Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1870: It is destiny after all (under the finale)

In the ultimate defeat, Xie Wushuang left the Three Thousand Universe and went to the Big World Universe. The original will of the universe got his power back as he wished and re-entered the Three Thousand Universe.

Now there is no longer any distinction between the world universe and the small world universe. The barriers to the universe have been completely removed, leaving only the three thousand universes that have been transformed.

However, Zhang Ziling, who is half-step supreme, although the original will of the universe manages the universe in name, he has to ask Zhang Ziling for instructions on everything, and he doesn't dare to mess around.

Three thousand creatures in the universe, no one can forget...

The battle where the Devil Emperor beheaded the ultimate.

After the war, the Ruins of Nirvana dissipated, and the still alive Heavenly Dao were all collected into the Demon Palace by Zhang Ziling, and the major worlds were managed in a unified manner by the original will of the universe.

Before finally entering the Three Thousand Universes, the major worlds had no heavenly way. Now that the original will of the universe returns, it will naturally end the chaos of the lustful desires of the three thousand universes.

And Roroco and Carlin, who came to the Three Thousand Universe with Zhang Ziling, miraculously landed in a mechanical kingdom, where the two brothers were mixed, and after the three thousand universes merged, they returned to Tianyun. star!

Zhang Ziling was still quite moved when he heard the origin of the universe said about the two brothers.

In his spare time, Zhang Ziling heard that Yuanxue in Tianyang Realm had stepped into Daojun and became the queen of that world.

Yulong and Guilian stayed in the Antarctic Sky, and together with the people in the Shadow Palace re-established a powerful empire, with a reputation in three thousand universes!

The Void Race and the Chaos Giant Race were also blessed by Zhang Ziling because of their merits in protecting Zhang Ziyou. The patriarchs of the two clans became Taoist gods, and the two supreme races became the highest races loyal to Zhang Ziling!

Among them, Zhang Ziling was quite surprised that Xuan Xiao and Shi Huang couldn’t bear to be lonely at all. After the cosmic barrier of the three thousand universes disappeared, they moved into the three thousand universes with their portable hands. It's also a matter of time before entering the Taoist master.

Under the noise of the two of them, the prestige of the Nine Emperors tended to spread across the three thousand universes.

On the Xuanxiao Continent, under the leadership of An Bei, the Devil Palace has become a giant force spanning three thousand universes, and countless galaxy civilizations are attached to it.

As a disciple of Zhang Ziling, Xingyu broke through to Dao Master in a very short time.

However, what made Zhang Ziling's bitter smile was that after Xingyu stepped into the Taoist master, he completely lost interest in cultivation. He chose to return to Earth and set up an interstellar game company to develop it with his own power. A virtual online game that can cover three thousand universes, and the strongest boss in that game is the ultimate.

This game is not surprisingly explosive, and Xingyu has become the richest tycoon in the 3000 universe, and even changed the way of life in the 3000 universe!

He created a new social world.

Of course, in the eyes of other monks, they don't understand why, a disciple of the dignified Devil Emperor, a Taoist master, went to engage in a game company?

It was Xia Ning'er, another inheritance disciple of Zhang Ziling. After Xia Qingyue returned, she and her ancestors reappeared the glory of the Xia clan, making the Xia clan a great clan in the universe!

And that, the reincarnation of Xie Wushuang's clone, Xie Wushang, he finally chose to pursue Xie Wushuang's footsteps, and followed Xie Wushuang to the Great World Universe. Zhang Ziling's plan to cultivate Xie Wushang to deal with Xie Wushuang naturally gave up.

Thinking about it carefully, Xie Wushuang gave him Naihe, and he gave Xie Wushuang a Xie Wushang, but the two owe nothing to each other.


As time passed, the hidden dangers ultimately left in the three thousand universes, as well as spies from other big world universes, were all dealt with by Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling can finally put down his work, completely relax, and feel at ease.


Time flies, spring passes and autumn comes, and Zhang Ziling returns to Xuanxiao Continent for a new year.

In Jie's mind, the two sisters Tianxuan and Tianyu were playing in the hall, very happy.

After they let go of the burden of heaven, they fell in love with fun and were extremely comfortable.

"Tian Xuan! I have something to ask you for help!"

