Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1861: Time and space disorder!

"Devil Emperor, you are really stubborn. This seat gives you a way of life. If you don't walk, you have to jump into hell."

Eventually floating in the air, the black mist around his body diffused away, and the three thousand avenue arrays manifested into phrases merged into the black mist, and the surrounding momentum became more and more solidified.

"The Law of the Three Thousand Great Ways...wasn't it created by the three Taoism Gods? It stands to reason that with the ultimate strength, there is no need to use the Law of the Three Thousand Great Ways. What's the trick in this?"

Zhang Ziling's expression became serious, and immediately left an eye on it.

On the side of the heart demon, Tian Yang also took advantage of this time to rescue Tian Xuan from the chaos, but for some reason, Tian Xuan did not wake up at this time. This made Tian Yang a little anxious.

He glanced at Zhang Ziling in the distance and the ultimate confrontation, the whole person was like an ant on a hot pot.

"How can this be good... If something happens to Tianxuan, then I'll be over!"

At that time, Tian Yang's inspiration caused Tian Xuan to keep the power of the Origin Dao Heart in his body, causing the ultimate and the heavens to separate into an empty shell.

But Tian Yang hadn't thought at the time that Yuan Daoxing had half of the ultimate power, and its huge energy was not something Tianxuan could endure.

Forcibly separating the Origin Dao Heart, it is very likely that the Profound Sky Consciousness will collapse.

Tian Yang whispered to himself: "In case something happens..."

"what are you saying?"

The inner demon has been guarding Tianyang and Tianxuan. At this moment, he noticed Tianyang's anxious expression and couldn't help but turn his head and asked.

When asked by the demons like this, Tian Yang's body shook suddenly, and he hurriedly said with a smile: "No, nothing, Tianxuan will soon wake up!"

Tian Yang didn't dare to tell Zhang Ziling's demons about the situation.

And this Ziling's heart demon obviously didn't like to use his brains. After Tianyang said that he was okay, he nodded, looked at Zhang Ziling and the ultimate, and muttered to himself:

"Can the body work? No, let me try it?"

As he spoke, a strong war spirit flashed in the eyes of the inner demon!

The heart demon is not a puppet, but an individual with his own consciousness. It's just that unlike the ordinary heart demon, he does not have any hostility to the body, nor does he have any resistance to integration.

"Devil Emperor, this seat will give you one last chance. If you surrender to this seat, this seat will spare your life, otherwise... don't blame this seat for being ruthless!"

The ultimate voice exploded in the void, crushing towards Zhang Ziling.

All the creatures in the three thousand universes can hear the ultimate voice, and many people even pray directly in the direction of Nirvana Ruins, shouting the ultimate name.

"Not sober yet?"

"I came to Nirvana Market this time to kill you!"

Zhang Ziling's eyes became icy, his hair turned white again, and the scarlet demonic energy rose to the sky, endless chains all over the void, as if he was about to destroy the ultimate!

"court death!"

The ultimate gloomy sound blasted in the sky, the three thousand universes were torn apart, and a huge face that even stars could only be counted as eyes suddenly appeared in the void.

Stars linger, shocking!

Finally opened his huge mouth, and there was a long river of time flowing in it, with endless power suspended above it!

"You haven't just entered the extreme realm of Tao, and you don't even master the extreme meaning of Tao. How do you fight with this seat?"


A long river of time actually flows from the mouth of the ultimate, and all the amazing and brilliant existences in history have emerged from the long river of time, crushing to Zhang Ziling.

A Taoist master, a Taoist god...perhaps there is no threat to Zhang Ziling.

But billions of people, the strength gathered together, even Zhang Ziling, can't easily bear it at this moment!

The long river of time was like a rolling wheel of history, with ear-splitting shouts surging in the void, as if to burst the three thousand universes.

"Good coming!"

Zhang Ziling gave a clear shout, the whole body was surging, and a giant sickle tore the starry sky, preparing to split the long river of time!

But the voice of the original will of the universe exploded in Zhang Ziling's mind:

"Devil Emperor, that is the real long river of time! It is hijacked by the ultimate, don't destroy it! If the long river of time breaks and all the history of the universe is annihilated, these three thousand universes will also collapse as a result!"

"The past time and space no longer exist, and it cannot exist now!"

"whispering sound!"

Hearing the words of the original will of the universe, Zhang Ziling's expression couldn't help becoming impatient, but he still condensed his strength and turned to defense!


A large amount of time and long river water poured on the condensed barrier of Zhang Ziling, the time and space around the universe became chaotic, and people at all points of time appeared in this time and space.

Zhang Ziling even found no less than 10,000 Dark Gods and Gods at these points!

There are even dozens of them!

Countless people appeared in the starry sky, and the three thousand universes tended to collapse!

The Dao Extreme Realm is not the realm of the Three Thousand Universes, and now the ultimate battle with Zhang Ziling can even affect the time and space of the Primordial Era!

Zhang Ziling even saw the existence of Pangu Nuwa, who soared up from the lower universe, from the long river of history!

It's a pity...They didn't even reach Daojun, and they were hiding somewhere in the starry sky to cultivate hard.

"If you continue like this, even if you defeat the ultimate, the three thousand universes will collapse, and the space created by the body will also be affected."

The inner demon looked at the confusion around time and space, frowned, turned to Tianyang and asked, "When will Tianxuan wake up? I'm going to help!"

Being so urged by the inner demon, Tian Yang became even more dazed, and his legs were trembling. Knowing that he couldn't help it, he had to tell the truth:

"My lord, my lord, Tianxuan is likely to have a problem with the separation of the source of the Taoist heart. I have helped her regain her consciousness before, and she should wake up after I contact the chain of origin... I don't know what this is now. Happening."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Hearing Tian Yang's words, the heart demon suddenly became anxious, and quickly grabbed the half-dead Tianyu from the side, and directly pulled out his soul, rudely searching for the soul, seeing Tian Yang's face pale.

Good, so ruthless!

Soon, the **** and soul of the gods dissipated in pain, and the heart demon frowned. Obviously, he did not find any useful information from the gods and gods of the gods.

"Go and find all the heavenly Dao and senior monks in this Nirvana Ruins, I will search for souls one by one!"

The heart demon directly injected Tianyang with his own strength, and said quickly.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Tian Yang was shocked, and his heart was shocked to the extreme!

He felt that he could destroy the universe with one blow!

"I, I will go now!"

"No need to look for it, I know how to regain consciousness!"

At this moment, a female voice came from a distance, and then a beautiful woman appeared near the heart demon and Tianyang.

"Who are you?" The heart demon frowned, looking at the woman and asked.

"Netherworld Universe, Xuanxiao Continent, Xia Clan ancestor... Xia Qingyue."

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