After instructing the cultivators of the Shadow Palace, Zhang Ziling did not explain much to them, and grabbed Wu Ye and flew to the edge of the Shadow Palace residence.

There is an active volcano there.

Although the Cthulhu tribe was eyeing Ziyou, most of the Cthulhu tribe are still under restraint, and only a few of the Cthulhu tribe escaped.

Among those who escaped, the weakest was Dao Sovereign Peak, a rather terrifying force. If the Heretic God Clan was left alone, Zi You would definitely fall into extreme passiveness.

And Wu Ye happened to have a high status in the Heretic God Race. Now that he held Wu Ye under his control, he was able to attract most of the Heretic God Race's energy and let the Heretic God Race focus on him.

Zhang Ziling went to the active volcanic mountain pass and threw Wu Ye into the magma, bound him with magic chains and soaked in the magma.

"You guy, it's best not to let me out, otherwise I will let you die without a place to be buried!" Wu Ye roared in the magma, his skin has been completely burned by the hot magma, and even the bones have been seen. !

Not only did Zhang Ziling rob him of his strength, but his physique was also weakened to the extreme. Although it was still much stronger than ordinary people, it was no longer able to resist the burning of magma.

Zhang Ziling still ignored Wu Ye's roar. He chose this crater not to imprison Wu Ye, but Zhang Ziling did it conveniently.

The main purpose of his coming here was to upgrade the Heaven Seeking Apparatus and the Nine Heavens Demon Orb.

Sufficient materials have been collected, not only can it support the Heaven Seeker and the Nine Heavens Devil Orbs to rise to Dao Sovereign level, but also gather a lot of materials for **** soldiers such as the Imperial Dragon Seal.

After waiting for a while, he can completely upgrade all the gods to Daojun level.

If you find some special sacred gold in the future, it won't be a big problem to upgrade them to Dao master level.

Seeing that he was finally about to upgrade, the Heaven Seeker and Nine Heavens Demon Orbs were also extremely excited now, turning into their bodies one after another, immersing their souls into the depths, completely letting go of their control over their bodies.

Zhang Ziling let the magma below turn into fire dragons to the sky, condensing into a furnace, and then put the **** gold that he had plundered from the major forces into it.

Powerful spiritual power surged around, the sky became dim, lightning flashed and thundered.

A powerful coercion spread to the surroundings, and many powerful people in the surrounding forces could see the vision of the day and earth, and they jumped into the air in shock and looked towards Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling doesn't care how much the movement is, he willfully releases his power, trying to attract all eyes as much as possible.

The Celestial Seeker and the Nine Heavens Demon Orbs were suspended in the furnace, gradually turning into juice, and the **** gold also melted, and under the control of Zhang Ziling's spirit, they recondensed into the Heaven Seeker and the Nine Heavens Demon Orbs.

With Zhang Ziling's current strength, it is not very difficult to recast the magic weapon, just concentrate.

"This **** guy... dare to refine the weapon in front of me!"

Wu Ye looked at Zhang Ziling in the sky, with endless resentment flashing in his eyes, cursing in a low voice.

He is not completely lost in power now, if he insists on comparison, he still retains the power of the Heavenly Palace Realm.

Although this little power was insignificant for Wu Ye in his heyday, or even negligible, it is a life-saving straw for Wu Ye now!

While Zhang Ziling concentrated on tempering the Celestial Searching Apparatus and the Nine Heavens Devil Orb, Wu Ye quietly sent a message to the clan, asking for help.

Zhang Ziling didn't seem to notice what Wu Ye was doing secretly, and all his attention was focused on the refining tool.

Wu Ye spread the message out with fear, and after discovering that Zhang Ziling hadn't found it, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He looked at Zhang Ziling with a joking expression, as if he was watching a dead person.

"Just go crazy, wait for my people to come over, you will definitely have cramps!" Wu Ye said in a low voice, his expression becoming hideous.

A furnace is getting bigger and bigger, the thunder in the sky turns black, and the fire dragon from the magma roars in the sky, which is extremely shocking.

Many cultivators of Origin Star recognized Zhang Ziling who was crafting in the sky, and their eyes were shocked.

Grabbing the resources of most of the forces of Origin Star, using heaven and earth as a furnace, and refining tools in front of everyone, Zhang Ziling's arrogance surpassed countless people's imagination.

"Then, that is Lord Devil Emperor?"

The cultivator in the Shadow Palace saw Zhang Ziling, who was tens of thousands of miles away, in the refining device, shocks appeared on his face, but he was still a little confused.

Since Wu Ye appeared, they felt that things had become quite strange, and they always felt that something was wrong.

But, what is wrong in the end, but no one can say.

When the monks in the Shadow Palace were amazed, they didn't notice. They didn't know when there was an extra black robe man among them.

The black-robed man just stood among the monks with his hands in his arms, looking at Zhang Ziling in the sky with a calm expression, his eyes deep to the extreme.

"If Xuntianyi is promoted to Daojun level...this is a bit difficult..." the man murmured, "However, with the current strength of the Devil Emperor, the Heretic God Race who has escaped from the restriction does not have Ways to stop him from refining..."

"No matter... the Dao Sovereign level is the Dao Sovereign level. It is not that easy to find the evil race. This time is enough for me to complete the layout."

The man muttered to himself, and then looked back at the hall, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and finally became firm again.

After the silence fell, he didn't say anything, his body gradually distorted and dissipated in this world.


The few Dao Monarchs around seemed to feel that something was wrong, and turned around suspiciously, but found nothing.


At this moment, inside the Great Hall of the Shadow Palace, Zhang Ziyou had absorbed the three Ultimate Heart Fragments into his body, and an unimaginable powerful aura surged throughout his body.

Several Soul Devourer Swords guarded around them nervously, for fear of something wrong with Zhang Ziyou's cultivation.

Now Zhang Ziyou has reached a critical moment, and his strength has risen to the point where they can't interfere with their magical soldiers. If something goes wrong, none of them can help Zhang Ziyou!

"It's almost a success..."

Tian Huangding said nervously, pacing back and forth.

"Speak down...who will explain to the boss when something goes wrong?" Shangxu Lingjia grabbed the Tianhuang Cauldron, but it was also tight to the extreme.

Instead, the Soul Eater Demon Sword stood quietly, watching Zhang Ziyou silently.

Most of its sword soul has been thoroughly integrated with Zhang Ziyou, so now Zhang Ziyou's situation is clearer than anyone else.

Now Zhang Ziyou is at a critical point, any change can make Zhang Ziyou enter heaven or fall into hell!


At this moment, Zhang Ziyou suddenly opened his eyes, and a violent force burst out of her body, burst through the hall, and went straight for nine days!

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