Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1878: One word stirred up three thousand waves

In Red Maple City, Zhang Ziling and Ye Zi walked side by side on the avenue, attracting the attention of pedestrians on both sides, but they were afraid to avoid them.

"Look, isn't that the demon girl wanted by the Sancun Sect? How dare to appear here in a big way?"

"I heard that this demon girl has harmed countless people. She eats children's brains and is extremely cruel! Now this demon girl ignores me and other righteous monks, it is unreasonable!"

"Huh! The city guards will be here soon, and San Cun Zongfen rudder has also received news, this demon girl will definitely come down!"

"The one who walked with the demon girl is definitely not a good guy, it's really everyone to blame!"

The monks on both sides were filled with righteous indignation, as if Ye Zi killed their parents, they wanted to eat Ye Zi alive.

However, although those people had great malice towards Ye Zi, none of them dared to come forward and walk for the sky.

Legend has it that people with extremely evil blood cultivating are extremely insidious evil skills, the methods are extremely cruel, and the enemy is tortured in every possible way.

Moreover, the Sancun Zongfen rudder almost propagated Ye Zi as a great demon who does no evil. Most of the people in this city are low-rank warriors, so naturally not many people are willing to be strong.

Of course, the fact that they didn't dare to force their heads didn't prevent them from speaking badly towards Ye Zi, and even scolded Zhang Ziling.

"Master, do we really want this?"

Ye Zi looked at the grim-faced and cursed people on both sides, with deep worries in his eyes, and couldn't help asking Zhang Ziling.

Although she has long been accustomed to the abuse and misunderstandings of others, she is now wanted by San Cun Sect after all, and now walking in the Red Maple City swaggeringly is undoubtedly challenging the dignity of San Cun Sect.

"Sancunzong’s sub-rudder, Bailie, is a real martial expert, and the two local forces in Red Maple City, the Liuli Pavilion and the Bailie Gang, have a very good relationship with Bailie. Even the people from the City Lord’s Mansion can move at will. ."

"If we go this way, I am afraid that the whole city will be enemies." Ye Zi knew that Zhang Ziling was a top powerhouse, but she had no idea how strong it was.

However, growing up in Red Maple City, she has a good understanding of the power of San Cun Zong Fen Ruo and the other two local forces.

There are countless strong people there, and it is simply not one or two people can fight against.

"It's okay to be enemies all over the world."

Zhang Ziling was still careless, walking leisurely on the road, eyes drooping slightly, showing no interest in these lives.

The Great Wild Continent is so big that it is impossible to find a little bit of news about one's parents.

Therefore, he can only look for the great powers and ancestors hidden in various places in this continent, and learn from them the secrets of the great wilderness continent.

However, those powerful ancestors can't meet randomly on the street, and wanting to find them one by one will make things quite complicated.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling currently needs fame.

And constantly challenging the major forces is the fastest way to spread your reputation.

In this case, the San Cun Sect who insulted Zhang Ziling's maid would naturally become Zhang Ziling's first target.

When the time comes to the fame, perhaps some clues are uninvited.

Since Xie Wushuang said that there was a clue in this wild continent, there must be a clue, Zhang Ziling didn't have the slightest doubt about it.

Of course, Xie Wushuang's urinary Zhang Ziling is also quite clear.

Xie Wushuang asks people to do something, and will never directly force people to do it. Instead, he will use various news clues or experience long-term layout to get the results he wants and the purpose of the person to do it. Become consistent.

In other words, Zhang Ziling wanted to find his parents, during which time he would definitely help Xie Wushuang complete certain things.

But what exactly it is, you have to explore it slowly.

As for the ranks of the Great Wild Continent, Zhang Ziling also deliberately investigated. Although the names of the realms are almost the same as those of the Three Thousand Universes, their strengths are vastly different.

Like the true martial realm monks in this world, they can match the emperor rank in three thousand universes, and the holy rank monks are enough to crush the supreme. The first emperor rank is comparable to the Taoist monarch of three thousand universes, and the latter can match the Taoist master. .

However, the great power above the emperor ranks of the Great Desolate Continent is directly called the Taoist God, and the strength is very different from the Taoist God of the Three Thousand Universe.

After the Taoist God was Dao Ji, Zhang Ziling estimated that there were not many of these characters in the Great Wild Continent, even if there were old monsters that existed in ancient times, it is difficult to find.

And the supremacy above Dao Ji, judging from the position of the Great Wild Continent in the universe of the big world, there is not even a person from the Chaos Protoss in this place, and it is difficult to give birth to one.

As for the realm above the supreme, Zhang Ziling himself does not understand the big world, and there is no reference figure, so it is not clear.

Just as Zhang Ziling was analyzing the strength of the Great Wild Continent, there was a uniform stepping sound in front of him, pulling Zhang Ziling back from his thoughts.

Looking up, I saw hundreds of soldiers in heavy armor blocking the middle of the avenue, and the aura of killing was depressing.

At some point, the pedestrians on both sides stopped talking, and they looked at the soldiers with fear in their eyes.

Those heavily armored soldiers are the city guards of Red Maple City, directly under the leadership of the City Lord's Mansion.

Because Red Maple City is on the edge of the Wild Mountain Range, it will be attacked by monsters every few years, so the city guards will experience countless killings, and they are extremely vigorous.

Years of killing and cutting have caused every soldier to be extremely cold-blooded, and even if there are pedestrians blocking the way during patrol, they will be mercilessly killed, so the monks in the city are extremely afraid of the city guards.

"Master, these are the city guards of the City Lord's Mansion. The weakest of them is the Ning Palace Realm. Coupled with their battle formations, even the strongest of the Heavenly Palace can be killed!"

Seeing the city guards blocking the road, Ye Zi's expression changed slightly, and he quickly reminded Zhang Ziling.

"Wonder, you are so brave! How dare to appear here, really when I am no one in Red Maple City?"

The neatly arranged heavy armored soldiers were divided into two teams. A man riding a blood-colored BMW and wearing a silver armor came out, looking at Ye Zi with a cold expression, and shouting coldly.

The aura of the Heavenly Palace Realm erupted from the man's body and pressed heavily on Ye Zi's petite body, making her pale and almost vomiting blood.

Zhang Ziling stood in front of Ye Zi, stopping the man's momentum, Ye Zi felt relaxed.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's back, Ye Zi suddenly felt that Zhang Ziling was extremely tall and full of security.

"Who are you? Why are you walking with the demon girl?" The man riding on the scarlet BMW frowned when he saw Zhang Ziling relieved the pressure he put on Ye Zi, and asked in a cold voice.

"She is my person." Zhang Ziling said lightly, "I have something to ask this city to be able to take care of things."

"If you cooperate, only Sancun Sect will be destroyed."

"If you resist, the emperor will slaughter the city."

Zhang Ziling's voice fell, and three thousand waves were immediately stirred up in the city!

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