Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1801: General dust

Outside the solar system, the Tianling Empire battleship group.

Rocco stopped in front of the battleship, all wounded, waving constantly.

Under the command of the Tianling Empire, the 16th Army, the Tianxu battleship, the captain's room!

A vigorous middle-aged man was sitting on the bed cultivating, his breath was terrifying, and even the surrounding space was distorted and fluctuated.

The materials around this captain's room are all specially treated gold, which can withstand a blow from the Daoist and has extremely high defense.

Only such a divine weapon can withstand the coercion splashed out inadvertently when the Dao Zun is practicing.

At this time, an imperial soldier quickly walked into the room and said quickly: "Report to the captain that there is a monk wearing the Celestial Spirit Empire uniform standing in front of our battleship, and it seems to be seriously injured!"

"Injured?" The middle-aged man opened his eyes, and a ray of electric light flashed from his star-like eyes, making the emperor-rank soldier's expression a bit trance.

Soon, the middle-aged man withdrew his aura, allowing the emperor rank soldier to come back to his senses.

"How's it going?"

"Back to the general, the lower body of the emperor-rank cultivator has been cut off, it seems that he has been attacked."

"Interesting... Someone dared to move the soldiers of my heavenly spirit empire in the territory of my heavenly spirit empire." The middle-aged man sneered at the corner of his mouth, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

A soldier is naturally not worth mentioning to him, but in the star field he guards, someone who dares to attack the soldiers of the Heavenly Spirit Empire is provoking his dignity!

"Bring him over to see me."


After a while, Rocco, who had a weak aura, was brought into the captain's room with the support of two monks.

They had just given Roko a military healing pill, Roko's lower body was regrown, but if his aura wanted to return to its peak, it would take some time to recuperate.

When Rocco entered the captain's room and saw the middle-aged man, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and he subconsciously exclaimed:

"Captain of the Tianxu battleship, Lieutenant General of the Tianling Empire, Chenfeng?"

Lieutenant General Chenfeng has quite a high prestige in the middle of the Sky Spirit Empire. He possesses the high-level strength of Dao Zun. He is known for his strength. Once he only used three punches to blow up a Dao Zun of the same rank. A thorough and powerful!

After seeing the dust, Rocco quickly realized that he was impolite, and his whole body began to tremble, and he knelt down toward the dust, with endless fear flashing in his eyes.

This is the real big shot!

After seeing that Rocco saw himself, Chen Feng kept trembling, frowning involuntarily, and asked in a low voice, "What's your name?"

An inexplicable and powerful aura permeated from the dusty body, pressing on Roko, causing him to lie directly on the ground.

"General Hui and Hui, the villain is named Rocco. It is a soldier of the Third Army and the 62nd patrol company. When the villain was patrolling with the warship, he found an asteroid in the lower realm, of which there were about seven billion. Terran!" Rocco said hastily, and if a while later, his bones will be crushed by the pressure of dust!

Rocco realized the imperial general's fear.

"Recently, there have been strong fighting in the southern part of the universe, which caused the space barrier to be broken. Many planets in the lower realm have been involved in the universe. It is no wonder that if you come to report this..." The dusty brows frowned slightly, to Luo. Ke showed some dissatisfaction.

"Could it be that you were injured on the planet in the lower realm?"

If you put it in the past, the appearance of asteroids in this upper world is of course quite rare, but after discovering more and more small worlds, you will get used to seeing more.

Most of those worlds don't have any threats, and they don't bother to manage when the numbers increase.

Seeing the displeasure flashing across Dust's face, Rocco's expression changed slightly, and he quickly said, "General, listen to me, that small world planet is very special!"


Hearing Rocco's words, the dusty brow raised slightly, and he became interested: "What is a special method?"

In his impression, that kind of asteroids are all indigenous waste, even if they are not qualified to be slaves, it is estimated that the strongest monk in it is also a holy rank, which is not worth paying attention to.

"General, in that asteroid, six emperor-rank monks were born, and there was even one monk who could kill the supreme. I am afraid that the strength has reached the realm of Taoism!" Rocco said quickly.

"You mean... In the planet of the small world, a Daoist was born?" Chen Feng's expression completely changed, and he questioned Rocco.

The small world has certain shackles. In addition to the variables, the highest level that can be cultivated is the supreme, and even if it is a variable, with the meager spiritual power of the small world, the supreme has already reached the sky and wants to break through to the root of the Tao. Impossible!

If there is a Dao Zun in the small world, he only needs to report this planet to the Heavenly Spirit Empire, and he can even be awarded the Royal Medal directly!

That was an important treasure that allowed him to rise to the throne of a general!

Thinking of the Royal Medal, the dust couldn't help but get excited.

"It's true. Captain Skodo and I went to the planet together to find out what the situation is on that planet, but I didn't expect to encounter fierce resistance from six emperor monks, and then a Taoist priest appeared. Kill Captain Skodo! I used the one-time artifact "Space Ball" to escape, and finally got my life back." Rocco said, thinking of the terrifying power of Izanami. There was a chill.


Hearing what Rocco said, Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh, and his interest in this matter surged.

Being able to kill the supreme in a second has already shown that there is Dao Zun-level combat power.

A mere asteroid in the lower realm can actually give birth to a powerful debutant...

Just the six emperor ranks, this is a phenomenon that even the T1-level world may not be able to appear, not to mention that even a Taoist priest has appeared.

No matter what the reason, that small world planet is definitely worth researching!

"Where is the asteroid, take me over and see!"

Dust couldn't wait, stood up quickly and gave Rocco a lavender pill.

"Shen Yuan Dan?" Chen Feng saw the pill in his hand, his expression couldn't help but ecstasy appeared on his face.

This kind of pill was refined by the top alchemist of the Tianling Empire, and was specially provided for Dao Zun to recover his injuries.

Taking it by an emperor monk can not only make him instantly recover from all injuries and return his breath to the peak, but also leave a large amount of spiritual power in his body to help him break through.

Although this Shen Yuan Pill is the standard pill for Dao Zun monks, for monarch monks like him, even if his family is bankrupt, he can't afford it!

After taking the Shenyuan Pill, Chen Feng not only felt that his injury was completely healed, but even the surging medicinal power contained in the pill gave him a faint sign of breaking through to the Supreme!

Feeling the surging medicinal power in his body, he quickly bowed his head to thank Chen Feng: "Thank you General!"

"Come on, stop the ink, if you let me know that you lied to me, what you just ate... I will make you vomit it ten times!"

Dust kicked Rocco impatiently and kicked Rocco directly out of the captain's room.

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