Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1846: Zhang Ziling's ultimate move!

"Devil, how are you thinking about it?"

The gods did not seem to notice that Zhang Ziling was absorbing the power of the evil god, thinking that Zhang Ziling was still considering this matter.

Zhang Ziling was nothing but a new Dao God. Even if he had only killed the Cthulhu, it was only because the Cthulhu had been banned for a long time, his strength had already weakened to the lowest point, and he had suffered a series of sneak attacks before causing serious injuries.

Most importantly, Wen Cthulhu was caught in the trap of Zhang Ziling's domain.

The barren realm can indeed lose power, and even the defense of the soul and body will follow.

But that was only when there was a loophole in his own spirit that allowed Zhang Ziling to take advantage of it.

Once you start to fall into fear, or believe that your power is gone, then your power will disappear.

On the contrary, as long as you strengthen your will and deny the fact that your strength has declined, the barren field of Zhang Ziling will not have much effect on the powerhouse of the same level, and you can instantly restore the fallen realm!

The gods had already seen Zhang Ziling's abilities, and Zhang Ziling had also consumed too much money because of killing the evil god. It can be said that with Zhang Ziling's current power, it is impossible to pose any threat to him.

Therefore, the gods did not think that Zhang Ziling could pose any threat to himself.

"You want me to join the Nirvana Ruins, for the ultimate effect, so you have to come up with some more tangible benefits... What you just said, even if I don't join the Nirvana Ruins, I can still do it, and more free."

"I don't think I have to join the Ruins of Annihilation to serve the ultimate."

Zhang Ziling looked at the gods with a smile and started to delay time.

It will take some time for him to absorb and ask the evil gods, and depending on how the gods are now, as long as he refuses, the gods will probably do it.

Therefore, if you can delay a little time, you can delay a little time.

In this situation now, Zhang Ziling has been mentally prepared for a full-scale battle with Jixi Ruins, these gods...

Zhang Ziling is not going to let it go now.

The three gods of the Three Thousand Universe, together with the ultimate of Nirvana Ruins, would not allow him to be such a variable.

"There are five Ultimate Heart Fragments in the Demon God's body. You must know that in the end, no creatures will be allowed to hold his source of power. After the Ultimate has dealt with the Nirvana Ruins, he will definitely come to you."

"Think about it, you can step into the Taoist God with just five pieces of the ultimate heart, how strong the ultimate power should be, you should have a number in your heart."

"As long as you agree to join the Nirvana Market, you will eventually be allowed to help keep those five pieces, and you won't be in any danger at that time."

The gods began to threaten and lure, and came up with the ultimate talk.

The ultimate is the supreme ruler of the three thousand universes, even if they step into the Taoist God, they are still vulnerable when facing the ultimate.

The gods cannot even resist a single blow before the ultimate.

He believed that Zhang Ziling, who possessed the Ultimate Heart Fragment, knew how powerful the Ultimate was.

No one can defy the ultimate.

Even the variables.

"It seems that if I don't agree to join the Nirvana Ruins, I will eventually kill me, and then take away the five Ultimate Heart Shards from my body?" Zhang Ziling asked with a smile, without showing the slightest panic.

"You can understand this." The gods said, "The Ruins of Nirvana is the supreme power of the three thousand universes, and the ultimate is the supreme existence. Even if you are a Taoist **** and want to resist the ultimate, you are still too naive."

"You have also seen the power of the Ultimate Heart Shards. Even if you gather ten pieces and condense them into the Ultimate Heart, you will get the Ultimate only get half the ultimate power."

The gods said to Zhang Ziling again, emphasizing the ultimate strength as much as possible.

"Every time I get a piece of the Ultimate Heart Shard, my power will probably double... ten pieces, but only half of his power... This ultimate is really terrifying."

Hearing the words of the gods, Zhang Ziling also realized that there is still a considerable gap between himself and the ultimate...

‘Take advantage of the ultimate recovery, gather the ten ultimate heart fragments. ’

Zhang Ziling thought, the ultimate strength did not make him have any intention of giving up.

Tianxuan is still in the Nirvana Ruins.

With the help of the will of the universe and the heaven seeker, it is not very difficult for Zhang Ziling to find the remaining five pieces of ultimate heart fragments.

"Joining Nirvana Market is your only way out. I don't have more time for you to think about it here. If you agree, then follow me back to Nirvana Market."

Seeing that Zhang Ziling hadn't responded for a while, the gods became a little impatient. Now the Three Thousand Dadao is missing a thousand lines. Every time we waste more time, the cosmic order will collapse faster!

At this moment, the company who asked the evil **** was completely absorbed by Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling could no longer suppress the force that would burst out.

The Heretic God in Zhang Ziling's hands turned into powder and dissipated at this moment.

Zhang Ziling said: "I'm sorry, the ultimate and I are mortal enemies. If you are willing to betray the ultimate and join me, we may be able to be friends."

"You fool me?"

Seeing Wen Cthulhu's body suddenly dissipated, a trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the gods!

How could he still not understand?

Just now Zhang Ziling pretended to be heartbeat, purely to delay time, so that he could absorb the residual power of the evil god!


"How about playing with you?"

The violent power erupted from Zhang Ziling's body, the barren realm spread to the surroundings, and the whole body of the gods turned black and white again.

"I want to kill you!"

Seeing that his strength dropped rapidly again, the gods did not panic at all, and sneered: "Devil Emperor, I have already seen through your tricks, your domain has no effect on me!"

"A newly promoted Taoist god, how can you allow you to be rampant?"

"Is it?"

Zhang Ziling sneered, a trace of joking flashed in his eyes, and before the gods had time to regain their strength, he directly froze the time!

The sneer expressions of the gods solidified instantly!

Although the law of time has no effect on Taoism, as long as the realm of the gods descends to the Taoist for a moment, Zhang Ziling can use the law of time to immobilize the gods!

"Even if you can restore your strength to Taoism in an instant, I only need the moment your strength decreases, and then freeze the time, and you can increase the time for you to restore strength indefinitely!"

Standing in the void, Zhang Ziling looked at the gods and smiled lightly:

"Tao Master, there is no resistance in front of me."

If one's own domain is really useless after being seen through by others, it would be a waste of him to rebuild the domain hundreds of billions or even trillions of times!

For Zhang Ziling, the barren field is one of his other big kills!

Although it would take a considerable amount of effort to imprison the Taoist God, it was enough for Zhang Ziling, who had just absorbed the power of the Evil God!

"It's a pity...After this trick is used, when I kill the gods, I'm afraid the Dark God will be on guard."

Zhang Ziling muttered and flew to the gods.

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