Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1848: Revenge of the gods

Three thousand universes, somewhere in the sky with no one.

There was nothing there, and it was still in chaos.

Suddenly, the space cracked and a man with a disheveled hair walked out of it.

He wore a black robe, his hair was like a waterfall, his skin was fair, and his eyes seemed to be able to hold the entire universe, like a galaxy.

It is Zhang Ziling.

"Boss, I didn't expect that it would take you 100,000 years to absorb the power of the gods. If it were not for the law of time, there would have been vicissitudes of life outside here!"

The voice of the heaven seeker rang around, and then ten divine soldiers appeared around Zhang Ziling at the same time, each with the power of the peak of the Taoist master, all with a terrifying breath!

When Zhang Ziling was absorbing the power of the gods, he placed the ten **** soldiers by his side and used his remaining aura to upgrade the ten **** soldiers.

Nowadays, the **** soldiers such as Xuntianyi have become the supreme **** soldiers of the universe, the king of all soldiers!

Any one can suppress the universe!

"Unfortunately, the law of time can no longer suppress my strength. Even if I fix the time of the practice place, three days have passed... these three days, I don't know what tricks the gods can make."

Zhang Ziling shook his head and said, after absorbing the power of the gods, he already felt that he could change the rules of the three thousand universes at any time.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't have time to change the rules of the universe. He had to deal with the gods and ultimate affairs first.

"Xuntian and Jiutian, you two followed me, and the other **** soldiers guarded the Profound Sky Continent, helping me watch Zi You, and if Xie Wushuang appeared, notify me immediately."

Zhang Ziling instructed the magic soldiers.

Even if the Soul Eater Demon Sword and other divine weapons have reached the Dao master level, now... Except for the Nine Heavens Demon Orb and the Heaven Seeker Zhang Ziling are still available, other divine weapons are useless and can only be used. In Xuanxiao Continent, guard everything.

Zhang Ziling reopened a world, hiding the Xuanxiao Continent and others in it.

After all, Zhang Ziling would fight against the existence of the gods and the ultimate, if there was an accident, the Xuanxiao Continent could still escape.

Zhang Ziling has completely removed the Xuanxiao Continent, the Earth, and the Antarctic Sky for a long time, and the cause and effect have disappeared. As long as the cosmic origin will help, even if it is the ultimate, he can never find the Xuanxiao Continent!

Ziyou and Zhang Ziling are both the source of variables. Even if Zhang Ziling is ultimately slain, and as a half-path god, Zhang Ziyou becomes the only hope of the universe's original will to regain the three thousand universes. Even if the universe's original will is for himself, It is impossible to betray Zhang Ziyou.

"Old Xiaoxin, let's go back first!"

The Soul Eater Demon Sword and other divine soldiers also knew the current situation. After Zhang Ziling ordered, they did not stay in place, and quickly returned to the new world Zhang Ziling opened up.

After the **** soldiers returned, Zhang Ziling put away the heaven-seeking instrument and the nine-day magic orb, and wiped out the existence of the new world, saying: "Xuntian, mark the other five ultimate fragments, and we will get them."

"Good Le!"

Tian Xun Yi said excitedly, and quickly cast the location information of the five fragments into Zhang Ziling's mind.

With the help of the original will of the universe, the celestial seeker has already entered all the information of the three thousand universes. It is not difficult at all to find the five ultimate heart fragments.

Even the heaven seeker has positioned the evil race in the depths of a small world.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't have time to find trouble with the evil race now, so he had to resolve the immediate threat first.

"Sure enough... the other five Ultimate Heart Fragments were all collected by the gods. He should have given me a set."

Zhang Ziling found that the five Ultimate Heart Fragments were all gathered together, and a trace of joking flashed in his eyes.

Before I grabbed the power of the gods and ran away, I don't need to think about it, the gods must be angry.

If the gods did not retaliate, Qi Ling would feel strange.

"The worst result should be that the gods and the dark gods are both present, and they will also be wary of my domain. It should be a little difficult to get five pieces of the ultimate heart from both of them... "

Even though Zhang Ziling is now in the late stage of Taoism, and the gods are weak to the extreme, but the dark **** is still in its heyday, and it is stronger than the peak of the gods.

Adding the two Taoists together, Zhang Ziling wanted to fight, and it was really difficult.

"Follow the original plan. At this point, you can only kill all the way to the Nirvana Ruins."

"However, I have reached this point, and the cultivation of the Three Thousand Universe is about to reach its peak, and it is time for Xie Wushuang to show up." Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed red and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

From the ignorant young man on earth to the Taoist **** who is now over three thousand universes...

There is always a person standing behind.

Although Zhang Ziling had always wanted to kill Xie Wushuang, he also had to admit...

If Xie Wushuang hadn't brought him to Xuanxiao Continent, he would have been turned into loess long ago.

"who the **** are you?"

Zhang Ziling smiled and shook his head, opened the void, and could see five pieces of Ultimate Heart gathered in an empty starry sky.

No one was around.

The gods and the dark gods are both subordinates of the Nirvana Ruins, so naturally they cannot touch the ultimate power source, nor even bring the ultimate heart back to the Nirvana Ruins.

Otherwise, it is basically impossible for Zhang Ziling to get the Ultimate Heart Fragment directly in the Nirvana Ruins.

"The remaining five fragments, it really made me hooked..." Looking at the five Ultimate Heart fragments on the other side of the space, Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, but he was not panicked or solemn.

Now that he has grown up completely, there is no need to fear anyone in the three thousand universe.

Zhang Ziling no longer hesitated, stepped into the void and came to the five ultimate heart fragments.


Before Zhang Ziling had time to grasp the five fragments, the surrounding starry sky changed and turned into chaos.

Zhang Ziling was plunged into darkness, and the five ultimate heart fragments disappeared.

"The devil... should I say that you are stupid, or that you are brave?"

The gods appeared in front of Zhang Ziling, staring at Zhang Ziling with an icy expression, and the whole body was terrifying.

It is a pity that there is only the beginning of the Taoist master, which is too far away from his peak moment.

"Just you here?"

Looking at the gods, Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows, with a faint smile on his lips.

He knew that it was not easy for him to get the five Ultimate Heart Shards, but the gods of the heavens and the dark gods were the existence that prevented him from going to the Nirvana Ruins and had to be destroyed.

So, sooner or later will face it.

Moreover, Zhang Ziling did not have more time to slowly improve his strength.

Everyone is a Taoist god, no matter how you cultivate, even if you have passed millions and tens of millions of years, your strength cannot be too extended.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's smile, the gods' hearts filled with endless anger, and their eyes became scarlet:

"I kindly invited you to the Ruins of Nirvana, and in the end you actually robbed me of my power... A despicable villain like you, I will surely make you pay back thousands of times!"

The gods roared, and the surrounding chaos suddenly surged!

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