Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1912: Give you ten minutes

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Zhang Ziling thought, his index finger tapped the tabletop evenly and forcefully, and the loud tapping sound echoed in the teahouse.

"Who? Knock on what table here? Want to die?"

After a Tianjiao heard the even sound of knocking on the table, his whole person became a little irritable. He slapped the table and stood up and shouted angrily at the monk in the teahouse.

Hearing the arrogant words of that day, the monks in the teahouse trembled all over, their muscles tightened, and a trace of fear burst into their faces.

But they weren't afraid because of the arrogant anger that day, what they were afraid... was the man sitting by the window.

He is the only one knocking on the table in the teahouse!

Zhang Ziling still knocked on the table, thinking about his own affairs, and was not affected by the arrogant anger that day.

Soon, the arrogant that day noticed Zhang Ziling and found that Zhang Ziling was still doing his own way, and an impatient look appeared on his face. The meteor walked up to Zhang Ziling and held Zhang Ziling's hand!

Damn it!

This guy is crazy!


Seeing the arrogant and rude actions that day, the surrounding monks couldn't help but twitch their lips, admiring the arrogant courage that day.

In Red Maple City, no one dared to be presumptuous in front of the Devil Emperor!

Not even Ying Long!

"Can you not hear what I just said?" He stared at Zhang Ziling fiercely that day, and pointed his other finger at Zhang Ziling's nose and said, "Don't knock on the table, old hat!"

The Tianjiao at that table all watched with a smile, ready to watch a good show.

In their eyes, the cultivators of Red Maple City were just a group of pigs, as long as they didn't follow their wishes, they could slaughter them at will.

Anyway, the strongest in this city is not in the True Martial Realm. No matter how big things happen, their elders are also taking care of them. The Red Maple City Master must not dare to put a fart!

They all have to live carefully in the county city, and finally they can indulge in this red maple city, and they will naturally not suppress themselves.

The other monks in the teahouse, after seeing the arrogant death that day, all subconsciously took a step back and swallowed one after another, very nervous.

Seeing a monk in the late stage of Nirvana swearing at an emperor rank or even stronger taboo existence, everyone always felt a little unbelievable, and a little frightened.

However, the performance of the cultivators in the eyes of those Tianjiao was taken for granted as a normal reaction to fear them, which made the performance of those Tianjiao even more mad.

"A bunch of trash!"

The fairy-looking Tianjiao gave a cold snort, and his beautiful eyes were full of contempt for the monks.

Zhang Ziling raised his eyes slightly, looking at Tianjiao who was holding his hand, his eyes were extremely indifferent.

"Huh? Do you dare to show me a face? It's a small country native goods, kind of a personality!" That day, he sneered and pressed Zhang Ziling's index finger with force, trying to smash Zhang Ziling's index finger!

However, that day, arrogant suffocated enough strength to press down, but it did not affect Zhang Ziling half of the time, but made his palm a little bit pain.


A trace of doubt flashed in Tianjiao's eyes, thinking it was his own pain, and as soon as he was about to use his spiritual power in his body, he heard a word spit out from Zhang Ziling's mouth.


"You **** ate Xiongxin..."


Only halfway through the arrogant words that day, Zhang Ziling slapped his backhand and directly fanned the arrogant head from his shoulders!

Blood splattered!

The entire teahouse was stained blood, and the proud head that day hit a big hole in the teahouse wall and fell onto the street, causing a scream.

The smiles of the few Tianjiao remaining in the teahouse froze, staring blankly at the headless corpse of their partner falling into a pool of blood, their brains blank.

Why did he...


They couldn't imagine that there were people who were talking and laughing just now, and they were knocked off their heads without warning.

The other monks in the teahouse breathed a sigh of relief. If Zhang Ziling hadn't done anything, they would still be a little worried. Now they slapped off the proud head of the day with a slap. It made everyone feel normal, and their hanging hearts fell.

This is the style of the Devil Emperor!

"As expected to be Lord Devil, just act simply!"

"This is a man's style, I'm annoyed by those people who have been babbling for too long!"

"It doesn't matter if you kill it, let others recognize the reality and realize that we can't do whatever they want in our Red Maple City."

The other monks in the teahouse all clapped their hands and cheered, and they had long hoped that someone would teach those wild arrogances.

Now Zhang Ziling's move has fulfilled their wish.

The real man with the sword said to kill and kill, the horror existence that a million monsters don't care about, how could he care about the few juniors from the county?

Soon, the other stunned Tianjiao finally reacted and quickly drew out their weapons to surround Zhang Ziling.

"You are so courageous, how dare you kill the disciple of the real Tianhu!" Tianjiao, who looks like a god, glared at Zhang Ziling, and pointed a thin sword directly at Zhang Ziling's head.

"Actress Tianhu?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, he had never heard of this person.

"Master Hui, the real Tianhu is the head of the Tianhumen of the county city. With the strength of the holy rank, the Tianhumen is also a second-rate force in the county. Although it can't compare with the big sects such as Sancunzong, it still has a thousand years of history. "

The nirvana teenager stood up and explained to Zhang Ziling.

"Second-rate forces?"

Zhang Ziling laughed, and then glanced at the surrounding Tianjiao, and said: "You can mix with the sons of the second-rate forces, presumably the family is not strong enough, just get out."

"I am not interested in you."

"Huh! A local monk in Red Maple City, how dare you speak up here?" A Tianjiao coldly snorted, "I have sent the message to Tianhumen, and soon this teahouse will have to be surrounded. You can't escape! "

Hearing the proud words of that day, Zhang Ziling shook his head and said, "Oh... these days, I can see what you people are doing in the city. To be look very annoying. "

"It's ridiculous to use the strength of the family to build up strength, but to use it as a capital to show off."

With that said, Zhang Ziling suddenly looked at the young man in Nirvana and asked, "What is your name?"

Suddenly asked by Zhang Ziling, the Nirvana boy was taken aback first, and then replied in horror: "Go back, go back to your lord, junior Ye Cheng, let's go for a casual practice!"

"Yecheng?" Zhang Ziling read it in a low voice, then took out a booklet and threw it in front of Ye Cheng, saying, "The talent is not bad. I will give you ten minutes to read this booklet and then kill them."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Ye Cheng's head instantly became blank, staring at the shabby book lying in front of him in a daze, his body trembling slightly.

"This is... the handbook of Lord Demon Emperor?"

The cultivators all cast extremely envious glances at Ye Cheng, the techniques that existed in the hands of the Devil Emperor, they generally could only obtain it after experiencing a lifetime of nine deaths in extremely dangerous secrets!

That is the treasure that can set off a **** storm!

Now, is it in Ye Cheng's hands so easily?

"Kill us in ten minutes?"

Several Tianjiao seemed to have heard the best jokes in the world, and they all laughed and laughed, looking at Zhang Ziling's eyes as if they were looking at a lunatic.

"Are you crazy? This kind of waste at the beginning of Nirvana can kill us in ten minutes? Really our realm is false?"

"Like that kind of stuff, I can hit ten each!"

"When the people from Tianhumen come, you will be dead. Are you acting as a clown for us to win our sympathy? Tell you, it's impossible!"

Several Tianjiao laughed wantonly, but still surrounded Zhang Ziling and did not give him space to escape.

Ye Cheng swallowed fiercely, and tremblingly picked up the booklet.

ten minutes……

Cross-border killing?

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