Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1877: Harvest maid

"Who, who are you?"

The white-clothed man was stomped on the ground by Zhang Ziling, his expression distorted, his eyes bursting with fire.

"I am a disciple of the Sancun Sect, the disciple of the real sword-handling man, do you dare to hurt me like this?" the white-clothed man roared and struggled frantically.

"A lot of nonsense."

Zhang Ziling didn't want to hear the white-clothed man declare his home, and stepped on it forcefully.


The man in white was directly trampled by Zhang Ziling, and the girl closed her eyes subconsciously, not daring to watch the **** scene.

Zhang Ziling looked at the headless corpse of the white-clothed man indifferently, kicked it off the stone steps at will and let it roll down the mountain.

Then the black flame gushed from the soles of Zhang Ziling's feet, burning the splashing blood clean.

"Eat this and come with me."

Zhang Ziling didn't look at the man in white again. After throwing a pill to the girl, Zhang Ziling turned and walked towards the wooden house on the top of the mountain.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's back without looking back, the girl was stunned, and then she swallowed the pills Zhang Ziling had given without hesitation.

The pill melted in the mouth, and a warm current flowed to the girl's body in an instant. All the scars on her skin began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just a few blinks, the girl discovered that she had returned to her heyday!

"What kind of pill is this?"

The girl was shocked. Like this kind of pill that could heal all injuries in an instant, all were extremely precious divine pills, which were regarded by the monks as a life-saving treasure.

She didn't expect that Zhang Ziling would throw the Shen Dan to her lightly, as if throwing a jelly bean.

Who is he?

Looking at Zhang Ziling's back, the girl suddenly realized that she seemed to have encountered an incredible thigh!

The white-clothed man who was killed just now was named Chen Xing. He was one of the best disciples of the 37th generation of Sancunzong. He had reached the Heavenly Palace realm in his cultivation and he was also called a young talent in Qingling County. Jun.

But such a powerful monk was easily trampled on his head, and he had no resistance at all...

The girl could not imagine what realm Zhang Ziling was.

Could it be a true martial artist?

Thoughts flew in the girl's heart, and hurriedly followed Zhang Ziling and walked to the mountain-top wooden house.

"Where is this?" The girl looked around, glanced at the surrounding scenery, and asked.

"This is where I live."

Zhang Ziling opened the wooden door, and there was only one wooden bed, one wooden table, and two stools inside. It was extremely simple.

The girl followed Zhang Ziling into the wooden house, her eyes full of surprise. She didn't expect that the place where such a senior lived would be so simple!

"What is your name? Who are they?"

Zhang Ziling sat on the stool casually, took out the teapot and cup from the void, and made tea by himself.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's method of fetching objects from the air, the girl's eyes went straight, but she did not dare to neglect Zhang Ziling's question, and said quickly:

"I, my name is Ye Zi, a native of Hongfeng City, Qingling County, and those who chased me were disciples of Sancunzong."

"Sancunzong is the main gate of Qingling County. There is a sub-rudder in Red Maple City. The person who was just killed by the senior is called Chen Xing, and he is the deputy rudder of Sancunzong Red Maple."

Red Maple City is on the edge of the Great Wilderness Mountain Range, hundreds of miles away from Zhang Ziling. Although Zhang Ziling has basically recovered from his injuries in the past nineteen years, his spirit will occasionally be swept to Red Maple City.

Originally, Red Maple City was also his first stop, and meeting Ye Zi was also considered fate.

However, Red Maple City is just a low-class city, and it is not ranked in the Qingling County, naturally there are no strong ones.

It is estimated that it is precisely because of this that a mere monk of the Celestial Palace can be the rudder master.

"Well, why did they hunt you down?" Zhang Ziling asked again after understanding the basic situation.

"This..." Ye Zi was hesitant to speak but stopped.

"Say." Zhang Ziling whispered, "I have no difference between good and evil. I saved you only because it was pleasing to your eyes. There is no other purpose. You should not have too much pressure."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Ye Zi hesitated and said: "I have a very evil blood. This special physique can only practice magic skills and insidious martial arts."

"This kind of blood is extremely rare, and other people regard my blood as a scourge, so I have always tried to hide my blood."

"Before, I exposed my blood for saving a woman who was insulted by Chen Xing in the street. This is how I was hunted down."

"Extremely evil blood?"

Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows. It was the first time he had heard of this kind of blood, and he couldn't help but use his spirit to probe Ye Zi's body.

"It's a weird vein. All the masculine techniques and spiritual power cannot circulate in these meridians. Instead, they are feminine. The flow of evil spiritual power in this meridian will double..."

"Speaking's quite suitable for practicing my magic skills."

Zhang Ziling muttered to himself, and then took a closer look at Ye Zi. Although Zhang Ziling was not prepared to accept Ye Zi as a disciple just because of her special physique, it did not prevent him from bringing Ye Zi to his side and investigate carefully. .

"Do you have any relatives or friends?"

After making a decision, Zhang Ziling looked at Ye Zi and asked.

"I lost my parents when I was very young, and because of the evil blood, I tried my best to avoid communicating with others, so I didn't have any friends." There was a loss in Ye Zi's eyes, obviously she also yearned for family friendship.

"So, this Qingling County no longer has a place for you?" Zhang Ziling asked again.

"Yeah..." Ye Zi nodded, his eyes became moist and he was quite aggrieved.

Although she has an extremely evil bloodline, she has also practiced some evil techniques, but she hasn't done anything to harm the world, but because of her bloodline, this world can no longer tolerate her.

This is unfair to anyone.

"I still lack a maid, are you interested in following me?"

Zhang Ziling said: "Although it is just a maid, I will also teach you some exercises suitable for your cultivation, so that you can gain powerful strength in a short time."

"But the price is that you need to serve me for a hundred years, how?"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Ye Zi was slightly stunned, staring at Zhang Ziling in a daze, and blinking.

"Senior, senior... You mean to take me in?"

Ye Zi was a little ecstatic. Now the secret of her extremely evil bloodline has been exposed. There are people chasing and killing her everywhere. Even if he escaped Chen Xing today, there will be Li Xing tomorrow, and Zhao Xing will come to her door.

Being targeted by Sancunzong, if there is no powerful backstage, he will definitely die!

As for what Zhang Ziling said of serving for a hundred years, in the Great Wild Continent, one can follow a strong person, let alone serve for a hundred years... Even if you follow the eternal life, there are many people rushing to do it!

"I don't force you to be a maid. If you don't want to, I will send you out of Qingling County. That's the fate between us."


As soon as Zhang Ziling finished speaking, Ye Zi knelt down towards Zhang Ziling and knocked his head three times.

"Ye Zi is willing to follow his master and live forever!"

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