Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1813: Xie Wushuang reappears!

All the monks who came to the earth from the west pole were wiped out by Zhang Ziling, and the earth quickly returned to normal under the power of the law of time.

After that, Zhang Ziling did not go to the Tianling Empire State Capital or the West Pole to find the trouble of the remaining monks, but re-installed the earth back to the solar system, and then flew to the east of the universe with the solar system.

The death of Lingxu Daojun was destined to be annexed by other forces, and Zhang Ziling did not have the trouble of looking for a force at sunset.

According to Izanami, the barriers of the universe are now destroyed due to the battle between Zhang Ziling and Xie Nian, and both the earth and the Xuanxiao continent have been drawn into the upper world.

Although this would cause the two worlds to face great dangers, after taking the earth and Xuanxiao Continent to the Antarctic Sky together, and then splicing Moyu Continent and Xuanxiao Continent together, those three worlds can be regarded as truly ascending.

After a period of time, the monks on the Xuanxiao Continent and the Earth will definitely catch up with the average level of the monks in the universe of the upper world, and maybe even surpass it!

While Zhang Ziling was taking the solar system on his way, Zhang Ziling also gathered on Earth and his old friends for a while, and then stayed with Chu Qi and Lu Xiaoshuang for a while.

In this rare and leisurely time, Zhang Ziling brought the solar system to the sky over the Xuanxiao Continent.

Fortunately, although the place where the Xuanxiao Continent is in the eastern part of the universe, it is close to the Antarctic Sky. A small half of the world belongs to the Antarctic Sky.

This also led to the issue of ownership in the Xuanxiao Continent. After discovering the Xuanxiao Continent, the East Jitian forces did not take action against the Xuanxiao Continent because they were afraid of the Antarctic Heaven. Instead, they sent people to the Antarctic Heaven to discuss the ownership.

After Zhang Ziling arrived and used powerful means to suppress the monks of Dongjitian, Dongjitian realized in an instant that the current Antarctica was not an existence they caused at all. In the end, Dongjitian completely abandoned the Xuanxiao continent and admitted its belonging. Antarctic sky.

It has to be said that the entire continent of Xuanxiao Continent is larger than the solar system. Zhang Ziling placed the solar system on top of Xuanxiao Continent, which instead gave the Xuanxiao Continent an extremely fascinating beauty.

The sun and nine planets are suspended in the sky above the Xuanxiao Continent. As long as countless cultivators in the Xuanxiao Continent look up, they can see the azure blue planet of the earth.

Zhang Ziling even set up a ladder in the Profound Sky and Upper Shenzhou to connect it with the earth, allowing the monks of the Profound Sky Continent and the earth to communicate with each other.

Of course, the dominance of this ladder is in the hands of the magic palace, and it is not allowed to cross the ladder without getting the corresponding procedures or permission.

Naturally, Zhang Ziling handed over all these details to Anbei.

With the help of Zhang Ziling, Anbei succeeded in becoming the first existence on the Xuanxiao Continent to step into the Dao Zun, and was called the Dao Zun in the Moon.

An Bei broke through, and the Demon Palace also had absolute control over the Xuanxiao Continent.

If Anbei hadn't just arrived in the upper world and couldn't keep up with his physique, Zhang Ziling could even directly make Anbei a Taoist monarch.

But as long as it waits for a while, Anbei can become a new Taoist monarch.

Zhang Ziling intends to train Anbei as the new master of the Antarctic sky. Zhang Ziling even wants to gather all the four regions of the universe, southeast, northwest, and give them all to Anbei.

Although An Bei has talent in cultivation, his talent in management far exceeds his talent in cultivation.

Let Anbei adjust to a little bit, Zhang Ziling believes that Anbei can manage the huge universe in an orderly manner.

After Anbei arranged the affairs of the Xuanxiao Continent, Zhang Ziling began to move the Xuanxiao Continent and the solar system to the Antarctic Sky, and at the same time released the Moyu Continent to be together with the Xuanxiao Continent.

Zhang Ziling's movements are quite big, not only in the Antarctic sky, but even monks in other regions can perceive the movement of the two worlds joining together.

When Zhang Ziling was joining the two continents, a few million light years away from Zhang Ziling, a black-haired young man was standing on the edge of the Antarctic sky, looking indifferently into the distance.

If Zhang Ziling was here, he would naturally recognize that the young exactly the young appearance of Xie Wushuang!

Xie Wushuang's eyes were faint, and his breath was hidden to the extreme. If he didn't walk in front of him, no one would be able to spot him.

"My Lord Evil Emperor... has found the position of the next piece of the ultimate heart, and it was taken away by a Dao Monarch. Now that Dao Monarch has broken through to the Dao Master Realm."

In front of Xie Wushuang, Ye Zhiqing and Lin Mofan appeared, their auras were terrifying, as if they were the pinnacle of Dao Sovereign!

"Yeah." Xie Wushuang nodded, his eyes calm to the extreme, as if he didn't care about it at all.

Ye Zhiqing raised his eyes to look at Xie Wushuang, opened his mouth, and hesitation flashed in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Xie Wushuang cast his gaze on Ye Zhiqing and asked lightly.

"Master Evil Emperor, now that the Devil Emperor has obtained two pieces of Ultimate Heart Fragments, I am afraid that he will go to Origin Star soon, Master Evil Emperor, don't you want to withdraw His Highness Zi You?" Ye Zhiqing asked.

"If the Devil Emperor and Zhang Ziyou meet..."

"How does this emperor do things, need you to remind?" Xie Wushuang's eyes narrowed slightly, a ray of aura spread out from his body, directly pressing Ye Zhiqing's face pale and trembling all over.

"Little dare not!" Ye Zhiqing said quickly, trembling all over.

He knows very well how powerful Xie Wushuang is!

Although he now has the strength of Daojun's peak, Xie Wushuang can still crush him to death with a single finger.

Moreover, the longer he followed Xie Wushuang, the more he could feel the horror of Xie Wushuang.

This is terrible, not from Xie Wushuang's strength, but from his layout.

Just peeking at the tip of the iceberg, Ye Zhiqing felt that the layout was vast and deeply involved.

Regarding the world as chess, all beings are chess pieces.

He and Lin Mofan were able to follow Xie Wushuang and become more important pawns only because they had been close to Zhang Ziling.

However, they are only pawns.

If you dare to command a chess player, it will be annihilated.

"You two go back to the evil clan and notify the elders in the clan to let them lead someone to suppress the holder of the ultimate heart, take out the fragments of the ultimate heart, and then send it to Zi You."

Ye Zhiqing and Lin Mofan shook their bodies suddenly, and then said, "Yes."

After all, Ye Zhiqing and Lin Mofan twisted and disappeared, leaving only Xie Wushuang in this cosmic space.

"The source of the variables, the half-travel god, is coming soon... after so many causes have been planted, it's almost time to close the net."

Xie Wushuang muttered, and the space behind him slowly cracked.

Naihe walked out of it, his eyes blank and his skin pale.

Xie Wushuang glanced at Naihe, then turned and walked into the cracked space.

"Before he goes to Origin Star, have a good time with your former master."

Xie Wushuang disappeared in the crack, leaving Naihe alone, standing in this empty universe.

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