Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1856: Tianxuan wakes up

Tianxuan felt that he had a dream, a very long dream.

I dreamt that I met a person who is completely fascinated. He is a rare variable in the universe, without realm shackles, and his strength advances extremely fast. Moreover, that person is different from the rest of the world and has no fear of heaven. After stepping into the emperor, he often bullied her.

Later, that person became the first person in Xuanxiao Continent, and he also created some big power.

For the sake of his own power, that person often came to her and asked her for all kinds of things, and he had never said anything in return, and even rarely said thank you.

At first, she disliked that person quite a bit and thought he was quite rude.

But once, Xuanxiao Continent coincided with a drastic change, and her strength was extremely weak. Several worlds in the universe came over and wanted to take the opportunity to **** her power.

Without saying anything, that person kept her for hundreds of years, smashed away those invading heavens, and even when she was weak, he wandered around the mainland, went to various burial sites and collected various ancient secrets. Remove all the creatures that might harm the Xuanxiao Continent!

What's more, that person, in order to keep her demeanor of seeing all living beings as humble dogs, he did not hesitate to be called a demon, and killed all the people in the world who wanted to go against the sky...

Just to maintain balance in Xuanxiao Continent.

Gradually, she passed the period of weakness and returned to the strength of the emperor rank.

That person became normal again and began to ask her for all kinds of treasures.

However, her mentality has also changed. She is so happy to be asked for it by that person, and even secretly helps to open a small stove to the people of his forces to gather luck from heaven and earth.


The man left, walking for thousands of years.

With the passage of time in the Xuanxiao Continent, even that person's power was destroyed, and everything changed drastically.

If she is not a god, she will definitely stop it.

Unfortunately, the rules do not allow.

That is the highest prohibition.

As a god, she must be ruthless in front of all beings.

She thought that person would not return, but one day suddenly, she felt that person stepped into the land of Xuanxiao Continent again.

She was ecstatic, but she didn't dare to meet that person in the first place.

She was afraid that the person would blame her for watching his power fall, so she temporarily hid and watched secretly.

Later, that person re-entered the power, and even in order to restore the vitality of the power, he did not hesitate to break the rules of the world and wantonly change his talent.

She was afraid that she would eventually discover that that person was the source variable, so she took the initiative to seize the power of other worlds to help cover up the secrets, causing herself to commit a serious crime, and to cover up the fact that that person was a variable with her own crimes.

She knew that after she had committed a serious crime, she would be imprisoned in Nirvana Ruins, or even annihilated!

But she also knew that that person would definitely come to rescue her.

In order to make that day come earlier, she decided to give all her power to that person, and even secretly used the power of the origin of the universe to inspire that person's nine demons.

Later, she was imprisoned in Nirvana Ruins, tortured by the ultimate, tortured, and plunged into the boundless darkness.

After that, Ultimate finally noticed that person. In order for that person to have enough time to grow up, she took advantage of the ultimate carelessness and forcibly swallowed Yuan Daoxing, which had never been touched by God!

During the period, she endured endless pain, but also caused considerable trouble to the ultimate, and successfully trapped the ultimate in the ruins of extinguishment.


She has no memory.

until now.

"Where am I?"

Tian Xuan slowly opened his eyes, doubts and confusion flashed in his beautiful eyes, and he always felt that he had been asleep for a long time.

"Xuan Xuan! Xuan Xuan!"

Vaguely, Tianxuan felt that someone was calling himself, he couldn't help but looked around, only to find that there was nothing but chaos around him.

"No need to look, you can't see me! Now you are under the surveillance of many people. Close your eyes as much as possible and continue to pretend to be unconscious. Just listen to me!"

"who are you?"

Tian Xuan asked in his mind, but he closed his eyes and remained motionless in accordance with the voice's request.

She could feel that the tube inserted into her body was constantly drawing her power. And she never thought that her power could be so powerful, she couldn't imagine it at all!

This is the reason why Yuan Daoxin was devoured?

"You don't know that I am normal. I am the heavenly path of the Middle World Universe. The origin of the heavenly path was taken away by the Demon Emperor. I am now regarded as the Demon Emperor's subordinate."

"The Devil? Is it Zhang Ziling?"

Hearing Tian Yang's words, Tian Xuan's body trembled suddenly, and Zhang Ziling's appearance flashed across her mind.

All the things that happened before, she gradually became clear, and she remembered her current state.

Having swallowed Yuan Dao Xin, he hasn't died yet, Tian Xuan still admires himself.

"Is he here to save me?"

Tian Xuan was a little surprised and asked quickly.

"Not yet, but I think it's fast."

"The Devil Emperor swallowed all the three Taoisms of the Three Thousand Universe, and the ultimate heart scattered in the Three Thousand Universe also fell into his hands, and his strength greatly increased. Now the ultimate panic, he is actively preparing for battle and preparing to respond. The Devil Emperor is coming."

"So in the end, you have to forcibly strip Yuan Daoxin from your body, for fear that you will give the Demon Emperor Yuan Daoxin's power again!"

Tian Yang briefly explained, leaving Tian Xuan in a daze.

She didn't expect that Zhang Ziling had reached the point where it could threaten the ultimate!

Tianxuan had indeed imagined that Zhang Ziling would break into the nirvana ruins to rescue her, but that was just a fantasy after all.

Zhang Ziling was only the supreme of the small world universe at the beginning, and he didn't even have the qualifications to be in the upper world universe, and after the 100,000-year deadline, he might even be arrested for the blood sacrifice...

How did this kind of relatively low status in the upper world grow to the point where it threatens the ultimate?

Tianxuan simply couldn't imagine.

"He, he... how did he do it?"

"Let's not entangle this matter first. I contacted you without telling Tianyu. I guess he will be back soon. I won't have a chance to talk to you. We don't have much time!"

"So you have to remember everything I said now, otherwise the Devil Emperor will come in, but you will die, then everything is over!"

Tian Yang said quickly: "I will slightly change the flow of the power that suppresses your consciousness, and then your consciousness will not be completely sealed! As long as you don't move or think, no one will find anomalies!"

"Before the Devil Emperor reaches the Nirvana Ruins, don't let others discover that your consciousness has been restored. No matter what happens, don't move!"

"By the way! Ultimately, you must separate the Yuan Daoxing in your body. The Yuan Daoxing has completely integrated with you. You can find a way to keep the power of the Yuan Daoxing in your body as much as possible, and let them separate into a void. Shell out!"

"Don't you die!"

"Heaven comes, be careful yourself, don't let people find that you are awake!"

Tian Yang's voice rang in Tian Xuan's mind, and then stopped abruptly, and there was no more voice.

"Let me... leave the power of Yuan Daoxin?"

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