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang out of Boundary's heart, causing Tianxuan and Tianyu to be taken aback.

Tianyu suddenly pouted his mouth and said: "Sister, that annoying guy is here again!"

Hearing Tian Yu's complaint, Tian Xuan couldn't hide the smile on his face, and said, "Okay! I'll go out and have a look!"

Seeing his sister's cheerful expression, Tianyu was rather helpless, and finally chuckled slightly: "Sister, go quickly, don't let that guy wait too long, lest there is something wrong with the universe!"

Speaking of this, Tian Yu couldn't help but curl his lips.

Recently, Zhang Ziling's excuse for dating Tianxuan has become more and more exaggerated!

"I'm going!"

Tianxuan couldn't wait, she jumped out of Boundary Heart with her bare feet and threw herself into Zhang Ziling's arms.



Mu Ke and Mu Bing are now pretty women, beauties of the country and the city.

People who go to Mu's family to raise relatives can almost go outside Hongye City from the gate of Mu's house every day, and even other people from Shangshenzhou come here admiringly.

However, Mu Ke and Mu Bing had never been out of the Mu family's old house, and everyone in the Mu family was like ants on a hot pot, but no one dared to force them.

Outsiders may not know, but people in the Mu family know very well what kind of existence is behind Mu Ke and Mu Bing!

Outside the Mu's mansion, several young masters from other Daoist Emperors from Shangshenzhou carried the treasures of heaven and earth to meet Mu Bing and Mu Ke.

"Today, if we don't see the two fairies, we will let Master visit him personally!"

A disciple of the Taoist yelled loudly at the entrance of the Mu family's mansion, and the old slave of the Mu family continued to laugh: "The young masters calm down, and the two young ladies are embracing. It is really impossible to come out to see a few young masters."

The two daughters in the family are well-known, and the young masters of the major forces come to propose marriage every day, and everyone in the Mu family is basically numb.

"No, I have to see two fairies today! There's nothing to talk about!"

Several young masters are holding the mentality of being inevitable this time, and they will not give up unless they see Mu Bingmu!

"Several young masters... why do you bother..."

Seeing a few people, the old slave of Mu's family was really making trouble, and his expression couldn't help but become gloomy.

Just as the old slave of Mu's family was about to get angry, he was about to order people to drive these young masters out together with the people in line behind!

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared between the old slave of the Mu family and the young masters, and said: "Binger Kerr, it's time to come out!"

"you wanna die!"

Seeing someone suddenly appeared, all the elder brothers were stunned for a while, and then they were furious and were about to kill the person.

Although they acted arrogantly here, but if they really want them to face the Mu family, none of them dared, they can only play tricks.


However, before everyone approached the person, a powerful aura burst out of the person's body, instantly blasting those who rushed out.

So strong!

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

One after another, he stared at the figure, but soon he shook his head and sighed, no matter how strong...What could be considered in front of the Mu Family?

However, just as these people were about to watch a tragedy happen, there was a sudden rush of footsteps in the Mu's mansion.

Subsequently, Mu Bing and Mu Ke appeared at the gate.

Their beautiful faces immediately caused a sound of air-conditioning outside the old house.

Good, beautiful!

However, in the eyes of everyone, Fairy Qingcheng looked straight at the man in the black robe, his eyes flushed and his lips bite.

"Old teacher..."


Hearing Mu Ke and Mu Bing's words, there was a commotion around him!

Mu's old slave changed drastically, staring at the person in front of him.

Mu Ke and Mu Bing's teacher... but the one who surpasses 3000 universes.

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, looking at the two pretty shadows, and smiling: "I said, I will be back."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, tears burst into the two beautiful eyes.

However, the corners of their lips raised a warm and soft arc.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's back, those young masters suddenly weakened their legs and fell to the ground.


Earth, Shushan!

Xu Qianrou stood on the side of the martial arts field, urging a group of disciples to practice martial arts, while Lan Mu was on the other side, teaching new beginner disciples the techniques.

Now Xu Qianrou has become seldom laughing, while Lan Mu has long since faded away from her youthfulness and has become mature and intellectual, completely not as simple as she once was.

However, this made Lan Mu even more charming, becoming the dream goddess of countless disciples in the door.

