Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1886: Madness

"Lie'er? Lie'er!"

Master Palm Sword was holding Bailie in his arms, and there were blood and tears in his muddy eyes.

The extreme anger filled his chest.


The ground stones began to beat, and many monks suddenly felt that the earth was shaking.

"Fa, what happened?"

Shangguan stepped back subconsciously, and an ominous strangeness rose in his heart.


There was a sword chant, and then a lightsaber flew out from the ground, floating in the air.

Clang clang!

Following this, more and more lightsabers flew out of the ground, and the harsh sound of swords reverberated in Red Maple City.

All the monks looked at the sky in shock, and the dense lightsabers were innumerable!

"This is Sancun Sect's Sword Rain of Slashing Immortal?"

Shangguan Xun exclaimed, staring at the real sword palm in the ruins of the Life and Death Platform, and the fear in his eyes became more and more intense.

Slashing the Immortal Sword Rain is a legendary skill in the Three-Cun Sect. It is said that only the powerhouse above the holy rank can evolve from the magical power of returning to the sect by burning life origin.

Thousands of lightsabers, with the bonus of the origin of the holy rank, I am afraid that it can kill any holy monk, and even threaten the emperor rank!

Judging from such a large area in the sky, it is estimated that the entire Red Maple City is within the attack range of the real sword-handling man.

At that time, the sword rain will fall, and it is unknown whether the surviving people in Red Maple City can reach three digits!

"Hurry up! Organize everyone to escape from here, how far and how far away!"

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Shangguan Xun roared and ordered the city guards to evacuate the crowd.

Upon receiving the order from Shangguanxun, those city guards who had been so frightened that their legs were weakened seemed to have received an amnesty order and faded like a tide.

And the monks in the distance knew that the disaster was imminent when the lightsaber of the real sword-handling man flew into the air, and they had escaped long before Shangguan Xun spoke!

Although the battle between the holy ranks is rare, no matter how exciting the battle is, if it will endanger lives, then no one is in the mood to watch it.

Shangguan found that the people all around were fleeing outside the city. He didn't stop himself, and said to his guards, "Let's go!"

When the voice fell, Shangguan fled out of the city like flying away.


The lightsaber buzzed in the sky, and the horror in it was extremely depressing. I can't wait to grow four legs on my body. The faster you run, the better!


The real person Zhang Jian held tightly to Bailie's body, and more and more blood and tears flowed from his eyes, but the whole person was not hoarse, calm and scared.

Looking at the back of the man with sword palm, Ye Zi approached Zhang Ziling subconsciously, pulling Zhang Ziling's sleeve with one hand.

Although she was still a little scared, she didn't mean to run away at all.

After being called back from a crazy state by Zhang Ziling, Ye Zi had already followed Zhang Ziling desperately, no matter what happened.

Glancing at Ye Zi, Zhang Ziling didn't shake Ye Zi away, just let her hold her sleeve like this.

The real man with sword palm slowly placed Bailie on the ground, got up and turned his back to Zhang Ziling, a white mist appeared all over his body, and a fierce momentum was everywhere.

"Lie'er don't worry, I will let those who harm you live better than die!"

Zhang Ziling and Ye Zi were instantly submerged in a sea of ​​light when countless lightsabers shot down in the sky.

There was lightsaber rain in the entire Red Maple City, countless buildings collapsed, and many monks who had not had time to evacuate all died unluckily under the indiscriminate attack of the real sword palmer!

"City Lord, look at it, there is a layer of black fog over this civilian area, which seems to have blocked all the sword rain, let's get there!"

Shangguan Xun's guard noticed that all the lightsabers in the residential area of ​​ordinary people were blocked, and could not help but shouted to Shangguan Xun in surprise.

They were closest to the stage of life and death, and when the sword-handling real man was about to expand his move, it was impossible for them to escape from Red Maple City.

Hearing the words of his escort, Shangguan looked around and found that the civilian area had not suffered any harm, and his face suddenly appeared ecstatic!

"Quick! Go there for anyone who wants to survive!" Shangguan Xun roared, and dodged a few fallen lightsabers with difficulty, rushing to the civilian area quickly.

Many monks who were still in the main city also discovered the peculiarities of the civilian areas, as if they had caught a life-saving straw, and fled there like crazy.

"No harm to civilians, no matter how fiercely you fight, you shouldn't harm those uncultivating civilians...this is the norm I have always followed."

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the lightsabers that were constantly falling over the civilian area, and then turned his attention to the real sword-handling man, his eyes becoming more indifferent.

"Do you want those people to bury Bailie? The so-called Three-Cun Sect of Righteous Path is really bad."

Zhang Ziling sneered, those lightsabers stabbed on his skin, all turned into shavings.

Ye Zi was protected by the devilish energy, staring at the dazzling lightsaber outside.

"so beautiful……"

Under the attack of the real person with the sword in the wind and rain, she could not feel any deadly breath. Instead, the light saber shattered and turned into a sky full of light, which looked quite beautiful.

The sword-handling man looked at the sea of ​​light ahead indifferently, burning his life source without hesitation, and wished to crush Zhang Ziling into powder.

"A mere evildoer, I won't let you die so easily!"

The real person with the sword palm pinched the technique with both hands, and the light chips around Zhang Ziling began to twist quickly, quickly condensing into a huge cage, covering Zhang Ziling and Ye Zi in it.

The intensity of the sword rain that he deliberately controlled blasted a holy rank powerhouse into serious injuries at most, and it was not fatal.

Killing his son, how could he let Zhang Ziling die easily?

"I want to drive you into the Sancun Sect's sky prison, let the sky fire burn your bones, and let the purple thunder imprison your souls, and I will cut you all at once, so that you will never live beyond life!"

The real man with sword palm roared in a low voice, a large amount of blood flowed out of the seven orifices, the whole person looked terrifying, and there was no more immortal wind bone!

"Three-inch cage!"

The endless light chips turned into an airtight barrier, confining Zhang Ziling and Ye Zi inside.

The lightsabers that have not yet fallen in the sky gathered together, forming a cloud of light above Zhang Ziling, and Guanghua irrigated it down!

Surrounded by the dazzling light completely engulfed by the dazzling light, the sword-handling real man smiled madly, like a madman!

The power of the Super Sacred Order broke out completely at this moment, and even outside the city, in the wild forest, the laughter of the real sword palm could be heard.

Countless monsters were awakened by the laughter of the real sword-handling man, roaring, and startled countless birds!

Looking at the light barrier that was constantly squeezing toward him, Zhang Ziling's expression became more and more indifferent.

He gave birth to a white palm and pressed it on the barrier of the light world, and the dark demon energy spilled out to the surroundings, eroding all the strength of the real person with the sword.

"This ridiculous and uninteresting attack should be over."

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