Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1847: Grab it and run!

"Devil Emperor, don't rush to kill him first, use the God Devouring Jue! You can steal more power from the living Taoist God!"

"Suck his realm directly!"

Just as Zhang Ziling was about to completely erase the gods, the voice of the original will of the universe sounded in Zhang Ziling's mind again.

This is a great opportunity to improve your strength, far more profitable than killing the gods!

Zhang Ziling now wants to be the enemy of the ultimate, and if he cultivates normally, there is absolutely not enough time, so he can only madly grab the power of others!

Hearing the words of the original will of the universe, Zhang Ziling immediately reacted, without any hesitation, directly changed the offensive, spurred the gods to devour the power of God!

The freeze time began to shatter, and the power of the gods soared again, and soon they were able to return to their peak state.

However, Zhang Ziling's expression did not change in any way, but he vigorously urged the God-Eater to devour the power of the gods.

Zhang Ziling's breath began to soar.

"Devil! What are you doing? How dare you absorb my power?"

The consciousness of the gods recovered and found that their power was being madly seized by Zhang Ziling, his eyes were about to split, and he roared.

"I changed my mind, I will save your life first!"

It is basically impossible to kill the gods now, but just in that period of time, Zhang Ziling captured most of the power of the gods, and now the gods are weaker than asking the evil gods.

And the breath of Zhang Ziling, after absorbing the power of the evil gods and the gods, has surpassed the peak period of the gods!

And it continues to soar!

Chuan Shenjue steals not only the power of the gods, but also the realm of the gods.

If Zhang Ziling was in the early stage of the Taoist God, and the Evil God was the middle stage of the Taoist God, and the gods were the latter stage of the Taoist God, Zhang Ziling's current realm had soared to the late stage of the Taoist God, and the gods became weaker to the early stage of the Taoist God!

The freeze time was finally shattered, Zhang Ziling immediately put away the God Devouring Jue, smiled at the gods and said: "Thank you for your strength, next time we will fight again!"

Having seized a lot of power from the gods, Zhang Ziling could no longer suppress the surging power in his body. In order to avoid wasting, Zhang Ziling teased the gods and then directly tore up the space to escape, leaving the gods alone in place!

When the gods collapsed Zhang Ziling to freeze the frame, they felt that they were mostly weak, and the whole person's expression became extremely distorted:

"The Devil——! I'm going to kill you!"

The roar of the gods reverberates in the three thousand universes and explodes over all the worlds!

Most of the power is taken away, the gods are almost crazy!


"Hahaha! It's enjoyable! The gods were sucked by the boss for most of their power all at once. I am afraid that all of the billions of years of hard work have made wedding dresses for the boss!"

Xun Tianyi laughed loudly, extremely excited: "What about Taoist God? It's not just being played around by the boss!"

It was in Zhang Ziling's body, and Zhang Ziling's strength could be clearly felt to increase!

"But he also got his life back because of this, and he has to live for a while."

Zhang Ziling appeared in the sky above the Xuanxiao Continent and the earth, directly cutting the surrounding space, and quickly receiving the Xuanxiao Continent and the earth into his own small world.

After doing all this, Zhang Ziling did not stop, and flew straight to the Antarctic sky, and also included the southern part of the universe into his own small world.

With Zhang Ziling's current power of Taoism, let alone the southern part of the universe, even if the entire universe was cut out and included in his own small world, it would not be difficult for him.

The gods did not die. In order to avoid any worries, Zhang Ziling naturally had to take all the forces related to him into his own small world, so as not to be threatened by the gods.

Now Zhang Ziling’s small world is wider than the Middle Universe, and even gave birth to new worlds and lives. The southern part of the universe and the Xuanxiao continent are included together. The monks on the southern part of the universe and the Xuanxiao continent are not even Will feel anything!

After that, Zhang Ziling quickly found the Void Race and the Chaos Giant Race, and also received the two supreme races into his own small world, and Zhang Ziyou was no exception.

In the end, Zhang Ziling took out all the people and the world who had a relationship with him over the course of time!

"In this way, you only need to absorb the power of the heavens and gods you have captured, and then find the other five ultimate fragments, you can basically go to the Nirvana Ruins."

Zhang Ziling muttered, opened up a space alone, hid in, and began to absorb the power of the gods.

Sure enough, after Zhang Ziling opened up the space, the gods found the place where Xuanxiao Continent had been before. Looking at the empty universe, the expressions of the gods became more and more distorted.

"The Devil... Don't let me find you! How dare I take my power... This asshole, I want you to regret doing all this! I want to return it to you a thousand times!"

The gods roared and directly shattered the universe in front, and violent power raged in the void.

He has never felt as humiliated as he is now, and he wants to recover the power that Zhang Ziling has seized, and he needs endless years of hard work!

Thinking of Zhang Ziling just sneaking on him, he gained the power that he had cultivated through endless years of painstaking efforts, and the gods were almost crazy!

"I want you to die--!"

The gods roared and went to the Antarctic Sky, the Void Clan, the Chaos Giant Clan, and even the existence of Zhang Ziling and his relatives and friends in the long river...everywhere I can go, I have found everything I can find, but I have not found anything about it. The trail of Zhang Ziling!

After achieving the Taoist God, coupled with the help of the original will of the universe, Zhang Ziling can completely create a new world, extracting himself and everything related to him from the long river of time and placing it in a new river of time. Flow as a source to the future.

All cause and effect can be shaped by Zhang Ziling himself.

The gods and gods rummaged through the three thousand universes, walked through the long river of time, and even tore away the cause and effect, and there was no trace of Zhang Ziling!

just like……

Zhang Ziling has never existed in general.

"This **** guy... things are really amazing, he created a new world and opened up a new space..."

The gods stood on both sides of the long river of time, watching the time flowing in the long river of time indifferently, and the whole person was gloomy to the extreme.

"Don't think that I won't be able to find you like this. You have five pieces of the Ultimate Heart Fragment on your body. You must find another five pieces..."

"When I get the five yuan, you will either come to me, or wait for the final shot to deal with you... At that time, I will see where you hide!"

The gods had given up the idea of ​​searching for Zhang Ziling and decided to use the Ultimate Heart Fragment to draw Zhang Ziling out.

Zhang Ziling now wants to be the enemy of the ultimate, and if he wants to defeat the ultimate, he must gather the heart of the ultimate. The gods believe that Zhang Ziling will definitely find the remaining five pieces of the ultimate heart!

Having made a decision in his heart, the gods no longer hesitate, and jump directly into the long river of time, searching for the ultimate heart fragment!

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