Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1855: Tianxuan

"Dao extreme realm, Dao extreme...what kind of realm is this?"

Zhang Ziling murmured, opened his eyes, and completely condensed his breath into his body.

"Devil, how do you feel now?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling awake, Yu dark **** asked quickly, with curiosity in his eyes.

The gods also raised their ears at this moment. After all, Zhang Ziling had absorbed their power, and he was also quite concerned about how far Zhang Ziling could go.

After all, the heavens and gods have been in the realm of Taoism for countless years, and he is also very curious as to whether there is any other realm above Taoism.

"It is said that...this realm is called Dao Extreme Realm." Zhang Ziling said to Yu Dark God and the Heavens.

"Dao Extreme Realm?"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the two of them were a little dazed, and their hearts were shocked.

Above Taoism, is there really another realm?

Although the gods of the heavens and the gods of the dark gods had imagined them, they were still not sure, nor did they dare to imagine the realm above the gods.

They think that above Taoism is the ultimate.

Don't overstep!

Not what they can achieve.

Yu Dark God swallowed fiercely and asked, "Is that... the ultimate realm?"

"Forget it...but I'm not quite sure how strong the ultimate is." Zhang Ziling nodded, but hesitated.

He also asked what the original will of the universe actually represents, but the original will of the universe just haggled and said that it belongs to the realm of the universe, and it is not weak in the universe.

But what kind of power the Dao Extreme Realm possesses, the universe's original will is not particularly clear.

After all, the ultimate has taken over the three thousand universes since the ancient times, and also blocked the connection between the three thousand universes and the upper world, and the original will of the universe has also lost a lot of information.

"The next step is to rely on you. Now we are all people on the same boat. Don't lose to the ultimate. I haven't lived enough!"

The gods said to Zhang Ziling, and swept away the previous hostility.

Their fate now rests on Zhang Ziling, and they can only hope that Zhang Ziling will become stronger!

"Leave it to me... Actually, there is not much hatred between us. I still benefit from you. I will repay you if I have the opportunity."

Zhang Ziling smiled at the Gods of Darkness and the Heavens, and then he didn't plan to stay in the Three Thousand Universe, and directly tore open the entrance to Nirvana Ruins!


In the Ruins of Nirvana!

Tian Yang walked quickly to Tian Yu's console, bowed slightly to a middle-aged man in a white robe, and respectfully said: "Master Tian Yu, you call me?"

"Tianyang, you came just right, and I have something to look for you." Tianyu turned around, beckoned to Tianyang, and signaled Tianyang to pass.

"What is your lord looking for?"

Tian Yang walked in quickly and asked respectfully.

"The process of separating the source of the Dao Xin is at the final stage. You are in charge of the Profound Sky's vital signs. In this final stage, you need to check the Profound Sky's vital signs at all times. Pay attention to suppressing the Profound Sky's consciousness and avoid any accidents." Tian Yu looked at Tian Yang and said.

"What do you mean?" Tian Yang asked with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

This is what he was supposed to do, and he has never made a mistake before. Tianyu specifically reminded him what to do?

"I mean, now you need to monitor the vital signs of the Profound Sky all the time here, and you can't leave for a moment." Tian Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at Tian Yang indifferently, "So, you can help me by the way. Little things."

‘This dog, I want to go to the ultimate flattery, and give me all the dirty work! ’

Tianyang lowered his head slightly and said, "Tianyang understands!"

Separating Yuan Daoxing from the Profound Sky, speaking of simplicity, is actually quite a complicated matter.

Yuan Daoxing has completely merged with Tianxuan. Once Tianxuan is damaged in the process of separation, Yuan Daoxing will suffer the same damage. If Tianxuan dies, Yuan Daoxing will also collapse.

Therefore, in the process of separation, you must always pay attention to the condition of every cell in the Profound Sky, and be careful not to cause any damage to the Profound Sky!

Moreover, the strength of the Profound Sky, who has absorbed Yuan Dao Xin, is already unimaginable. They must always suppress the will of the Profound Sky, otherwise once the Profound Sky wakes up, everything they did before will fall short.

Before the ultimate, it was able to easily suppress the consciousness of the Profound Sky, but now that there is such a big disorder in the three thousand universes, the ultimate must be fully prepared, so the task of suppressing the Profound Sky is also delegated to many heavens.

Tianyu is one of the persons in charge of suppressing the will of the Profound Sky.

Suppressing the Profound Sky's will requires considerable energy and even damages the origin of the Profound Sky. Therefore, when it comes to suppressing the Profound Sky Consciousness by the Heavenly Order, in order to be lazy, he will often order other Heavenly Dao to help him suppress the Profound Sky Consciousness.

This time, he just happened to find Tian Yang.

Tian Yang's heart was both cursing and gratifying, and on the surface he still accepted the arrangement of the encyclical.

"You work hard, there are still some things waiting for me to deal with in the end, I'll be back later." Tian Yu squinted, smiled and patted Tianyang on the shoulder, and then the purple black that was inserted on his body The pipe was pulled out and connected to the sky.

Almost for an instant, Tian Yao felt that he had been extracted from a large-scale source of heaven, and his whole person became a little trance, his face pale to the extreme.

"Master Tianyu, don't worry, I will complete the task!"

Tian Yang said weakly, he didn't have the strong mental power of Tian Yu, and he couldn't spare any extra energy to do other things.

"Well, you work hard, I'll be back in a while and find someone else to replace you!"

Tian Yu squinted and said with a smile, then no longer cared about Tian Yang, and went straight away.

"This **** old thing!"

Seeing Tian Yu leaving, a trace of disgust flashed in Tian Yang's eyes, and he cursed in a low voice.

However, he hadn't immediately disconnected himself from Tianxuan. Instead, he walked to the console with difficulty and began to change the console's program, trying to block the restrictions around Tianxuan.

After making all the preparations, temporarily shielding the connection between the console and the Nirvana Ruins, and after confirming that no abnormalities would be found in the Nirvana Ruins, Tian Yang immediately removed the tube inserted in his body and disconnected from the Tianxuan.


Tian Yang fell directly on the floor, breathing heavily:

"This guy, how much power did Tianxuan inherit from Yuan Dao Xin? It's only a while, I feel like I'm going to drain it, and I'll have to hurt Yuan Yuan soon!"

"That guy Tianyu, he clearly has a source of heaven that surpasses me a hundred times a thousand times, but he still asked me to do these things..."

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

Tian Yang muttered in a low voice, and then climbed to the console with his weak body and began to try to awaken the consciousness of Xuan Tian.

There is no continuous source of Heavenly Dao injected into the prohibition, and there is simply no way to suppress the will of the Profound Sky by the strength of the prohibition.

After a while, Tian Xuan's finger moved.

Seeing Tianxuan starting to move, Tian Yang couldn't help showing joy in his face, and hurriedly shouted:

"Xuan Xuan! Can you hear it? Xuan Xuan!"

"This is a life-saving thing! If you regain consciousness, open your eyes quickly!"

"Time is running out!"

At the call of Tian Yang, the Tian Xuan, who was in a chaotic state, gradually regained consciousness.

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