Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1822: Cthulhu Wu Ye

The surroundings instantly calmed down, and the Heaven Seeker also recovered, fearing after a while.

Just now it really had an illusion that it was going to die.

If Zhang Ziling came one second later, I'm afraid it would be gone.

"Boss, who is that guy? It's weird!" Xun Tianyi asked Zhang Ziling with lingering fears.

"I don't know, just came back, this guy is a bit weird..." Zhang Ziling shook his head solemnly, "but one thing is clear, the guy just now is not from the Shadow Palace."

"The monks in the Shadow Palace outside have died a lot, and it seems that this person did it."

Zhang Ziling's soul spread into the main hall, and found the corpses of the monks in the Shadow Palace everywhere, each face was extremely hideous, and he had experienced great pain before he died.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the Heaven Seeker was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted violently, and quickly spread the spirit out, and found that all the monks in the Shadow Palace outside were dead!

"This, these are true?"

Xun Tianyi looked unbelievable, and couldn't believe what he saw.

He had always thought that what he had just seen was an illusion, but he did not expect that the Shadow Palace monk was really dead!

When is it exactly?

With the death of such a large-scale monk, Heaven Seeker found that he had no sense at all.

"Fortunately, Zi You didn't have the power to break through, but looking at the current situation, Zi You's retreat has completely blocked outside news, and it should not be possible to come out in a short time."

Zhang Ziling faintly spread his power to the entire hall, and at the same time collected the man's flesh and blood with devilish energy.

As time and space flowed, the man who was pinched by Zhang Ziling quickly spliced ​​together, and rewinded at an extremely fast speed.

The space-time power that Zhang Ziling now controls is not only capable of resurrecting the dead in a small area.

As long as the strength is weaker than Zhang Ziling, Zhang Ziling can directly reproduce what happened some time ago.

Soon, Zhang Ziling traced the time and space of the entire Shadow Palace back to when he had just left.

Not long after he left, the weird man emerged from the earth, instantly controlling the minds of all the monks in the Shadow Palace, and then tortured the spirits of the monks in a very short period of time, and tortured all those monks to death, without doing anything at all. There was a little noise.

Xun Tianyi stared into his pocket and watched the man silently kill all the monks in the Shadow Palace. Even the Taoists did not have the ability to resist in front of the man, and their brains became blank.

"This, this guy, what kind of monster is it? It's so strong!" Xun Tianyi was so shocked that he couldn't believe what he saw.

The more than a dozen Taoist monarchs in the Shadow Palace were as paper as the man in front of the man, extremely fragile.

"It's no surprise that a Taoist master can do this...but I'm a little curious, where exactly this guy jumped out, and he has to deal specifically with the Shadow Palace."

After seeing the man's killing methods, Zhang Ziling once again traced the time back to the beginning. Before the man had time to do it, he instantly came in front of him and pressed him to the ground!


The entire Shadow Palace shook, and all the Shadow Palace monks were taken aback, and looked at Zhang Ziling with horror: "My Lord Demon?"

They have no memory of what happened before, and they don't know who the man Zhang Ziling caught is, and they don't know if they don't have Zhang Ziling, they will die the next moment.

"Who, who are you?"

Pressed on the ground by Zhang Ziling, the man's expression turned hideous, and he screamed at Zhang Ziling, very surprised.

He didn't expect that when he just appeared, he was pressed to the ground by a person.

"I should ask you this sentence, that's it... or just search for the soul directly."

Zhang Ziling said indifferently, in front of a group of Shadow Palace monks, directly drew out the man's soul and read his memory.

"The Heretic God Race, Wu Ye, the first-level Taoist Master, escaped from the forbidden land. As the pioneer of the Heretic God Race, want to get the three Ultimate Heart Shards in Zi You's hands?"

"Zi You also has the Ultimate Heart Fragment?"

After reading Wu Ye's memory, Zhang Ziling's expression changed slightly, and he was quite surprised that Zhang Ziyou also had the ultimate heart.

On the contrary, it was the matter that Wu Ye was the Heretic God Clan. Zhang Ziling was not surprised at all. He rushed to the Shadow Palace to help Zi You solve the Heretic God Clan, and at the same time made a decision with Xie Wushuang.

"Ultimate heart, isn't this a good thing? Boss, why do you seem worried?" Xun Tianyi couldn't help but ask why Zhang Ziling was worried about it.

"The holders of the Ultimate Heart Shards will attract each other, and it is also easy to provoke strong rivals to compete. More importantly... these pieces are the ultimate and extremely important treasures. Ziyou has three pieces of the Ultimate Heart. It's easy to be targeted by the ultimate."

"It can only be a coincidence that I became a half-walking **** this time. Zi You got three pieces of ultimate heart. Normally, it is at most the peak of the Taoist master. It is quite dangerous to be targeted by the ultimate."

Zhang Ziling murmured while grasping Wu Ye's soul, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes.

"Furthermore, the three Ultimate Heart Fragments were probably given to Zi You by Xie Wushuang. Although I don't know what Xie Wushuang secretly made, he definitely has no peace of mind!"

"Then what should we do now?" Xun Tianyi asked.

Zhang Ziling glanced at Wu Ye Divine Soul in his hand, then looked in the direction of Zhang Ziyou's retreat, his eyes gradually becoming deep.

An idea breeds in Zhang Ziling's heart.

"Master Devil... what happened?"

At this moment, the Taoist monarch who had led Zhang Ziling came forward and asked Zhang Ziling cautiously.

Because of time going back, Zhang Ziling did not deliberately preserve the memories of the monks, so the shadow temple monks did not know that they had died twice, and did not understand what was going on now.

But even so, they could feel an aura that was powerful enough to suffocate them from Wu Ye, and they knew that Wu Ye was not an enemy they could defeat.

But now Wu Ye was beaten up by Zhang Ziling, which can even explain the power of Zhang Ziling, and the cultivators of the Shadow Palace became more and more in awe of Zhang Ziling.

Hearing the words of the Taoist monk, Zhang Ziling returned to his senses and returned Wu Ye's spirit to his body, using his whole body spiritual power to seize him, the cultivation base was forbidden, and he completely became an ordinary person.

"What are you doing to me?"

When the spirit returned to his body, Wu Ye was finally able to speak and shouted to Zhang Ziling.

He also has no memory of what happened before, only knowing that he was taken down by Zhang Ziling before he even started.

Zhang Ziling didn't pay attention to Wu Ye at all, and grabbed him to walk outside, and at the same time said to the shadow temple monk: "You stay on alert, I don't want to save you again."

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