Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1838: Blood sacrifice

"One person, buried the Heretic God Race?"

The patriarchs of the two supreme races looked at Zhang Ziyou with an incredible expression. They couldn't believe that Zhang Ziyou had to face the Cthulhu tribe alone?

Even if Zhang Ziyou is now a half-travel god, it is impossible to bury the Heretic God Clan by himself.

Once Asking Cthulhu wakes up, even if Zhang Ziyou is now a half-walking god, he will definitely fall!

"I will use my own blood to ban the Heretic God Race here again later. The two patriarchs have helped me long enough, and there is no need to continue to sacrifice."

Zhang Ziyou expressed gratitude to the two patriarchs: "In the future, the Heretic God Race may still break through, but by then, my brother Zhang Ziling should be able to suppress the Heretic God Race. The sacrifice of the two patriarchs today will not be wasted."

Hearing Zhang Ziyou's words, the patriarchs of the Void Clan and the Chaos Giant Clan looked at each other, and then nodded at each other, signaling their family members to retreat.

Zhang Ziyou put away his pressure, and the people of the Chaos Giant Race and the Void Race retreated one after another, leaving the Forbidden Land of Origin.

The Cthulhu tribe people were also afraid of Zhang Ziyou's strength, did not dare to act rashly, and could only watch the Void tribe and the Chaos Giant tribe retreat.

The Cthulhu tribe is not stupid. Asking Cthulhu hasn't woken up yet, none of them is Zhang Ziyou's opponent. If they are strong, it can only lead to fearless death.

As a matter of urgency, they still have to wake up the evil god, as long as their patriarch wakes up, whether it is the Void Race, the Chaos Giant or the half-walking god, they will all die!

The Cthulhu tribe all returned to the magic circle, coldly watching the void tribe and the chaotic giant leave this forbidden area, their faces were full of resentment.

"The Void Race, the Chaos Giant Race, when my Heretic God Race is born, you will surely be razed!"

The Cthulhu people roared.

Before long, only Zhang Ziyou and the patriarchs of the two supreme races were still in the Forbidden Land of the Heretic God Race.

"Two patriarchs, you?"

Zhang Ziyou saw that the Void Daoist and the patriarch of the Chaos Giant were still behind him, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Taoist Void smiled and said to Zhang Ziyou: "Dianzhu Zhang, both of us have lived endless years. You have done too much for our two races. If we leave you this little girl here, let us two How should an old guy face the younger generation?"

"Yes, this Cthulhu tribe is a big trouble for our two tribes. If we can solve it best here, with the two of us, I think Dianzhu Zhang will be more certain."

After all, both of them are the pinnacles of Taoists, and few of the Cthulhu tribe are their opponents. As long as the Cthulhu has not come out, they can protect Zhang Zi peacefully.

Seeing the firmness of the two patriarchs, Zhang Ziyou couldn't help but feel a little moved, but she also knew very well that no matter what she said, she couldn't persuade the two patriarchs.

"That Ziyou thanked the two patriarchs in advance."

Zhang Ziyou smiled and bowed deeply to both of them.

Although they all have their own goals and interests here, the Void Dao Master and the Chaos Giant Patriarch chose to stay, which means that they chose to stay and die together.

No matter what, Zhang Ziyou felt that he should salute.

There were two powerhouses at the pinnacle of Taoist masters helping, and Zhang Ziyou was much more sure about banning the entire Heretic God Race.

"Zi You will never forget the help of the two."

"Dianzhu Zhang, don't be polite. If it weren't for you, our two races might not even know that the Heretic God race would break through the ban again. I am afraid that both of our races will have to perish by then.

"We are very satisfied with this situation now." Taoist Void said to Zhang Ziyou, the whole group of black mist turned into a human form, with a faint smile on his face.

"Yes, Palace Master Zhang! Besides, your brother has now become Taoist God. In the future, our two races will be blessed by Tao God. At least we can live more and more in this universe. Compared with the rise and fall of one family, we two old guys What do you get for your life?" The Chaos Giant patted his chest, showing no fear at all.

"Furthermore, we are all old guys who have lived for endless years. How long have you lived? You can't even remember yourself. And Dianzhu Zhang, you are only a few thousand years old, and you obviously have great years. Even you dare to be here. Facing the Heretic God Race, what is the relationship between our two lives?"

Now the two races have retreated, and in the forbidden land of the Heretic God race, they have no worries about the future.

Hearing what the two patriarchs said, Zhang Ziyou couldn't help but laugh, and he was very moved.

"Anyway, now the three of us are going to share adversity. Before the Cthulhu people come out, the Cthulhu people will probably not act arbitrarily because of my coercion. We will make preparations at this time. it is good."

Zhang Ziyou glanced at the direction of the Heretic God Clan, and stopped lingering, sending a piece of information about the magic circle he wanted to use into the minds of the Void Dao Master and the Chaos Giant.

"This is... a blood sacrifice?"

After receiving the message from Zhang Ziyou, the expressions of the two masters of the void and the giant of chaos changed drastically, and they directly exclaimed!

"I am a variable bloodline, which is uncontrollable in this universe. Although Wen Cthulhu was banned by the ultimate, at first he also relied on the ultimate to step into the Taoist God, so my variable bloodline is lethal to the Cthulhu race. !"

"As long as I use my blood to condense the restrictions on these four sides, even if I ask the evil **** to come out, I will never touch those restrictions!"

Zhang Ziyou said.

"But this..."

A trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the two patriarchs.

They have also heard of this blood sacrifice, which draws all the blood of the operator out of the magic circle, during which the operator will experience unimaginable pain.

Especially now that Zhang Ziyou has reached the half-travel god, the blood sacrifice array is even more earth-shattering, and the pain he will have to endure at that time is ten million times more painful than ordinary surgeons!

Thinking of that horrible scene, even the Void Dao Master and the Chaos Giant, who have lived for endless years, shudder and show fear.

They couldn't imagine how much pain Zhang Ziyou would endure if they did this!

"No! I can't accept this plan, blood sacrifice is too cruel, there is no other way?" Void Daoist took the lead in raising an objection.

"I can't accept it either. If Dian Zhang, if you want to use this kind of magic circle, I am afraid that the two of us will stay and will not choose to help you. If you use this method to stop the Heretic God Race, I am afraid that my people will not agree. "The Chaos Giant also said, disapproving of Zhang Ziyou's use of this method to ban the Heretic God Race.

They all know exactly how painful blood sacrifices are!

Zhang Ziyou did not expect that the Void Dao Master and the Chaos Giant would be so resolutely opposed, and he was preparing to be tougher, suppressing the two patriarchs, and when he built the magic circle by himself, a very familiar voice sounded in this space.

"Zi You, you are really getting bolder and bolder. You dare to do this kind of thing. I really don't dare to beat you!"

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