

Just now they concentrated their firepower attacks, and they did cause considerable damage. The supreme was blasted halfway by them abruptly, and the emperor-rank cultivator was also seriously injured and dying, almost dying in one breath.

It's a pity that the two of them have magical medicine, and each one has recovered to 80% of the state.

The supreme strength of 80% is also an irresistible force for everyone on the earth. Now the supreme monk is already violent and constantly attacks the earth.

If it weren't for the orders of the angels in the gods to resist, I'm afraid that Supreme and Rocco would have already entered the earth.

Fortunately, the Supreme was completely angry. He just killed the angels without erasing their souls. The angels could continuously reincarnate from the underworld and use their lives to stop the Supreme’s advancement.

But every time they reincarnated, their strength would drop a little, and they would rebirth several times, and they could not even fly into space.

"If this goes on, it won't be long before they will get into the earth. Let's retreat first and save our strength!"

Lucifer watched and the Supreme and the Great continually slaughtered their gods angels, and endless sorrow could not help but flow in his eyes.

If all their troops are lost here, then there really won't be anyone who can continue fighting.

"Even if we retreat now, where can we hide? Should we abandon the earth and escape into the stars?" Gilgamesh asked condensedly.


Lucifer stopped and fell silent.

Indeed, even if they retreat now, there is nowhere to escape.

Abandon the earth and escape into the stars?

What's the difference between waiting for death here?

The enemy's power is too strong, so that they can't see any hope at all. This is the most important thing.

"We can only fight to the death now. If the Devil Emperor hasn't returned, we will only perish." Gilgamesh smiled bitterly and had to accept this fact.

"A group of miscellaneous things actually let me take a Yun Ling Pill, but that is the life-saving pill that I have used my savings for several years. I didn't expect it to be wasted on the hands of your group of rubbish, and it will all die to me!

The supreme was completely violent, and he didn't even care about the particularity of this earth, he just wanted to kill all the monks in his sight!

"The captain is crazy..."

Rocco looked at the captain's appearance, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but the color of excitement on his face became more and more intense!

In the current state of the team leader, he must kill all the monks of the earth. I am afraid that the earth will also lose the value of research by then. Then he can continue to implement the idea of ​​taking the earth as his own.

"It's over... can't stop it."

Xu Qianrou’s face was pale. The Protoss had reincarnated several times, and now there are less than one thousand in space. The conditions of the **** soldiers of the Imperial Dragon Seal are also quite bad. Gilgamesh and Lucifer have completely lost their combat power. She has no hope of seeing the earth at all.

Even on the mortal ground, the major forces have used their best efforts to guide the people to take refuge, but under the anger of the supreme monk, where is it safe?

"Why isn't the Devil Emperor coming back..."

Earth Tiandao stood in Jie's heart, looking anxiously at the situation outside, walking back and forth.

He knows Lucifer and their combat power. It won’t take long for the supreme outside to break into the earth. As a heavenly way of the small world, if the hostile supreme and imperial monks break in, he will never What's the end.

"Why are the space barriers broken? With the strength of the earth, it is impossible to survive in this upper world. I am afraid that any small force in the universe can wipe the earth..."

The Earth's Heavenly Dao is anxious to the extreme, and his current strength is no more than the peak of the half emperor, even if he uses the Three Thousand Dao Rule, there is no way to affect that Supreme.

"How can this be good...huh? That is?"

Just when Tiandao was still at a loss, he suddenly felt that a familiar breath had rushed into the solar system and was rushing towards the earth.



"Stop it!"

Just when the supreme was about to wipe out Lucifer and Gilgamesh together and completely ruin the hope of the earth, a stern shout came from a distance, and then surging spiritual power poured over, making the supreme expression violent. change.



As soon as the supreme words roared out, the violent spiritual power of Yixian bombarded him, directly blasting him out.

Rocco was so frightened that he almost burst out of urine, and hurriedly fled behind.

Lucifer and Gilgamesh were dumbfounded, and they didn't react for a while and didn't know what happened.

Both of them have exhausted their spiritual power, and they don't have the slightest strength. As long as the supreme attacks, they will undoubtedly die!

"Are you okay?"

Izanami arrived and was relieved to see that Lucifer and Gilgamesh were still alive.

"Izanami?" When the two saw Izanami, their pupils shrank suddenly, their faces full of incredible expressions, "Why are you here?"

Moreover, they felt the terrifying aura surging in Ezanami, and they almost didn't recognize it.

In the past, Izanami was indeed stronger than them, but it was not much stronger, but from now on, they even had a hunch that Izanami could crush them to death with one finger!

"What happened to this?"

"This matter is not clear for a while. When I solve these two guys, I will say as I walk." Yixanamei saw the surrounding space confinement, breaking the retreat of the supreme and emperor monks.

"Who are you? Why are we interfering with our Heavenly Spirit Empire office?" The supreme flew back from a distance, his breath extremely unstable.

Just after receiving the blow of Izanami, he was directly half disabled...

He felt an aura much stronger than him from the beauty of Izan, and for a time he didn't dare to act rashly, so he had to move the name of the Heavenly Spirit Empire.

In the Western Regions of the universe, not many forces have dared to provoke the Heavenly Spirit Empire.

"Sky Spirit Empire?"

Yixana frowned slightly. Although she hadn't heard of this force, she was probably not a small force from the supreme tone.

Now that the earth is being watched by a big power, if the earth is not taken away as soon as possible, the next situation may be quite severe.

"Hurry up!"

Immediately made up his mind, Izanami no longer kept his hand, and violently attacked the Supreme.


Izanami instantly went to the back of the supreme, and his nails ran across the supreme's neck, leaving a deep bloodstain.

The surging spiritual power irrigated in, causing the supreme to endure endless pain.


The supreme was terrified and covered the gap in his neck, but he couldn't stop the magic energy of Izanami from entering his body.

After a while, that Supreme was in the shocking eyes of everyone...

There was no sound.

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