Zhang Ziling's voice echoed in the Three Thousand Universe, and the starry sky fell silent.


Looking at Zhang Ziling's back, a trace of entanglement and pain flashed in Zhang Ziyou's eyes.

But more, but helpless.

This day, after all, has come.

On the one hand is the brother who is thicker than water and lives on each other, and on the other is the master who raised himself when he was most desperate and helpless...

"Unexpectedly, that Xie Wushuang is actually the supreme one in the big world." The heart demon shook his head and smiled, then his complexion condensed, looking straight at Zhang Ziling, and said:

"Hey! The body, it's all this time, should you absorb me?"

"It's time for a decisive battle!"

The significance of the existence of the inner demon was originally Zhang Ziling's trump card, the key to soaring strength.

Now that the ultimate has been defeated, they even absorbed the power of the ultimate heart and the source Dao heart.

Although the ultimate heart was later taken back by the ultimate, Zhang Ziling had already used that power to break through to Dao Ji. Even if the ultimate heart was taken away, Zhang Ziling would only be weak in strength and his realm would not change.

Now that the ultimate dissipated... Source Daoxing has also become the source of no master, and the heart demon has absorbed half of the remaining power of the ultimate.

This is equivalent to Zhang Ziling after stepping into the Dao Extreme, he absorbed another Dao Extremely strong, his power surged again, and his realm improved.

Now Zhang Ziling's power is already at the limit in these three thousand universes, and it is basically impossible to continue to cultivate and break through.

The demons naturally have no meaning to continue to exist.

To the top.

Even if Zhang Ziling's heart demon is special and does not have any malice towards the body, the heart demon will eventually involve part of the body's energy, making the body unable to use its full strength.

Moreover, if the realm continues to improve, both Zhang Ziling and the heart demon will know...

The two of them will become enemies sooner or later.

The demon is the demon after all.

The inner demon smiled, he swiftly walked to the front of Zhang Ziling, facing Zhang Ziling and said: "Get my power, you can't recognize Xie Wushuang when facing Xie Wushuang."

"I hope you don't let me down and clean up that guy!"

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling nodded, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

"Come on, ontology..."

Under everyone's gaze, the heart demon smiled faintly, turned into a little light, and merged into Zhang Ziling's body.

The process is quite simple and quick, without earth-shattering changes, and Zhang Ziling's breath has not even changed at all!

But the demons...

But it really dissipated in the universe.

Zhang Ziling slowly opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief: "This way... it should be almost done."

Suddenly, the space in front of Zhang Ziling was slightly distorted, and Ye Zhiqing and Lin Mofan appeared.

Zhang Ziling looked at the two with indifferent eyes.

Today the two are still Taoists, extremely inconspicuous amidst the many powerful ruins, but they have attracted everyone's attention.

Ye Zhiqing and Lin Mofan respectfully bowed to Zhang Ziling and said, "Palace Lord, Lord Evil Emperor invites you to the Evil Race."

Looking at the appearance of Ye Zhiqing and Lin Mofan, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly and said, "Okay!"

Long journey, huge chess game...

There should be an ending.

After Ye Zhiqing and Lin Mofan finished speaking, looking at Zhang Ziling, a trace of hesitation flashed across their faces.

They said: "Palace Lord, we are very sorry about the Devil Palace..."

Zhang Ziling didn't wait for the two of them to finish speaking, waved gently, and suddenly wiped out their strength!

In an instant, Ye Zhiqing and Lin Mofan went from the peak of Dao Sovereign to become Qi Gathering Realm cultivator...

Feeling the sense of oppression and suffocation of the universe on them, the expressions of the two of them were ugly to the extreme: "Palace, palace lord..."

"You are not sorry for this emperor, what you are sorry for... is the magic palace!"

"No matter what reason you betrayed, it is true that countless disciples in the Devil Palace have died because of you!"

"Now this emperor has taken your two cultivation bases and demoted you to the guardian of the devil's palace, guarding the mountain for the death of the heroic martyrs for 100,000 years, are you still not satisfied?"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Ye Zhiqing and Lin Mofan shook their bodies suddenly, and then they could only bow to Zhang Ziling again, and tremble: "Don't dare to refuse..."

"Go report to Anbei."

Zhang Ziling waved and sent the two directly to the gate of the Demon Palace Mountain in the Xuanxiao Continent, and at the same time notified An Bei of the incident.

To solve the last two traitors of the magic palace, Zhang Ziling also did the last thing to do to rebuild the magic palace.

After doing all this, Zhang Ziling took out the Heaven Seeking Apparatus and the Nine Heavens Demon Orbs.


The two **** soldiers looked at Zhang Ziling with complex expressions, but didn't know what to say.

"This is my business with him... From the beginning, it was only me and him."

"At the end... I also want to go alone."

Tian Xun Yi and Nine Sky Demon Orbs knew that they didn't say anything, but after instructing Zhang Ziling to be careful, they flew to Zhang Ziyou's side.


At this time, Tianxuan's voice sounded, causing Zhang Ziling's body to shake suddenly.

Tianxuan, woke up.

She stared at Zhang Ziling who had slaughtered the ultimate Zhang Ziling in a daze, and she couldn't describe her current mood.



Still expected?

Tian Xuan couldn't tell... But maybe Tian Xuan didn't know it, deep down in her heart, she believed that Zhang Ziling could do everything.

Therefore, she dared to defy the ultimate.

Dare to swallow Yuan Dao Xin.

Seeing Tianxuan's dumbfounded look, Zhang Ziyou shook his head and smiled, and immediately passed by, hugging her in his arms.

"You really came..." Tianxuan still felt like he was dreaming.

"If you're not here...in the future, in Xuanxiao Continent, who am I bullying?"

Tianxuan's body shook suddenly, and then he couldn't control his tears anymore and burst into tears.

Thousands of words, after all, can't describe her current mood.

Only crying.

The Tianchangtiandao on the side was most emotional.

He was watching Zhang Ziling never reach one ten thousandth of the ultimate, to the point where he now obliterates the ultimate.

At the beginning, he didn't believe that Zhang Ziling could do all this.

What kind of force is this?

Tianxuan cried in Zhang Ziling's arms for a long time, and then stabilized his emotions. Suddenly, he felt ashamed and went straight back to the Xuanxiao Continent, leaving Zhang Ziling no longer in charge.

Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Xuan who had fled, shook his head and smiled, and then looked at Zhang Ziyou, his eyes soft, with a little bit of pity.


Zhang Ziyou pursed his mouth, flew to Zhang Ziling, held Zhang Ziling's face in both hands, and kissed Zhang Ziling's forehead.

"Brother, you must come back..."

"Many people are waiting for brother..."

Zhang Ziyou's eyes are full of pain, but the corners of his mouth barely smile. .

She knows very well that the situation she least wants to see cannot be avoided at all.

"Silly girl……"

Zhang Ziling painfully scratched Zhang Ziyou's nose: "I said... I will never leave you alone again."

"I promise."

"Definitely come back."

"It's settled, pull the hook!" Zhang Ziyou raised his little thumb, as if he was back when he was twelve years old.

Zhang Ziyou is still that naive and romantic, poor girl.

Zhang Ziling is still the same boy who only owns Zi You.

Zhang Ziling was startled slightly, his eyes moist, then he smiled and hooked Zi You's little finger.

"A word is a deal."

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