Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1885: Demons?

"Nothing... don't be afraid?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling's gentle smile, Ye Zi suddenly felt inexplicably relieved, even if the real person with the sword is here, there is no need to be afraid.

It seems that as long as Zhang Ziling is there, all the dangers in the world become insignificant.

"Let's watch."

Zhang Ziling said softly, looking at the real sword palm in the air, his eyes gradually became cold.

"Monster, this old man, you won't be able to catch it without your hands?" The real sword palm yelled in the air, every word he said seemed to contain great power, and it exploded in Red Maple City!

All the monks could feel the terrifying aura of the real man with the sword, their faces were bloodless and their limbs were weak.

"Master, don't talk nonsense with them, kill them quickly! Junior Brother Chen is probably already dead in their hands!" Bailie continued to fan the flames, hoping that the real swordsman could solve Zhang Ziling as soon as possible.

Now that Zhang Ziling is not far from him, he will die at any time!

The sooner Zhang Ziling and Ye Zi are resolved, the more at ease he will be!

Hearing Bailie's words, the expression on the sword-handling man became more gloomy, stepped on the sword and fell on the stage of life and death, staring at Zhang Ziling and asked coldly: "Did you kill Chen Xing?"

"I don't know, but he did kill a three-inch sect." Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly and took out a three-inch dagger to play with, "It was taken from his hand."

Seeing the three-inch dagger belonging to Chen Xing, the sword-handling real man suddenly became angry, and said angrily: "You evildoer, you are looking for death!"

Countless daggers appeared around the real sword-handling man, and quickly shot towards Zhang Ziling, and the ground was pulled out by the sword power of those daggers!

The fierce sword power and violent power are entangled in the air, and all murderous opportunities are locked on Zhang Ziling!

"Master, be careful!"

Seeing Wan Jian attack, Ye Zi's heart panicked, the blood in his body churned again, and the extremely evil bloodline had a sign of activation again!

"Don't be afraid, leave it to me."

A soft spiritual power containing a gentle voice was sent into Ye Zi's mind, the qi and blood in Ye Zi's body gradually became calm, and the red pupils returned to clearness.

Zhang Ziling grabbed the three-inch dagger in his hand and gently threw it into the air.

"Three-inch sword edge?"


A clear sword roar resounded around, and the three-inch dagger that was thrown into the air by Zhang Ziling instantly changed into thousands!

Kendo surges, and the momentum is terrifying!

"Why did you do this?"

Looking at the dense three-inch dagger, the pupils of the real man with the sword shrank suddenly, terrified.

"go with."

Zhang Ziling's fingertips slightly, and the countless daggers hurriedly shot towards the real man with sword palm!

Clang clang clang clang!

The sound of numerous daggers colliding fiercely resounded on the stage of life and death, and a lot of daggers were knocked out!

However, the number of three-inch daggers that Zhang Ziling separated was several times that of the real man with the sword. After the attack of the man with the sword was resolved, there were countless short swords shot at the real man!

"Damn it!"

In desperation, the sword-handling man gathered a barrier in front of him, but unfortunately there were too many short swords, and the sword-handling man couldn't resist it, and his body soon became colorful!

"What kind of monster is this? Why does he have the magical power of the Three-Cun Sect's return of ten thousand swords to the Sect?" The Shangguan in the audience looked dumbfounded, his face full of incredible, and his heart trembled.

Returning Wan Jian to the Sect is the unique knowledge of the Three Cun Sect, and it is the last magical power in the "Three Cun Sword Classic".

Even the holy-ranked sword-handling real person is not enough to be able to use it, and it is far from the effect of Zhang Ziling's swords!

Thousands of swords, each with deadly power, the life and death stage has long been shattered by those fierce swords, everything turned into dust!

Everyone can only see ten thousand swords flying in the sky, and the real sword-handling man struggles to resist, his face is extremely ugly!

As for Bailie behind the man with the sword, although the man with the sword helped withstand most of the attacks, there were still very few short swords that bypassed the man with the sword and stabbed him.

"Master, save me!"

Bailie's body was pierced by countless blood holes with short swords, and his body was bloody, terrifying.


The real sword palmer roared sharply, trying to rescue Bailie, but he saw a short sword shooting Bailie's head.

It is too late to rescue!


An insignificant short sword easily penetrated Bailie's head, and Bailie's eyes were still filled with endless fear, tears mixed with blood and water.


The real man with the sword palm was about to split his eyes and burst into violent momentum, and the swift daggers around were shot out!

Through the gap where the short sword was flew, the real sword palmer rushed to Bailie's side, first offered a defensive magic weapon, and then quickly took out a pill from the space ring to give Bailie.

"This is the reincarnation pill. As long as your soul has not dissipated, you can be saved. This is the life-saving pill for the teacher, Lie'er, don't worry about it!"

The real person with sword palm held the reincarnated pill with trembling hands and sent it to Bailie.

No matter how much Bailie said, he was also a true martial arts cultivator. Even if his head was pierced, he still had a breath. With the power of the reincarnating pill, he felt that he could be saved.

"This reincarnation pill is an emperor-level pill. I didn't expect that the real sword-handling man would be willing to be such a precious **** pill. Sure enough, the rumors are not false. This Bailie is definitely the illegitimate son of the real sword-handling man!"

In the distance, a monk recognized the reincarnating pill, remembered the secrets of the rumors, and exclaimed in a low voice.

The real person with the sword in the palm of the hand sent the reincarnating pill into Bailie's mouth. The reincarnating pill melted instantly and turned into a huge medicinal power rushing to Bailie's body to repair all the damage of Bailie.

The wounds on Bailie's body began to merge at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dilated pupils gradually became clear.


The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth, who was watching the play, evoked a playful smile. With a slight movement of his index finger, the daggers that were bounced again surged with deadly power and shot at Bailie and the real sword palm.

"Okay! It's okay, I will take you away now!"

The real sword-handling man picked up Bailie, and the defensive magic weapon quickly gathered a barrier around him, which could withstand the full attack of the holy rank powerhouse and was extremely strong!


As soon as the barrier was condensed, a short sword easily penetrated the barrier, pierced through the collarbone of the real man with the sword, and pierced into Bailie's forehead fiercely!

The consciousness that Bailie had just condensed instantly faded!

Looking at the three-inch dagger inserted in Bailie's forehead, the real person with sword palm was stunned. He stared blankly at Bailie who was dead in his arms, his brain was blank.

"Lie, Lie'er?"

The Master Palm Sword shook Bailie gently, but Bailie's arms just fell weakly, and his body gradually lost its temperature.

"This this……"

Shangguan Xun stared blankly at the scene in the ruins of the Life and Death Platform, and at Bailie who died in the arms of the real man with the sword, he only felt his spine chill.

He subconsciously looked at Zhang Ziling and swallowed involuntarily.

This... is a demon!

With the strength shown by Zhang Ziling, it was obvious that Bailie could be killed easily, and even the real swordsman had no chance to rescue him!

But Zhang Ziling just asked the real man with sword palm to rescue Bailie back, and let the real man with sword palm watch Bailie die in his arms.

Such methods of tormenting people's minds...

This is an exterminating monster!

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