Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1879: The devil is waiting

The whole city was in an uproar, and everyone looked at Zhang Ziling in shock, with incredible expressions on their faces.

What is he saying?



For a time, everyone looked at Zhang Ziling as if they were looking at a lunatic!

For thousands of years, no one has ever said such a thing in Red Maple City!

The man riding on the Scarlet BMW was stunned, looked at Zhang Ziling carefully, and finally sneered: "I thought there was some ruthless character here, but I didn't expect to meet a lunatic today!"

"You guys go and take these two monsters down and send them to the master of Sancunzong Baidu."


Several heavy-armored soldiers took the lead, trotting towards Zhang Ziling and Ye Zi with their halberds in their hands.

The pedestrians around were all gloating at Zhang Ziling, and could already predict Zhang Ziling's tragic end.

He threatened to slaughter the city in Red Maple City, and I just don’t know how to write the dead words!

"Ignorant fool!"

Some people sneered, and the crowd greeted them.

"This is the best joke I have heard this year!"

"He is dead!"

Feeling the endless malice from the surroundings, coupled with the approach of the city guards, Ye Zi was a little embarrassed at this moment. He pulled Zhang Ziling's sleeves and whispered: "Master, let's withdraw first, let's talk about other things."

She didn't expect Zhang Ziling to challenge the whole city as soon as she came up. This arrogant posture was really too domineering and made her a little dazed.

What is this doing?

She did not understand.

Zhang Ziling yawned indifferently and flicked his sleeve.


The heavy armored soldiers suddenly felt the huge gravity under their shoulders, and were directly pressed to the ground, unable to move.


In an instant, they were able to resist the shattering of the armor of the top monster claw pole, and the ground was broken!

The man on the Scarlet BMW and the hundreds of heavily armored soldiers he brought with him instantly felt as if their souls were trapped in a sea of ​​blood and would be swallowed at any time.

Everyone was pale and trembling.

The murderous momentum also disappeared completely.

"This emperor will give you one last chance to call in the supervisor, otherwise the 432 soldiers you brought, plus your 433 people..."

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the man on the Scarlet BMW, and said without emotion: "After ten breaths, the world will evaporate."

"The whole army retreats!"

The man on the Scarlet BMW came back to his senses, and his whole person was shocked by Zhang Ziling's means. His face was full of horror. He directly affected the BMW and flew away.

He felt an unimaginable murderous aura from Zhang Ziling. At that moment, his soul was trembling!

These people are not rivals!

In an instant the man came to this conclusion and lost all his fighting spirit.

Seeing the commander retreating, the menacing soldiers also put away their halberds and retreated like a tide!

Several soldiers who had been suppressed to the ground hurriedly got up, quickly took off their broken armor, and fled into the crowd in the chaos.

There was a dead silence on both sides of the pedestrians, everyone staring at Zhang Ziling, dumbfounded, beads of sweat slipped from their cheeks.

The pedestrians who had just yelled at them all lowered their heads, bowed their bodies, and walked back quietly.

Just wave the sleeves to scare the Red Maple City Guards back, this kind of strength must be a power above the True Martial Realm, definitely not an existence they can provoke!

"Master, master... so strong!"

Ye Zi opened her mouth slightly, her beautiful eyes staring straight at Zhang Ziling's back, and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

What happened just now was too fast for anyone to react.

"There is no ring in the city, let's go there and wait." Zhang Ziling asked.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Ye Zi came back to his senses and quickly said: "There is a life and death platform not far in front of the city lord's mansion, which is specially set up to deal with monks fighting."

"Just go there."


When Zhang Ziling went to the Platform of Life and Death.

City Lord's Mansion, Study Room.

The Lord of Red Maple, Shangguan Xun, is dealing with affairs in the city.

"Enlighten the city lord, General Jin Yan has an urgent matter to see you." A servant trot in front of the study and reported to the Shangguan.

"Jin Yan? What's the matter with him? Could it be that the monster tide is coming again?"

Hearing the report from the next person, Shangguan Xun frowned slightly, but Jin Yan was a general of the Red Maple City Guards. His matter was related to the safety of Red Maple City, and Shangguan Xun did not dare to ignore it.

"Let him wait for me in the conference hall, and I will go over immediately." Shangguan Xun put down what was in his hands and ordered the next person.

Soon, Shangguan Xun changed his clothes and hurried to the chamber.

Jin Yan had been waiting in the chamber for a long time, he paced back and forth, nervous.

"General Jin, what happened? Why are you so flustered?" Shangguan asked when he found Jin Yan's mental state extremely bad, and he couldn't help but tremble.

"Could it be that this time there is a big monster in the monster tide?"

"The city lord, it was not the demon tide that came, but the demon girl returned to Red Maple City, and she brought a strong man back."

This Jin Yan was the officer of the city guard who was just scared by Zhang Ziling, and he was still a little frightened at this moment.

"The demon girl? Is the woman with the extremely evil bloodline wanted by San Cunzong?" Shangguan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she heard Jin Yan's words, as long as it wasn't the demon tide.

Every time the monster tide, they would suffer heavy casualties in Red Maple City, the most serious one even killed half of the city!

He didn't have any good ways to deal with the monster tide, he could only continuously improve the quality of the army.

But soon, Shangguan Xun made a straight face and complained to Jin Yan: "General Jin, you want to tell the trivial matter of the wanted demon girl, just tell the Sancunzong's Hundred Rudder Master directly. There is not so much time to deal with these chores."

The Sifang Festival is a large-scale event held every three years in Red Maple City. At that time, famous clans in Red Maple City and even several surrounding cities will bring their own Tianjiao to Red Maple City to hold a large-scale competition event.

This is not a simple contest, but an important activity in which various clans redistribute their interests by force. Therefore, all forces attach great importance to this.

Moreover, during this martial arts competition, several major sects and the princess mansion in Qingling County will send people down for selection. If the major powers are favored by Qingling County, the forces behind those pride will also rise and their status will soar.

It is such an important event, if he fails, then he will not be the city lord.

Therefore, in Shangguan Xun's view, except for the emergency that threatens the safety of the entire city, other things have to lean back.

For a time, Shangguan Xun's favor with Jin Yan dropped a lot.

"City Lord, the strength of the strong man brought by the demon girl is unfathomable, and she also threatened to ask you to see him, otherwise you will slaughter the city!"

Jin Yan said unambiguously, even now, he sweats coldly when he thinks of Zhang Ziling's strength, and he is afraid.

He had a hunch that if he didn't run fast just now, he might be in a different place now.

"To slaughter the city? Are you joking with the city lord?" Shangguanxun's first reaction was not to believe, and even a little angry. Everyone was ranting these days?

"You really have plenty of time to be the lord of the city? Get out of the lord of the city!" Shangguan scolded and turned around to leave.

"City Lord, the opponent's strength is far superior to me, at least a true martial artist! If you let it go, the harm is no less than the monster tide!"

Jin Yan said in a panic, Shangguan Xun immediately stopped.

"You said, is the real martial artist who is picking up the matter?" Shangguan frowned, his anger already subdued.

"Subordinates use head guarantees!" Jin Yan said hastily, "That demon girl has a deep resentment towards Sancunzong, and now she has come back with the strong to seek revenge."

"At that time, we were assisting Sancunzong, and the strong might not ignore us!"

Hearing Jin Yan talking like this, Shangguan Xun also realized that the matter might be serious, and his thoughts began to become active.

"You go and inform the people of Sancunzong, this city lord will meet the guy you said first."

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