As the strongest force on earth, Mount Shu has expanded its sphere of influence to the star domain. Many of the disciples who practice martial arts in the martial arts field are all monks in the alien domain.

"Raise your arms a little bit! The horse is unstable, go down a little!"

Xu Qianrou took the ruler and ruthlessly corrected the posture of the Shushan disciples, causing the disciples to complain again and again.


Looking at Xu Qianrou's serious appearance, Lan Mu couldn't help but sighed, her beautiful eyes filled with pain.

Missing sick...

You can only use harshness to seal your weak emotions.

"Qian Rou, Mu'er, long time no see."

Suddenly, a clear voice came to the martial arts field, making everyone stunned for a while, hearing their reputation.

Xu Qian and Lan Mu's body shook suddenly, and they all looked in the direction of Jiange.

I only saw that Zhang Ziling was sitting on the top of the sword pavilion, holding two altars of Emperor Drunk, smiling.

Seeing Zhang Ziling, Xu Qianrou's cold face melted instantly, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but smile.

"Brother Ziling!"

Lan Mu directly sacrificed his flying sword and couldn't wait to fly to Zhang Ziling!


Earth, Europe, the hall of blood!

Ella wore a red dress, sitting on the throne majesticly, and all the blood elders such as Xiao En stood below the hall with a grim aura.

Now Ella is a Taoist monarch with a terrifying aura, and under the influence of Zhang Ziling's aura, the blood race has become the top race in the three thousand universes, with great power!

Even on the Antarctic side, there are many monks who came to the earth deliberately, asking the blood people to give them the first embrace, so that they also become blood people.

"In the northern part of the universe, many people from our blood clan were hunted and killed. According to reports, a group of forces coveted our blood blood and intends to steal it. Which fighters in the clan are willing to go to the northern area to crusade?"

As soon as Ella said these words, the countless blood races below were eager to try, ready to take their lives.

Now that their blood clan shocked the three thousand universes, it was absolutely impossible for Xiao Xiao to insult.

"I'm not a kinsman, can I help?"

However, just as everyone was preparing to call for their lives, a slightly frivolous voice sounded in the hall, causing all the blood people to be taken aback, and then anger appeared on their faces.

"Who is so bold? Dare to break into the hall of my blood family and be disrespectful to the queen!"

His eyes moved along with the sound, and finally stopped at the entrance of the hall.

There, a man in a black robe was leaning on the door, his bright eyes staring at Ella.

When Ella saw the familiar face, her serious face turned away like a spring breeze, and she hid her face and smiled:

"If you go, it is feasible to bring a slave house?"


As soon as Ella said these words, the boiling hall suddenly became silent.

The kinsmen who were about to do it froze one after another with a dull expression.


China, Yenching.

Xu Qianqian cosmic tour.

Now she is a well-known superstar in the three thousand universes. Every concert is full, and a ticket price is so high. Even people from other stars will take a spaceship to watch Yu Qianqian’s concert. Rush over.

In the full concert scene, Yu Qianqian's singing echoed in the air.

The first few seats are not as crowded as the back.

Chu Qi, Wei Yiyun and Lu Xiaoshuang were invited to watch Xu Qianqian's performance. All three of them were dressed in fancy dresses and looked attractive, attracting countless people from behind.

Many people have not even left the three of them, and don't know if they are here to listen to the concert or to see the beauty.

Although Xu Qianqian is also a beauty who is famous in the three thousand universes, Xu Qianqian stands on the stage with a sense of distance, unlike the three people in the audience.

"Sister Qianqian's popularity is getting higher and higher. If it weren't for our relationship, we wouldn't even be able to buy tickets!"

Wei Yiyun glanced at the crowds around him and couldn't help sighing again and again.

"Yes, I didn't expect it to be so long..." Chu Qi also muttered.

"It's been so long, that guy won't look at it either." Lu Xiaoshuang's beautiful eyes couldn't help flashing a faint resentment.

"Yeah, that guy is too bad, he must teach him a lesson!"

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded behind the three of them, causing them to shake their bodies suddenly.


A hint of surprise flashed in Lu Xiaoshuang's beautiful eyes, and she turned around abruptly, only to see that Zhang Ziling had stood behind them without knowing when.

Wei Yiyun and Chu Qi also looked at Zhang Ziling one after another, their hearts trembled and their eyes were red.

