Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1875: Drive crazy king!

When the voice fell, Zhang Ziling cut a blood mark from his wrist, and a large amount of blood gushed out from it, quickly condensing into a **** scroll in the air.

"Write the contract here. As long as you violate this contract, I can take your life at any time. Of course, as long as you don't touch the Three Thousand Universe, I can't do anything about it."

Zhang Ziling pushed the blood-colored scroll in front of the Great God King and said with a smile.

This Scarlet Scroll was rewritten by Zhang Ziling with the laws of this great world, and it condensed the supreme power. After voluntarily writing his name on it, as long as there is a slight breach of contract afterwards, he will definitely receive the supreme backlash!

The Great God King and Zhang Ziling are in the same realm, it is impossible to withstand the backlash!

"Signing this contract is tantamount to handing over my life to you, this is impossible!" The Great King directly rejected Zhang Ziling's proposal.

"Then we have nothing to talk about. I can't believe your verbal assurance."

"Now your people are gone, I can kill Tailing at any time and then leave."

"You can also destroy three thousand universes in the future, but I will also hunt down your Chaos Protoss clansmen desperately. Everyone will not use it."

Zhang Ziling squeezed the five fingers of Tailing's neck with a few more points, and directly touched Tailing's skin.

Scarlet blood shed from Zhang Ziling's hands, and Tai Ling's expression became distorted because of pain.

"You are threatening me!"

The Great God King finally couldn't help roaring, the Void Throne behind it exploded, and the endless stars turned into dust!

"What about threatening you?" Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows, "You can not sign this blood oath, but you lose one more supreme, plus the price of countless Chaos people, can you bear it?"

"I believe that in this universe... Your Chaos Protoss is not the only family, right?"


The Great God King almost spit out a mouthful of old blood out of anger, but now he has nothing to do with Zhang Ziling.

Now he is barefoot and is not afraid to wear shoes. Although his Chaos Protoss is strong, there are still many juniors in the clan who are not the highest. Those people will be active in the universe, and it is very difficult for their Chaos Protoss to give birth. They are all very precious.

In his eyes, Three Thousand Universes are not as good as their tribe, so he dare not hurt each other with Zhang Ziling!

Zhang Ziling was also determined that the Great God King did not dare to gamble, staring straight at the Great God King, gaining the upper hand.

In fact, Zhang Ziling was also a little vacant. In his heart, both the earth and the Xuanxiao Continent were his flesh, and even if he lost all the Chaos Protoss, he was unwilling to hurt the earth and the Xuanxiao Continent.

If the Great God King really wants to be tough, he really has no choice but to give up.

Unfortunately, the Great God King didn't know what Zhang Ziling was thinking.

After hesitating for a while, the Great God King finally grabbed the scarlet scroll floating in front of him and began to read.

"You have to remember that when you sign this blood oath, you just don't touch the Three Thousand Universe, it doesn't mean that you won't chase you down.

The Great God King said coldly, while checking the Scarlet Scroll, for fear of any traps on it.

"Of course, after I release Tai Ling, you can use all means to chase me down. Anyway, I don't plan to become friends with you."

Zhang Ziling smiled indifferently. He had just slaughtered a supremacy of the Chaos Protoss. He had already been in the same situation as the Chaos Protoss. Sooner or later, he would fight to death.


The Great God King snorted coldly, signed Zhang Ziling's contract, and threw the scroll to Zhang Ziling.

"Now the blood oath is signed, let me go!" Tai Ling could not stand the pressure of Zhang Ziling, and after Zhang Ziling caught the scroll, he urged.

However, Zhang Ziling just put the scrolls away and didn't mean to put too much spirit.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling did not move, the Great God King squinted his eyes, staring straight at Zhang Ziling, and asked in a cold voice: "What do you mean? Are you breaking the blood oath?"

"You may suffer the backlash of this seat?"

"When did I say that I only have this requirement?" Zhang Ziling chuckled and said irresponsibly.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the Great God King suddenly thought of something, and directly spit out old blood, his eyes became red, and the violent momentum gradually collapsed the star field.

"You play with me?"

The Great God King sternly asked, he now understands that the contract given by Zhang Ziling is that only their Chaos Protoss will not touch the three thousand universes unilaterally, and he will be too spiritual if he doesn't talk at all!

"You despicable villain, some kind of let me go, we singled out!"

