Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1821: crisis!

"Old, boss?"

Tian Xun Yi suddenly discovered that Zhang Ziling's shadow had disappeared, and he could not feel the breath of Zhang Ziling at all.

"This place is really weird... When did I get illusion?"

Unable to feel the breath of Zhang Ziling, Tian Xun Yi confirmed that he had been in illusion.

It is very confident that no one in this Origin Star can threaten Zhang Ziling.

Knowing that it was useless to panic, Xun Tianyi quickly calmed down, tried again to spread his soul out, and carefully searched the entire hall.

Just like before, don't kill everyone in the entire Shadow Palace. Whether it is Dao Monarch or Dao Venerable, they all died silently, and their deaths were extremely tragic.

"What is the meaning of this illusion? Lie me out?" Xun Tianyi was puzzled and began to guess what the man just meant.

The soul of Xuntianyi continued to spread, and even began to search for Zhang Ziyou's retreat.

However, there is a strong power in that place, and the soul of the heaven seeker can't spread in for a while, and it is impossible to know the situation inside.

Just as Xun Tianyi was concentrating on searching for any living person in the Shadow Palace, the weird man appeared in Xun Tianyi's line of sight once again, scared Xun Tianyi took his soul back again.

"What kind of guy is this? Mental attack?" Xun Tianyi was sweating all over, staring at the man who appeared again, and the whole person was extremely nervous.

Encountering enemies is not terrible. The heaven seeker has fought with Zhang Ziling for too long. What kind of scene has not been seen?

However, this man is too weird now, Xuntianyi can't figure out what path he is.

Suddenly, he saw the scene where the cultivators of the Shadow Palace were all tragically dying, appeared and did not speak, so Heaven Seeker did not know how to deal with this situation.

Moreover, the heaven seeker felt an extremely dangerous breath from the man.

"Fortunately, the boss has set up a magic circle here. As long as I stay here and don't be fooled by him, he can't do anything with me, otherwise I don't know how to die!"

Now Xuntianyi is extremely thankful for Zhang Ziling's wise move, otherwise it should be completely killed by the strange man outside.

Knowing that the man couldn't get in, he was only given some mental attacks at the most, and Heaven Seeker was also relieved, so he stayed in the restriction and stared directly at the man.

After a while, the man seemed to realize that he had no way to find the heavenly instrument, and disappeared again.

This time, the shadow of Zhang Ziling reappeared, and the Heaven Seeker was finally able to contact Zhang Ziling.

Xuntianyi was overjoyed and quickly told Zhang Ziling what had happened here, and then Xuntianyi converged his mind to prevent himself from being hit by illusion again.


After a while, Zhang Ziling returned to the hall with a solemn expression.

"Boss, you can count as coming back!" Seeing Zhang Ziling came back, Xuntianyi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and let go of his tight spirit, "There is a dangerous guy in this place!"

"What happened? Tell me carefully." Zhang Ziling's face was solemn and his eyes were gloomy.

Xuntianyi held his mind and told Zhang Ziling about what had happened before.

"This is an illusion given to you by the evil emperor... Fortunately, you were not fooled." Zhang Ziling nodded, "You follow me out and pick out the guy hiding in the dark to see how sacred the other party is."

Zhang Ziling lifted the ban and walked outside.

"Hao Le!" Xuntianyi nodded repeatedly and followed Zhang Ziling to the outside of the hall.

But when Xuntianyi stepped out of the temple with one foot, the whole body shook suddenly, and he reacted: "No! You are not the boss!"

Xun Tianyi stared at Zhang Ziling's back, clenched his fists, and stopped moving forward.

"Why am I not?" Zhang Ziling turned around, looked at Xuntianyi with a puzzled look and asked:

"Xuntian what are you talking about?"

"The boss hasn't called Xie Wushuang the'evil emperor' for a long time. You are a fake, don't want to trick me out!"

Xuntianyi yelled and wanted to go back, but suddenly found that his feet had been entangled by the black mist.

"It seems that I was negligent...Reading memory is not perfect."

"Zhang Ziling" changed into the strange man before, smiled at Xuntianyi, stretched out his hand, and directly pulled the heaven Xunyi out of the restriction.

"Damn it! I was so proud of myself just now!" A trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes because of the man's spiritual power.

The power of this weird man is far stronger than it, and it has no way to break away from his power.

Now the prohibition is out, it has no guarantee at all.

"Small weapon soul, dare to be so arrogant." The man looked at the Heaven Seeker indifferently, without any emotion in his eyes.

"But, damn... to, to die..."

Tian Xun Yi felt an extremely powerful squeezing force, and his body had begun to crack. If the man applied a little force, it would definitely collapse!

"It's really unforgivable for me to spend so much time leading you out of this rubbish."

"Trash, go to death."

The man said coldly, the black energy that bound the heavenly instrument suddenly tightened, and the heavenly instrument screamed sorrowfully, the whole body shattered, and the spirit became extremely weak.

Seeing Xuntianyi's miserable appearance, the smile on the man's face grew stronger and stronger.

"Dare to move to find the sky, and die!"

At this time, Zhang Ziling's voice suddenly sounded around, and the man's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly fled to the rear.

Where he was standing, the ground suddenly cracked and a deep gully appeared.

The black mist that had bound the heaven seeker disappeared, and the heaven seeker fell weakly to the ground. His whole body was already torn apart and his soul was scattered.


The Heaven Seeker fell on Zhang Ziling's palm, extremely weak, and his voice was weak, but there was a gratifying smile on his face:

"You're back, I'm almost done..."

"Well...I rushed back right after I found out that you left the restriction." Zhang Ziling said lightly, and began to circulate time and space in a small area to heal the injury of the Heaven Seeker.

The breath of the heaven seeker began to rise rapidly, and the weak spirit gradually recovered.

"You are the Devil Emperor?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling appeared, the man couldn't help but a hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes: "I have read about you from those people's memories. It seems that you are a very powerful character."


A trace of impatience flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, and a huge black claw suddenly appeared from under the man's feet and grabbed it.

The man's expression changed slightly, and he wanted to escape, but found that the power in his body was completely blocked, and his whole person became grayish white.

The giant claw grabbed the man abruptly.

"What the **** is going on?"

A trace of fright flashed in the man's eyes, and he didn't understand where his strength had gone. He lost all confidence in his eyes.

He did not expect that Zhang Ziling's power was far beyond his imagination!

The man panicked: "Wait, wait a minute..."


The giant claws squeezed the man directly, splashing blood!

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