The ultimate voice was faint, looking straight at Zhang Ziling, without the slightest intention of rising from the throne.

Zhang Ziling's face condensed, and he looked at the ultimate saying: "What do you mean...the upper universe of the three thousand universes, doesn't exist anymore?"

"It can be said that this seat chose to rule these three thousand universes because there is really no place to go to this seat."

"It's a joke...Even if one big universe is annihilated, there are other big universes, don't you go to those places, but choose to be in these three thousand universes?"

Zhang Ziling laughed out loud and didn't believe it at all.

Nine million small worlds, three thousand middle worlds, since countless epochs, I don’t know how many people have been sacrificed to the ultimate blood!

Blocking the path of ascension, setting up realm shackles, manipulating the world's heavens, imprisoning the heavens...

How can this kind of hatred be eliminated with a word of homelessness?

Ultimately shook his head and looked at Zhang Ziling's eyes, with a touch of sympathy:

"Do you really think that the Big World Universe is the same as the Three Thousand Universe, allowing you to cross the barriers of the universe at will?"

"Each universe in the big world is independent. Except for the supreme beings, there is no way to cross to another universe."

"The annihilation of the universe... means that the universe will become nothingness, and everyone will die!"

"Countless epochs, the supreme of the universe fought against the supreme of other universes. The supreme of this universe was finally defeated, and the origin of the vast universe collapsed. As a result, hundreds of millions of creatures were annihilated. Only a handful of souls fell to three. In the Thousand Universes, it has been reduced to heaven."

"If it weren't for the most powerful person who sacrificed all power to protect the three thousand universes, as the upper world of the three thousand universes is annihilated, these three thousand universes will also fall into the vast void and eventually annihilate."

The ultimate lightly said, telling those secrets.

"You mean, all the ways of heaven are derived from the souls of creatures in the upper world? Who is the most powerful person in your mouth?"

Hearing the ultimate words, Zhang Ziling was a little frightened, but he was even more curious about who was the most powerful person?

The information of the big world and the universe, even the origin of the universe and the will of the universe do not know the affairs of the upper world.

Regarding matters of the big world, you can ultimately ridicule at will, and Zhang Ziling has no channel for verification, so Zhang Ziling only intends to listen to all the things that he says, not to believe it.

If what is said in the end is true, then what the original will of the universe said, three thousand cosmic creatures can no longer ascend to the upper world universe, I am afraid it has nothing to do with the annihilation of the upper world universe.

But the universe is annihilated, and what's the point of the most powerful person protecting the three thousand universes?

The Dao Extreme Realm can create a universe of the same level as the three thousand universes at will. The creation of the universe by the most powerful is naturally a matter of snapping a finger.

Sacrificing his own power to protect the three thousand universes, Zhang Ziling didn't believe it very much.

"The most powerful..."

A touch of reverence could not help but a touch of reverence appeared in the ultimate eyes, and it seemed to begin to fall into memories:

"He used to be the master of this seat. He has the supreme position in the universe. One person is enough to suppress hundreds of millions of creatures in the world."

"However, after he was defeated by other cosmic powerhouses, the origin of the entire universe collapsed, and countless creatures died as a result, and the family and influence of that adult also disappeared in that collapse."

"Out of self-blame, that great man gave up the idea of ​​taking refuge in other universes and sacrificed his own strength. Only after the collapse of the universe, the 3,000 universes were preserved."

"What happened to that person?" Zhang Ziling looked at the ultimate and asked, suspicious.

Ultimately shook his head and said, "I don't know this seat...After waking up, the vast universe is the only one left."

"So, you suppressed the cosmic origin of the three thousand universes, and then controlled many heavenly realms, and achieved your current supreme status?"

Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows, looking at the ultimate and asked.

"This seat is homeless, there is no way to do this."

"Then what's the point of telling me this?" Zhang Ziling asked again.

The ultimate gaze was faint, staring at Zhang Ziling quietly, and after a while, he said: "I haven't spoken to anyone for a long time. As a variable, you can rush into the Ruins of Silence. I also want to chat with you. "

"And... this seat also wants you to know that even if you defeat this seat, you will only become the next ultimate, meaningless."

"If you just retreat, this seat can ignore your offense, and even ask you to take the Profound Sky back, so that you can live your life as a mandarin duck."

"Our well water does not violate the river water. You can live quite comfortably in the three thousand universes with the realm of Taoism."

Sitting on the throne in the end seemed to give Zhang Ziling a very superior condition.

"You said it well, but..."

"I do not want to hear!"

When the voice fell, Zhang Ziling rushed directly to the ultimate, the power of Taoism permeated around, and the laws of the Three Thousand Avenues were all in disorder.

"Stubbornly stubborn, in vain!" In the end, seeing Zhang Ziling rushing, his eyes became gloomy, and a large amount of black energy gushed from his feet and swept toward Zhang Ziling.

"You have said so much, and only you know the true and false of it. If you just want me to give up my hostility to you, then what you said has no meaning at all!"

"I want to kill you, never to go to the big world!"

Zhang Ziling fisted on the barrier of ultimate cohesion, and a large amount of Taoist power bloomed at this moment, like a storm swept and released.

Cracks appeared in the surrounding space...


The space burst into pieces, the surrounding nothingness disappeared, and Zhang Ziling and Ultimate reappeared in Nirvana Ruins.


Ultimately stood up from his seat, stretched out his paws, a terrifying force surged in front of his palm, blocking Zhang Ziling's attack.

"Boss, you are back, what happened just now? After you stepped into the palace, you were motionless, and there was a black mist clinging to the boss, almost swallowing the boss!"

The voices of the heaven seeker and the Nine Heavens Devil Bead sounded in Zhang Ziling's mind, with lingering fears in his heart.

"Is that so?"

Hearing the words of the Celestial Seeker and the Nine Heavens Demon Orb, Zhang Ziling's face condensed, and instantly realized that he had probably hit the ultimate move just now.

If it wasn't for his own mistakes to shoot the ultimate, but to continue to listen to the ultimate bragging, I am afraid that the ultimate would solve him so effortlessly.

"Sure enough, it's not an opponent who can deal with it casually. It seems that you have to deal with it carefully."

Zhang Ziling murmured and started to get serious.

Just now, he didn't even know how he got caught!

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