Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1802: Can't escape

In the solar system, a hideous warship appeared next to the sun. The huge hull distorted the surrounding space slightly, and even the sun was eclipsed.

"Where is the special planet you are talking about?" Standing at the forefront of the battleship with a gloomy expression, Chen Feng asked Rocco.

He did not find any signs of life in this solar system at all.

"Where were they before...just on that orbit." Rocco felt like he had seen a ghost, pointing to the place where the earth disappeared, and said with a trembling voice.

"Do you really think I'm a fool?"

Dust sealed his voice, a powerful aura filled his body, directly pressing Rocco to the ground.

"Captain, the space fluctuation response is detected in front. Someone has folded the space here for a while."

At this moment, the two soldiers hurried to the front of the dust and said.

"Space fluctuation?" Chen Feng raised his brow slightly, and then spread his soul to the front, feeling it carefully.

Rocco immediately caught this opportunity and said quickly: "Yes! There is a Dao-senior monk in that planet. She must have a foreboding that the general will come and want to flee here with the planet!"

"General Dust, I definitely did not lie!"

Rocco's desire to survive is quite strong, his legs are shaking.

"Some meaning... someone who can escape with the entire planet can indeed be said to have the strength of Dao Sovereign level."

Chen Feng opened his eyes, and a trace of joke flashed in his eyes: "Unfortunately, you met me..."

"The order is passed down, and all the frontiers of the Sky Spirit Empire are sealed off, and the Sky Void Battleship opens the space transition mode and pursues that planet!"


In an unmanned starry sky, a azure blue planet is flying fast, jumping a long distance from time to time.

In order to keep the earth from disintegrating, Izanami had to consume most of his spiritual power to attach to the surface of the earth, trying to maintain the balance of the earth.

It is precisely because of this that Izanami has no way to make the space jump all the time. Every time she jumps, she must stop and rest for a period of time to restore her strength.

After all, Izanami is not a real Taoist priest, even with the increase of the Nine Heavens Devil Orb, it still does not last.

Now Izanami relies entirely on the large-scale **** pill collected by Zhang Ziling to maintain her spiritual power.

Fortunately, Zhang Ziling has a lot of inventory, and Izanami doesn't have to worry about running out.

"Mother, there really is a warship catching up from behind, what shall we do?"

The Celestial Seeker used his soul power to put down the eyeliner on the path Izanami walked, constantly monitoring the situation behind.

They are now being watched by the Heavenly Spirit Empire. Before Zhang Ziling awoke, they met with the fleet of the Heavenly Spirit Empire and had to flee.

"Are you here so soon?" Yixana's expression changed slightly, and she didn't expect the Heavenly Spirit Empire to chase him so quickly.

She is now carrying the earth, and it is impossible for her to run past the Tianling Empire with the top battleship!

"Now follow the source plan?" Sky Seeker asked.

"Well, divide the space channel I opened up into three, blur their vision, how long can it be blocked." Izanami said, and took the space leap again.

Behind her, the folded space was divided into three different directions.

Borrowing the power of the Divine Silent Sword, Izanami was able to open up three spatial channels at the same time, but this could only slow down the pursuit speed of the opposite side.

Those two fake folding spaces, as long as they move a certain distance, there will be no more spatial fluctuations, and the people of the Tianling Empire will naturally know that they are on the wrong path and quickly correct them.


"General, three folded space channels have been detected ahead!"

Soon, the dusty Tianxu battleship was looking for the space channel of Izanami to chase to the bifurcation point, and found that there were three different directions, and the battleship stopped.

"Three different directions?"

Dust, who was sitting in the captain's room, immediately stood up, somewhat surprised.

"The fluctuating energy of the three channels is all the same. It should be a blindfold of the other party. We can't tell which one is the channel through which the other party actually makes a spatial transition.


After hearing the soldier's report, the excitement in Dust's eyes became more and more intense.

The more methods the other party showed, the more it proved that the planet contained some kind of big secret.

Now that the dust is almost certain, as long as you find that planet, you will definitely be able to get the reward of the Celestial Spirit Empire royal family!

"General, which way shall we go now?" the soldier asked.

"If the order is passed down, the battleship group will be divided into three parts, and the three channels will chase them together. If after the space jump, you can still feel the space fluctuations, you will keep chasing them. If there is no space fluctuation, you will return immediately!

"If you continue to encounter a crossroad, continue to chase!"


Chen Feng smiled and ordered, not worrying about letting Izanami run away.

"Even if you can open up three different spatial channels at the same time, we are chasing after the residual fluctuations when you opened up the space. As long as there is no spatial fluctuation behind, it means that the path is false..."

"And my battleship group has the function of automatic positioning. As long as one battleship tracks your correct escape route, other battleships will soon be able to catch up..."

"You're doing this now, it's just delaying your arrest, it's meaningless!"

Chen Feng smiled, as if taking everything in his hands.

The battleship group was immediately divided into three parts, each searching for the space channel opened by Izanami to catch up.


"Mother, you can’t go on like this. They seem to rely on spatial fluctuations to follow us, and we can’t open up a spatial channel again behind the opened spatial channel. The correct path, at the speed we drag the earth, will soon be overtaken!"

The celestial seeker found that the battleships of the Tianling Empire were still hanging behind them, and the distance from them was getting shorter and shorter.

"There is no good news?"

Izanami said impatiently, her tone quite impatient.

Now she is the fastest, and she has no power to receive the earth into her own small world. Unless she abandons the earth, she can't get rid of the pursuit of the Heavenly Spirit Empire at all!

Strength is flawed.

"Not without good news..."

Xun Tianyi murmured: "The group of warships with the Dao Venerable has gone in the wrong direction. Even if we are chased by the warships behind, it will take a while for the Dao Venerable to come over."

Izanami suddenly stopped.


Xun Tianyi looked at Yixannami in a daze, wondering why she stopped.

The warships behind were already faster than them, and if they stopped again, they might be overtaken soon.

"I can't escape...We have not yet left the territory of the Heavenly Spirit Empire. It is estimated that the border has been blocked. With such a large earth, there is no way to escape the surveillance of the Heavenly Spirit Empire." Izanami Said gloomily.

"Then what should we do now?" Xuntianyi suddenly became anxious.

A Dao Venerable, they can actually deal with it, but once they fight Dao Venerable, they will surely alarm the Heavenly Spirit Empire behind it.

"You try to awaken Ziling. I will fight a guerrilla fight during this time. With your help, I can easily bypass the fleet that has Dao Venerable on the opposite side and solve the other separated and weak fleets."

"But they will soon change their strategy and keep shrinking the encirclement. We will always meet Dao Zun." Xun Tianyi worried.

"If Ziling hasn't woken up after their encirclement has completely shrunk..."

Izanami glanced at Xuntianyi, shook her head and smiled.

"Just wait for death."

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