Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1812: Lingxu Daojun, dead


There was dead silence all around, and everyone looked at Zhang Ziling blankly, their faces dull.

Half a step... Tao God?

What kind of state is that?

Does this world really exist?

No one can imagine.

Daojun Lingxu shook his head abruptly, trying to throw the shocking news that Zhang Ziling said out of his head.

Although Daojun Lingxu couldn't believe what he heard...

However, Zhang Ziling did not have any need to lie to them, and from the point of view of being able to control the Divine Silence Sword at will, Zhang Ziling's strength was at least Dao Master!

Moreover, Lingxu Daojun does not think that Dao Master can make him suddenly lose all his power, and he has not recovered yet...

Ever since it became gray-white, Daojun Lingxu felt as if he had never practiced before, completely becoming an ordinary person!

This feeling was not because he could not mobilize the spiritual power in his body, or he was sealed.

It is that he can't feel the existence of spiritual power in his body at all, and even his body, which is countless times stronger than the **** gold, has completely turned into a flesh and blood body, which can be cut with a small knife!

This ability...

Taoist Lingxu didn't think it was something that Taoist could do.

Izanami also looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, but didn't react for a while.

"You, who are you?" Daojun Lingxu finally couldn't bear the fear in his heart, and looked at Zhang Ziling and asked with a trembling voice.

The Taoist priests around were completely frightened, and they didn't even remember who they were.


Even the Dao Master is in the realm of legends, what kind of existence is Dao God?

Everyone has no concept.

I dare not think about it.

Zhang Ziling did not answer the question of the Taoist Lingxu, but spread his spiritual power everywhere on the earth, time passed, and all the dead people were resurrected!

A group of earth monks were shocked to see that under Zhang Ziling's spiritual power, their companions were completely resurrected, and even their aura was restored to its peak!

All the dead... all resurrected!

"Such a large-scale fixed-point time retrospective... How strong is your spirit?" Yizan saw that Zhang Ziling only resurrected the people on earth, and none of the cultivators of the Heavenly Spirit Empire was resurrected, shocked to the extreme...

Before the soldiers of the Heavenly Spirit Empire invaded, even though the monks of the Heavenly Spirit Empire had been very restrained, the number of people on Earth who died was hundreds of millions?

If it were to be resurrected together with the cultivators of the Heavenly Spirit Empire, it would not be too difficult. It only needed to spread the spirits all over the world and reverse the time together. This could be easily done before Zhang Ziling.

But now it’s different. Zhang Ziling only resurrected the people on earth and ignored the monks of the Celestial Spirit Empire. You know... Many people’s corpses are stacked with those of the Celestial Spirit Empire monks, and some of them are completely destroyed. A little breath.

To achieve such a situation, it is absolutely impossible to do without a super powerful soul!

This matter is far more difficult than when Zhang Ziling went back to Mo Yu Continent.

Not only that, after the resurrection of people on the earth, the earth's environment has also rapidly warmed, those glaciers have receded, vegetation has grown again, and everything has recovered.


When the gods saw the earth recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, they were shocked to the extreme, and they were in awe of Zhang Ziling.

"For me now, it is not difficult to do this, or it is as easy as drinking water." Zhang Ziling chuckled at Izanami, showing no signs of difficulty.

"I could wake up soon, but I can't stop it when I get to the critical stage. I can only let you hold it for a while."

"Fortunately, it didn't cause a catastrophe."

While talking, Zhang Ziling singled out the monks of the Heavenly Spirit Empire and fixed them in the sky.

The world gradually returned to color, and the cultivators of the Celestial Spirit Empire suddenly felt their power back, but before they had time to be happy, they suddenly discovered...

Even if he recovered his strength, there was still no change.

They don't even have the qualifications to struggle, and being imprisoned in the sky, the spiritual power in their bodies is like a pool of stagnant water and cannot be mobilized.

After discovering that their spiritual power had recovered and that they were still at the mercy of others, everyone fell into a deeper despair.

Not only the soldiers of the Heavenly Spirit Empire, but also the Lingxu Daojun!

He found that his strength had recovered, but he couldn't move half a minute. He could only watch Qi Ling helplessly and was completely imprisoned.

"Devil Emperor, you slaughter the upper realm monks on such a large scale, are you not afraid of being targeted by the ultimate?" Lingxu Daojun questioned Zhang Ziling, moving out the ultimate banner.

Although he hadn't seen the ultimate, and didn't know what the ultimate existed, but after all he was helping the ultimate, and he also managed a domain, with a thousand small universes and countless worlds under his command.

If he died, the Western Regions of the universe would become chaotic, and countless variables in the lower realms would grow rapidly at an unimaginable speed.

This is ultimately intolerable.

"Followed by the ultimate?" Zhang Ziling laughed when he heard the words of Daojun Lingxu, his eyes were full of joking.

"You have to know... When I was the supreme, I finally had my eyes on me. At that time, I didn't encounter any trouble in the end. I easily imprisoned the heaven of my world, and I even did it. Less than the slightest resistance!"

"At that time, he didn't seem to care about a small role like me at all, just let Dao Zun come down and kill me."

"Nowadays, there are frequent changes in the world, but in the end there is no time to take care of it, and even my heart can't even control it... You say, this kind of waste, what is the point of staring at me?"


Lingxu Daojun's pupils shrank suddenly, and endless fear appeared in his eyes!

Is this...

What kind of monster?

Daojun Lingxu couldn't imagine that there were people in this world who didn't put the ultimate in his eyes.

The ultimate is the supreme existence of the world, ruling the three thousand universes and controlling the supreme existence of hundreds of millions of worlds.

Such a character... Does anyone really dare to give birth to defiance?

"Well, the chat time is over, you all have to take it out, and then take a last breath of the earth's air, you should go."

Zhang Ziling didn't seem to want to talk more with Taoist Lingxu, and said lightly.

After the words fell, a large number of cultivators from the Celestial Spirit Empire quietly turned into powder and disappeared into the world.

Daojun Lingxu stared at the masses of cultivators in shock, and even his body began to gradually turn into powder, and a dead gray color could not help appearing on his face.

"'s crazy..."

He looked at Zhang Ziling and seemed to have completely accepted his current ending.

"The Devil... Whether you are a Taoist master or a Taoist God... When the ultimate comes, it will be the day your soul flies... I am waiting for you over there."

Daojun Lingxu said to Zhang Ziling in a deep voice, then his body was completely annihilated and his consciousness dissipated.

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