Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1876: See her pleasing to the eye, seeing you not pleasing to the eye, nothing more

On the Great Wild Continent, on the edge of the wild mountains, there is an inconspicuous small hill.

The surrounding environment is desolate and simple. The red maple leaves are spread on the stone steps covered with moss. The cool wind blows up the remaining leaves and floats towards the end of the mountain.

If you didn't go to the end of the stone steps, you wouldn't find a dilapidated wooden house there.

At this moment, a young man in black came out of the wooden house, stood against the wind, and looked into the distance.

His eyes were deep and melodious, as if he were fused with the heaven and the earth, and as if it were this heaven and earth.

This young man is Zhang Ziling who escaped from the Chaos Protoss.

"It's been nineteen years since I came to this great wilderness continent, and I just finished absorbing the source that was taken from Tailing. It's really a long time."

Zhang Ziling stretched out, glanced at the towering ancient trees around, and yawned.

After hearing what Xie Wushuang said, he found this great desert continent for the first time, ready to explore the news of his parents.

However, because Xie Wushuang was tortured by the Chaos God Race guys, Zhang Ziling himself was also implicated, and a lot of injuries had accumulated in his body.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling did not rush to search after arriving in this wild continent. Instead, he found a sparsely-smoked place to recuperate.

Who knows, this seclusion is nineteen years.

"Now Xie Wushuang has no news, and the Chaos Protoss does not know the specific situation, this great desert continent is extremely strange, and I don't know where to explore."

Zhang Ziling sighed slightly, just sitting on the bluestone slab, looking forward melancholy, suddenly felt that he had lost his life goal.

This Great Wild Continent was more extensive than he had imagined. The Eastern Xuanzhou alone could catch up with all of the three thousand universes, including countless creatures.

Powers comparable to Dao Monarchs, Dao Masters, and Dao Gods abound, and there are even many powerful people comparable to Dao Extremes.

Anyway, after coming to the Great Wild Continent for nineteen years, Zhang Ziling didn't know much about this Great Wild Continent.

"Finally, explore slowly...not in a hurry for a while."

Zhang Ziling got up, ready to leave this wild land, go to the city where humans exist, and gradually understand the world.

"Huh? There are still people here?"

Just when Zhang Ziling was about to tear apart the space and leave, he saw a graceful figure rushing out of countless towering ancient trees, very embarrassed and panicked.

It was a girl with a watery appearance and a very good figure, but it was a pity that the group of black clothes was broken and her body was covered with scars, and she seemed to be chased and killed.

After looking at the girl, Zhang Ziling looked into the distance again, and found that more than ten miles behind the girl, several upright men in white clothes were quickly approaching the girl.

Those men have strong auras, and their spiritual power is swift and violent, and they are all righteous elites.


Zhang Ziling suddenly became interested, and sat down again and watched with relish.


"Damn it! How come these guys are not going away?"

The girl glanced backwards in a panic, and she could feel the breath after all, her expression became more panic.

After being chased by the people of Sancunzong for several days and nights, she was already exhausted, but she did not dare to stay too much. After swallowing the last pill to replenish spiritual power, she continued on the journey.

There are many ferocious monsters in this wild forest. As long as she enters the depths of the forest, those people dare not continue to hunt down.

Soon, the girl fled to the bottom of the hill where Zhang Ziling was.

"Why is there a stone ladder here?"

Seeing the moss-covered stone staircase winding up the mountain, the girl was taken aback, her small mouth slightly opened.

What is the difference between building a house on the edge of a wild mountain range and looking for death?

But before the girl had time to think about it, she heard the sound of the branches being stepped on from behind, her expression changed abruptly, and she quickly stepped onto the stone steps and fled to the mountain.

"Where did the demon escape?"

The girl had just stepped on the stone steps, and the men in white clothes behind had already rushed out of the forest, their eyes locked on the girl.

Feeling the coolness coming from her back, the girl even more dare not stop, and quickly fled to the mountain.

"The three of you go around to the back of the mountain, don't let this demon girl escape!"

When the white-clothed man in the lead saw the girl up the mountain, he immediately ordered the people next to him to seal off the mountain, and he chased the girl.

This mountain is not big, as long as you send people to guard the places where you can go down, you can catch turtles in the urn!

"You can't escape!"

When halfway up the mountain, the man in white had already chased the girl within ten feet, and a three-inch small sword poured out of his palm and threw it at the girl!

Feeling the fierce sword intent behind her, the girl's spine was chilling, and she quickly turned over dexterously, so she could escape the three-inch sword!

But even so, the three-inch small sword had deep sword marks on her snow-white thighs, and the skirt tore.

The hot pain made her slow down.

"Go back with me obediently, and live a few more days."

Seeing that the girl could no longer escape, the white-clothed man slowed down, and the corners of his mouth evoked a strange smile.

The three-inch small sword flew back to the palm of the white-clothed man again, and then turned into a white light and shot at the girl.

The girl with an injured thigh was already unable to avoid the attack of the white-clothed man, and a deep scar was left on her back by a three-inch sword, and her red shirt was stained with blood.

Knowing that she couldn't escape, the girl didn't escape anymore, turned to look at the man in white, her eyes cold.

"You are the only devil girl, but you did not repent of the misfortune. Today I am going to walk the way for the sky." The man looked at the girl with a smile, his eyes full of disdain.

"Humph! You guys who are honest and respectful, you are talking about the right way, but what you do secretly is more disgusting than anyone else!"

The girl shouted coldly: "Even if I die here, I won't go back with you beasts!"

"Then it's no wonder I, the corpse can also be hot." The white-clothed man laughed, and the three-inch sword in his hand turned into a shocking light, shooting the girl's heart directly.

Just when the girl was about to die, Zhang Ziling suddenly appeared in front of the girl and grabbed the three-inch small sword and bounced away.

"Who?" The white-clothed man shouted sharply, but he could hear a hint of surprise in his voice.

He didn't even know when Zhang Ziling appeared!

"This girl is pleasing to my eyes. I will save her life." Zhang Ziling looked at the three-inch small sword in his hand, then threw it to the white-clothed man, "You can go now."

The white-clothed man was silent for a moment, and finally said: "This demon girl has harmed countless people, and San Cunzong was ordered to kill the demon girl. Are you sure you want to help the demon be abused?"

The girl's heart trembled, San Cun Sect was one of the best martial arts in this Qingling County, and the powerhouses in this Qingling County would sell them a lot of face and would not be nosy.

But when the girl thought that Zhang Ziling was about to fall back, she heard Zhang Ziling say: "Is it not clear enough?"

"I think this girl is pleasing to the eye. As for the rest, it doesn't matter."

"Including the Sancunzong in your mouth."

Zhang Ziling's tone was plain, without any emotion.

He doesn't care about the so-called good and evil.

But it was Zhang Ziling's attitude that completely angered the man in white.

"Since you are shielding the enchantress, you must be a demon, so let's die together!"

The white-clothed man shouted angrily: "Three inches of swords and three imperial swords!"

Spiritual energy erupted, and the three-inch small sword in the palm of the white-clothed man shook rapidly, and it was divided into three.

"Fancy bells."

Zhang Ziling relentlessly appraised, he swiftly walked in front of the white-clothed man, raised his right hand, and slammed down.


Blood, teeth, splashes.

The white-clothed man turned a few times in the air, hit the ground fiercely, his face swollen into a pig's head.

The girl was stunned and stared in a daze.

What happened just now?

Before she recovered, Zhang Ziling had already walked up to the white-clothed man and stepped on his head.

"Now, I don't think you are pleasing to your eyes."

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