Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1874: Blood oath

Being hit by the Heavenly Destruction Cross, Tai Ling even felt that his soul was flying out of his body.

The violent power poured on Tai Ling's body, and the body of Tai Ling shattered in an instant!

No one could have imagined that Zhang Ziling could actually control the Cross of Heaven in a short time!

While the supreme gods were still in shock, Zhang Ziling stepped on the magnified cross of the sky, quickly fleeed in front of Tai Ling, and grabbed her by the neck.

At this moment, Tai Ling's whole person was dumbfounded, and he didn't even have time to recover his body. He couldn't resist Zhang Ziling's devilish energy at all. The whole person was instantly shrouded in Zhang Ziling's domain, his whole body turned gray and white, losing all his power.

"Too spiritual!"

All this happened so quickly that before the gods had time to react, Tai Ling became a hostage to Zhang Ziling.

"Damn! Let me go!" Tai Ling struggled in Zhang Ziling's hands, but all the meridians were imprisoned by Zhang Ziling, and there was no chance to break through Zhang Ziling's domain.

The colorful Shenhua flowing in her body loses all the colors, and the realm of the whole person drops at an unimaginable speed.

It can be said that now it is the fish on Zhang Ziling's chopping board, without the slightest resistance.

"Be quiet! I'm in a very bad mood right now, and I might let you go down to accompany your people by accident."

Zhang Ziling said to Tai Ling, his tone extremely cold.

"You, you!" Zhang Ziling warned, Tai Ling's pupils shrank slightly, his whole body became stiff and he dared not move anymore.

"Devil Emperor, put too much spirit, everything is easy to say!"

The Great God King stared at Zhang Ziling with a gloomy face, gritted his teeth and said, his hands trembling slightly with anger.

The dignified Chaos Protoss was actually forced to this point by a trivial race in the lower realm...


Their Chaos Protoss has lost a supreme god, and cannot lose another!

The price is too great!

"Okay! Then let's talk about the conditions!" Hearing the words of the Great God King, Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, and he shackled Tai Ling in front of him with a smile.

"No one has dared to negotiate terms with our Chaos Protoss!" A supreme **** exclaimed angrily.

"To shut up!"

The Great God King drank coldly, interrupted the Supreme God's words roughly, and then continued to look at Zhang Ziling and asked, "What are your conditions?"

"How about entrusting the Heavenly Destruction Cross to me?" Zhang Ziling chuckled.


The Great God King refused Zhang Ziling's proposal without even thinking about it. The Heavenly Destruction Cross was the inheritance artifact of their Chaos Protoss, and it was absolutely impossible to give it to outsiders.

"You're crazy!" Tai Ling was also a little mad, and he didn't expect Zhang Ziling to speak so loudly.

"Even if you kill me, my clan can still resurrect me, but at a huge price!"

"But those costs are not worth mentioning when compared with the cross of the sky!"

"Devil Emperor, if you insist on destroying the cross, the consequence can only be that we all die together!"

Tai Ling scolded, she didn't want to die, but she also knew that it was impossible for the Great God King to surrender the Cross for her.

"Oh? It turns out that your Chaos Protoss can be resurrected to the highest level. It's really a big hand!"

Zhang Ziling laughed. He hadn't planned to get the cross from the hands of the Chaos Protoss on that day, but he did not expect that the Chaos Protoss could actually resurrect the dead Supreme!

‘No wonder that Xie Wushuang has so many games for the Chaos Protoss. It seems that there is no way to kill a few today. ’

Zhang Ziling glanced at the supreme gods around him, and his killing intent faded away.

He still doesn't know much about the Chaos Protoss, even with some shameful means, he can only cut off two or three at most, and then escape with serious injuries.

He originally planned to slowly consume the chaos protoss and fight guerrilla...

But now it seems that the plan just now is somewhat unfeasible.

Even if he paid a huge price to kill two or three, the Chaos Protoss could still resurrect them, which was not worthwhile for Zhang Ziling.

He is not willing to lose his cultivation base after this crisis-ridden world.

"Devil Emperor, the patience of this seat is limited, if you make excessive demands, even if you pay a high price, this seat will kill you here!"

The Great God King looked at Zhang Ziling and snorted coldly with a frosty face.

In fact, the Great God King is also very clear now that after Xie Wushuang escaped, Zhang Ziling held Tai Ling again, and the remaining six of them wanted to keep Zhang Ziling who wanted to escape.

Every supreme must not be underestimated. At first, in order to catch Xie Wushuang, they placed thousands of eyeliners in the long river of time, searched every time in the universe, and then asked the big prophecy **** in the clan to make predictions. Catch Xie Wushuang.

The Devil Emperor's coming out itself exceeded their expectations, and forcibly arrested without preparation, the price required was too great.

The enemy of their Chaos Protoss is not just Xie Wushuang, Zhang Ziling, the two supreme ones, can't consume too much power of the Chaos Protoss for these two people.

Obviously, Zhang Ziling also saw the scruples of the Great God King, so now he is also confident.


Zhang Ziling's five fingers pressed hard, and the bones on Tai Ling's neck were crushed, and the dark magic energy poured in, causing Tai Ling's expression to be distorted and screaming bitterly.

"Stop this seat!"

When the great **** king saw Zhang Ziling acted, he couldn't help roaring, and his mighty aura spurted out, but unfortunately, it had no effect on Zhang Ziling.

"Let others leave here first, and leave you alone." Zhang Ziling said without delay.

"Great God King, save, save me..."

Being blocked by devil qi, Tai Ling only felt that he was getting more and more uncomfortable, and even his consciousness became blurred.

What she didn't tell Zhang Ziling was that even if the Chaos Protoss could resurrect her, she would lose most of her cultivation base, and she didn't know how long it would take to step into the highest again!

During that time, her status in the clan would surely plummet!

Therefore, she does not want to die!

Looking at Tai Ling's painful look, the Great God King's expression changed, his eyes filled with anger.

After a moment of silence, the Great God King said to the gods: "You all go back!"

"Great King!"

The supreme gods exclaimed, if they go back, there is really no way to take Zhang Ziling here!

"go back!"

The Great God King shouted loudly, after all, he was unwilling to lose another Supreme.

Hearing the words of the Great God King, the supreme gods looked at each other, after all, they were still hidden in the space and left here.

Soon, only Zhang Ziling, Tai Ling and the Great God King were left in this barren star field.

The Great God King took a deep breath and said to Zhang Ziling as calmly as possible: "They have all left here. You want to leave now, no one can stop you."

"Release too much spirit, otherwise my Chaos Protoss will be immortal with you, and all the creatures in the universe where you live will be punished!"

"You are reminding me by saying that, I need you to make a blood oath that within tens of thousands of years, the Chaos Protoss will not enter the three thousand universe!"

Zhang Ziling grasped Tai Ling and said, "Now that I and Xie Wushuang are in the big world, to your Chaos Protoss, the Three Thousand Universe has no value, right?"

"If you are only on this condition, I can agree."

The Great God King agreed without hesitation. To be honest, if Xie Wushuang hadn't been provoking their Chaos Protoss recently, he wouldn't even know where the three thousand universes were.

The ultimate is nothing more than a dog of their Chaos Protoss, like the ultimate kind of doglegs, they need as many as the Chaos Protoss.


Hearing the words of the Great God King, Zhang Ziling's smile became brighter.

"Sign the blood oath."

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