Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1839: Here, this clan, give it to brother

Zhang Ziling's voice sounded in the space of the Heretic God Race, making everyone's expressions change.

"this is?"

The expressions and hearts of the Void Dao Master and the Chaos Giant slammed, and they only felt a powerful force crushing from the sky, causing the entire space to begin to crack!


Zhang Ziyou looked to the sky abruptly, only to see that the sky was torn apart and Zhang Ziling walked out of the void.

"Who is that?"

The evil gods in the Cthulhu tribe saw Zhang Ziling in the sky, and their eyes were full of fear.

They... actually felt from Zhang Ziling an aura as powerful as their patriarch's question to the evil god!

The Soul Devouring Demon Sword saw Zhang Ziling appear, and the sacred soldiers couldn't sit still. They turned into human forms and stood behind Zhang Ziyou.

"Boss... why did he come?"

Under Zhang Ziling's pressure, the Void Dao Master and the Chaos Giant tremble involuntarily.

This is the power of Taoism!

Farewell to the overwhelming power of the half-walking god!

That is, the strongest existence in this universe!

Zhang Ziling fell in front of Zhang Ziyou, first nodded to the Taoist Void and the patriarch of the Chaos Giant, and then put his gaze on Zhang Ziyou.

Being stared at by his own brother, Zhang Ziyou felt a little guilty and couldn't help but step back.

The Soul Devouring Demon Sword's several **** soldiers felt that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing. They were just about to speak and explain, but they were directly received by Zhang Ziling.

"Xuntian, Jiutian, give me a good lesson and teach these guys. I haven't seen them for thousands of years. If I am so courageous, I dare to do such things behind my back!"

"It's the boss!"

The two **** soldiers, Xun Tianyi and Nine Heavens Demon Orb, replied loudly, and then smiled and forced them towards the Soul Eater Demon Sword.

They are all Taoist masters now, so it's not too easy to pack a few divine weapons of the Soul Devouring Demon Sword.

"Brother, brother..."

Zhang Ziyou didn't expect Zhang Ziling to come over so soon, his face was dumb, and he didn't know what he should do now.

Zhang Ziling looked at Zhang Ziyou with a stern face, feeling a little angry in her heart.

He didn't expect that Zhang Ziyou wanted to block the Heretic God Race by blood sacrifice to himself!

"You, are you the brother of Dianzhu Zhang?"

The two patriarchs behind Zhang Ziyou felt that the atmosphere became more and more depressed, and some couldn't bear the pressure of Zhang Ziling, so they couldn't help but ask Zhang Ziling.

"Well, you two are..."

Hearing the words of the Void Daoist and the patriarch of the Chaos Giant, Zhang Ziling's face also eased, looking at the two and asking.

He also saw the two people's opposition to Zhang Ziyou just now, and the two people helped Zhang Ziyou a lot. Without these two people, Ziyou would really be here.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling also has a good impression of these two people. If possible, he doesn't mind helping out.

"Under the patriarch of the Void Clan, Void You."

"Under the patriarch of the Chaos Giant Clan, Tianyu."

The two patriarchs said in fear.

Although both of them came from one of the strongest races in the universe, they were not blessed by Taoism. No matter how powerful they were, they were still vulnerable to Taoism.

Now that Zhang Ziling appeared, the pressure alone made them breathless, and they did not dare to neglect.

This is Taoism!

"The two patriarchs don’t need so much courtesy. If it weren’t for the two taking care of the younger sister, I’m afraid the younger sister would have done that stupid thing." At this point, Zhang Ziling glared at Zhang Ziyou again, causing Zhang Ziyou to shrink her neck severely. With a guilty face, he completely lost the prestige of the Lord of the Shadow Palace.

If the monks in the Shadow Palace saw their unsmiling, decisive and decisive palace master, the youngest daughter would behave at this time, she might lose her big teeth and look dumbfounded.

"Where and where, this hall master has helped us a lot, we should do these things!"

Xuyou and Tianyu had smiles on their faces, feeling quite flattered.

Especially when they discovered that Zhang Ziling's bone age was less than 10,000 years, they were even more in awe of Zhang Ziling.

They had just grown up when they were more than 10,000 years old, and they were no more than Taoist-level strength, but Zhang Ziling was already a Taoist god, standing on top of the universe.

Such a big gap made the two really feel ashamed.

"Anyway, I owe you this time, and I will pay you some back now." Zhang Ziling bowed to the two of them, making them tremble, rather trance.

After the salute, Zhang Ziling turned and gave Zhang Ziyou a violent shudder, and Zhang Ziyou in pain quickly clutched his head: "Brother!"

"Do you still know that I am your brother? Bring a large group of people to trouble the Heretic God Race. If something happens to you, what should I do?"

Zhang Ziling scolded Zhang Ziyou while looking back at the time in the forbidden area.

Then, in the shocking eyes of everyone, only those void monks and chaotic giants who died in battle, no matter the souls are scattered or the body is annihilated, are all resurrected at this moment!

"This, this is!"

Xuyou and Tianyu opened their mouths wide, and their eyes were about to stare out. They had no idea that the people who died in battle would be resurrected!

There are quite a few souls scattered among those!

The law of time can still be used like this?

The two patriarchs felt that they had lived endless years, and they knew the Avenue of Time and Space for the first time.

"No! The opposite is really a Taoist god, is the patriarch awake?"

The Cthulhu tribe people saw more and more Void tribes and Chaos Giants resurrecting, their faces couldn't help flashing panic, and they quickly asked the people behind.

"The patriarch is regaining his strength, it will take some time, let's withstand it first!" An elder of the Cthulhu clan screamed sharply with a grim expression!

"Damn it!" The evil gods of the Cthulhu tribe looked ugly, but now besides a half-walking god, there is also a Taoist god!

Even though there are many Taoists in their clan, to Tao God, they are no different from the muddy ones.

Now they have no choice but to ask the Cthulhu to wake up!

Asking Cthulhu has been suppressed for countless years, in order to prevent the loss of power, he chose to take the initiative to sleep.

Although this kind of deep sleep can effectively slow down the rate of power loss, it takes quite a while for him to wake up from the deep sleep.

Asking Cthulhu Although his consciousness is awake now, and he can even communicate with the outside world, it is not so easy for him to regain his power.

Otherwise, Wu Cthulhu would not be able to watch the Void Race and the Chaos Giant Race attack their Cthulhu Race in this way!

The Void monks and the Chaos Giants who had died in battle before recovered one by one, all with a dazed expression, not knowing the situation.

"I...I'm not dead already dead?"

"In the end what happened?"

"Is it just a dream just now?"

All the resurrected people were full of doubts, thinking that they were dreaming, but when they found that they were still in the Cthulhu Clan, they realized that they were not dreaming, but...resurrected!

For a time, there was an uproar!

Resurrecting all the Void tribesmen and the Chaos Giants, Zhang Ziling stopped then and said to Zhang Ziyou: "Ziyou, you should stand behind and wait for me to go back and clean up your girl."

"Here, this clan, give it to brother."

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