Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1869: Mo Xie Wushuang (The Finale Part 1)

Evil race.


In this world, there is a towering mountain.

It's sunrise now.

Xie Wushuang sat on the top of the mountain alone, looking at the burning cloud below.

On his handsome face, with a faint smile, the expression has never been more relaxed.

"Come on."

Suddenly, Xie Wushuang spoke softly, as if greeting a close friend who hadn't seen him for a long time.

The space behind him was slightly distorted, Zhang Ziling appeared on the martial arts stage behind, and the cold wind blew Zhang Ziling's long hair.

The robe moves with the wind, just like the monster king in the painting.

"You have transferred all the evil race away." Zhang Ziling couldn't help but ridicule as he looked at the empty world.

"After all, those are the last seeds of the evil palace...more important than my life." Xie Wushuang said lightly.

Looking at Xie Wushuang's back, Zhang Ziling was calmer than he thought.

He once thought about what it would be like when he faced Xie Wushuang.

But Zhang Ziling found that no matter how much he wanted to kill Xie Wushuang, he imagined meeting...

It's all as it is now, like a good friend for many years.

"At this time, you should already know that I have planned for such a long time?" Xie Wushuang looked at the red clouds in the sky, the blue silk dancing with the wind, his eyes deep.

"Fight first."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Xie Wushuang was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "Sure are always like this."

Zhang Ziling glanced at the martial arts field, and said lightly: "Aren't you the same?"

"Hahaha! That's fine! Even if you know that we can't tell the difference between the winners and losers, we still have to have a fun fight!"

"After all, Moxie Wushuang!"

Xie Wushuang laughed, and instantly went to the martial arts stage, standing behind Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling smiled at the corner of his mouth, and turned around to blast Xie Wushuang with a punch!


The force of the collision opened the surrounding fire clouds!

The world is shaking!


Earth, Nanzhou City.

A teenager was lying on the ground with scars, his face was covered with footprints, and his shirt had been torn to pieces.

He was attacked by a group of gangsters just now.

Among those gangsters, a few had bullied the twelve-year-old sister of the boy a few days ago, and were later taught a lesson by the boy and his best friend.

The teenager didn't expect that only a few days later, those gangsters would find more people to retaliate, and even threatened to insult his sister in the future!

Thinking of the arrogant back of the gang when they left, the young man clenched his fists fiercely and hated his incompetence!

The young man climbed up from the ground with difficulty, seeing his embarrassed appearance from the small pool next to him, and he became more desperate.

Why... is this?

He suddenly remembered what those gangsters said when they left, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, wanting to rush back.

"You can't protect your sister now."

Suddenly, a clear voice came into the young man's ears, causing the young man to stop suddenly.

He turned to look, and saw a black robe man standing two meters away from him.

Teenager: "Who are you?"

Man: "The one who changed your destiny."

"Inexplicable." The young man thought it was a quack and wanted to leave.

Man: "Those bastards, plan to break into your house tonight."

Teenager: "You, what did you say?"

Man: "I can help you and let you have the supreme power."

Teenager: "Why should I believe you?"

Man: "You can also choose to trust the conscience of those gangsters."


He clenched his fists and remained silent for a long time.

Teenager: "What should I do?"

Man: "You volunteered to give me a drop of blood."

Teenager: "A drop of blood?"

Man: "Yes, but you need to volunteer."

Teenager: "Okay!"

Later, the boy disappeared for eight years.



The mountain exploded, and Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang lay in the gravel, their bodies were covered with blood and blood.

The breath of the two of them was extremely weak.

"I should have thought... our lives are tied together..."

Zhang Ziling looked at the starry sky above the bright moon, and a helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "When you were on the earth, you took my life origin and melted into your own origin."

"A majestic person in the universe, but he tied his life to an ordinary young man, who will be prosperous and ruined. What do you think?"

"In the three thousand universes, there are only two people with unlimited potential. I can't bind Ziyou, right?" Xie Wushuang wiped the blood on his face and smiled:

"It has been deployed for many years and blinded the eyes of the 3,000 cosmos by the Supreme Universe of other big worlds. This is to pave the way for your growth, and then use your hand to get rid of that eyeliner and get me out of trouble."

"You finally didn't let me down, and finally became the highest half step." Xie Wushuang smiled comfortedly.

Zhang Ziling closed his eyes slightly and said, "So, we have become similar to the relationship between the heart demon and the ontology. As much as my strength is, you will increase as much. The supreme man in the great world is using this kind of lazy way to hide from the sky. Restore your strength?"

"Haha!" Xie Wushuang smiled awkwardly, "The ultimate eyeliner is all over the three thousand universes. My enemies in other big world universes also check from time to time to see if there is any trace of me in the three thousand universes. If I take the initiative to practice, If you expose cause and effect, you will definitely be discovered."

"So, have you used all your abilities to hide and seek?" Zhang Ziling looked at Xie Wushuang, with no good air.

"There is no way, the annihilation of the universe has not yet been reported. If I were discovered by those supreme, these three thousand universes would no longer exist." Xie Wushuang shook his head.

"Don't talk about your calculations for me, why do you want Ziyou to come in?"

"I can't help it. In fact, I feel sorry for Ziyou girl too, but it's a pity that you are too motivated..."

Zhang Ziling was taken aback for a moment: "I'm not going to make progress?"

"Before you used Ziyou to stimulate you, it took you eight thousand years to cultivate to the supreme, and after you stimulated you with Ziyou... After a long time, you cut off that extreme eyeliner."

"No matter what, if you dare to use Ziyou in the future, I will die with you!" Zhang Ziling warned.

"No need..." Xie Wushuang's eyes gradually became firm, with a cold expression, "Now that the eyeliner has been removed and the shackles have disappeared, I can go to the Great World Universe, completely restore the peak, kill the highest, and recast the annihilation. The big world universe!"

"The prodigal dog, dare to speak wild words, want to kill those supreme?" Zhang Ziling provoked.

"Are you going with me?" Xie Wushuang turned around and asked Zhang Ziling, "With you, it's easy to do this."

"The Big World Universe is much more exciting than these three thousand universes."

Zhang Ziling immediately glanced to one side and said, "That's your business, don't involve me anymore."

"But we have a life."

"That's none of my business, I'm tired of it."

"Then what if I die?" Xie Wushuang asked again, "You have to die, too, Zi You will be sad."

"Get out of your big world universe! Also, don't give me any trouble!"

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