Tai Ling also realized at this moment that the Great God King had been trapped, and he was not out of danger. The whole person was a little mad, staring at his legs in the air, without the slightest appearance of the Supreme God!

If the mighties of other civilizations were to see that the two supreme members of the Chaos Protoss were forced to look like this by a monk from the lower realm, they would be shocked!

What a mad man!

The Chaos Protoss has never been so embarrassed!

"Devil Emperor, you are challenging the patience of this seat!" The Great God King couldn't wait to rush over and cut Zhang Ziling into hundreds of millions of pieces, but told him rationally...

Tai Ling is still in the hands of Zhang Ziling!

The devil can't move!

"Don't worry, I have one last request, and I will definitely let this chick go after that." Zhang Ziling grabbed and chuckled softly, "Great God King, you have agreed to the first condition. If you die with me now, will it be too much? loss?"

"You! You! You! Despicable and shameless!"

The starry sky shook, the Great God King roared, and a terrifying aura surged throughout his body.

Zhang Ziling could feel the extreme anger of the Great God King from it.

However, it does not matter.

Zhang Ziling said with a chuckle: "You should calm down first. The second condition is very simple. I only need you to tell me how to resurrect the highest."

"You are spying on my clan's top secrets!" The Great God King panted heavily. He had never been so angry before, but there was nothing he could do!

"Then you have to see, the secret of your clan, and the supreme one of your clan, who is more important?"

"Too Ling, I can't control your life, so I choose to be in the hands of your Great God King." Zhang Ziling whispered in Tai Ling's ear, like Jiuyou Devil.

"I will kill you!"

Too Ling gritted his teeth, wishing to swallow Zhang Ziling alive, but all her strength was sealed by Zhang Ziling, with her current weak power, it was impossible to break away the devilish energy Zhang Ziling had invaded her body!

Ignoring Tai Ling’s struggle and roar, Zhang Ziling looked at the Great God King and said, “I’m not in a hurry, but in order to prevent Tai Ling from regaining her cultivation base, my power has been eroding her meridians. In case of a long time, what will happen to her irreversible? I’m not to blame for the influence!"


The great **** king squeezed his fists, and the surrounding space was also distorted, suppressing extremely destructive power.

"Sign the blood oath, I will tell you the method of resuscitation, you put too much spirit!" After all, the Great God King was still reluctant to be too spiritual, and said reluctantly.

"Very good! I like a cheerful person like you!"

Zhang Ziling's smile became brighter and brighter, and once again drew a blood-colored scroll, wrote his name, and sent it to the Great God King.

This time, the Great God King was more careful than ever. After reading all the contents on the scroll more than ten times, and after confirming that there were no omissions, he wrote their secret method on the scroll.

"Great God King, remember to sign your name."

Zhang Ziling's faint voice sounded in the ears of the Great God King, suddenly causing the Great God King's forehead to bulge.

"Hurry up and let Tai Ling go, bring these to this seat!"

The Great God King violently signed his name, and threw the scroll to Zhang Ziling extremely impatiently, and roared.

Zhang Ziling took the scroll with a smile, enveloped by the dark magic energy, his smile became brighter.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's smile, the Great God King always felt that something was wrong, but he had read all the contents of the contract without any omissions.

"Tai Ling will give it back to you, we have a chance to see you again."

Zhang Ziling laughed, and slammed Tai Ling to the Great God King. He directly tore the space and fleeed into the distance.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling was about to escape, the Great God King did not hesitate to blast his long-supplied power towards Zhang Ziling. Unfortunately, Zhang Ziling fled too fast. He swept through the air with a single blow, just blasting through hundreds of millions of miles of space.

One blow failed, the Great God King hurriedly caught the rush to Tai Ling, and said with concern: "Tai Ling, how are you?"

"Great God King... Then, that guy... stole most of my origin!" Tai Ling said weakly, with endless grievances in his eyes, tears surging.

Most of her origin, she would have to practice for tens of thousands of years to recover!

Hearing Tai Ling's words, the Great God King was stunned, and his whole body began to tremble.

"Devil, Demon Emperor..." His whole body muscles bulged, blue veins violent, and his expression gradually distorted.

The extremely angry roar echoed in this barren star field, and the violent divine power swept around, swallowing endless stars!

"This seat will break your corpse into thousands of pieces!!!"

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