The singing of the concert stopped abruptly.

The whole venue suddenly became quiet.

All the fans were taken aback, looking at Yu Qianqian on the stage puzzled.

I saw Yu Qianqian drop the microphone in her hand, and then she rushed to the stage desperately.

Under everyone's shocked gaze, Yu Qianqian watched helplessly and threw himself into Zhang Ziling's arms.


A large number of fans are heartbroken.


God Realm, Gao Tianyuan!

Izanami sat in the clouds, barefoot, shaking her feet slightly, looking at a sea of ​​clouds ahead.

"It's been so many years since that battle..."

"That fellow Ziling has been busy with 3,000 cosmic affairs, and he doesn't know when he will come back."

Izanami has been back on Earth for a long time, and now she has become the master of the God Realm. She usually lives in Gaotianyuan and often visits this place to see the sea of ​​clouds.

As for the mortal world, she rarely goes there again, and nothing happens all day long.

"Since you miss me, why don't you come to me?"

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's gentle voice rang in Yixie's ears, and her body shook slightly.


Izanami quickly turned around and looked at Zhang Ziling in surprise, with joy in her eyes.

Looking at Yixian's beautiful face, Zhang Ziling smiled slightly and whispered: "Follow me back to Nanzhou City."

Izanami was taken aback, then chuckled and turned her head away:

"You kiss me and I'll tell you!"

Seeing the beauty of Yixian, Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, and he took the initiative to step forward and hug her.

In the sea of ​​clouds, the two mingled.


In this peaceful and leisurely time, hundreds of years are in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Ziling did not practice, but the realm has also stepped from half a step to the highest, and Xie Wushuang has also made a breakthrough.

Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang had the same fate. When Zhang Ziling practiced, Xie Wushuang would follow suit.

Similarly, when Xie Wushuang cultivates, Zhang Ziling's strength will also improve.

Now, Xie Wushuang has gone to the big world, while Zhang Ziling has completely given up on cultivation, enjoying the blessings between the earth and the Xuanxiao continent, and living a life that countless ordinary people envy.

But Zhang Ziling's strength is improving all the time.


On this day, in a large villa in Nanzhou City, Xichuan Province, China.

Zhang Ziyou is lying in the living room with Zhang Zixuan and Zhang Xiaoyou, holding a pillow, eating snacks, and watching the latest TV series in enthusiasm.

If the people in the three thousand universes knew that Zhang Ziyou, who was a Taoist god, had now become an otaku, I would be shocked and unacceptable.

"I'm back!"

Zhang Ziling carried a large bag of ingredients and returned to the house, and the three daughters of Zhang Ziyou all looked at Zhang Ziling!

"Brother! You are back! We are starving to death!"

Zhang Ziyou bit the potato chips and said aggrievedly.

Zhang Zixuan and Zhang Xiaoyou also looked at Zhang Ziling grievously, waiting for Zhang Ziling to cook. Quite pathetic.

Seeing the three women wearing plush pajamas and kneeling on the sofa holding a pillow, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

He put on his apron and carried the big bag of ingredients into the kitchen: "Wait for me to cook!"


The three women cheered all over, without the consciousness of the strong!

Zhang Ziling just walked to the door of the kitchen with the ingredients, but suddenly felt his heart tighten, and then a severe pain spread throughout his body.


Zhang Ziling coughed violently and vomited blood.


Seeing Zhang Ziling suddenly vomiting blood, the three Ziyou suddenly panicked and ran to Zhang Ziling.

Now that Zhang Ziling is the highest, who can hurt him?

"I'm okay..." Zhang Ziling leaned on the wall, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and said weakly to the three of Zi You, "Just rest, don't worry."

"Brother, is an enemy coming?" Zhang Ziyou looked at Zhang Ziling worriedly, but his momentum became fierce.

Zhang Ziling shook his head, his eyes became deep again, showing a little helplessness:

"Moxie Wushuang, life is one body, after all, this is no way to hide..."

Zhang Ziling sighed, then he rubbed Zhang Ziyou's head and said: "Ziyou...I, I'm afraid I have to go to the Great World Universe."

After the words fell, Zhang Ziling's mouth...but a slight smile appeared involuntarily.

Perhaps, he also yearned for that world for a long time.

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