Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1913: Celestial Palm

Ye Cheng's hands were trembling, and the book in his hand seemed to be extremely important!

"Boy, even if it's given to you for ten years, you are just a bug in front of us!" The few Tianjiao saw Ye Cheng really picking up Zhang Ziling's booklet, and they all ridiculed them, full of disdain.

Zhang Ziling's ability to kill their comrades in one move at least shows that Zhang Ziling has a certain strength. If it is not compelling, they do not want to fight with Zhang Ziling in advance.

The people from Tianhumen were on the way to come, and when the time came to surround the teahouse, Zhang Ziling would undoubtedly die, and there was no need for them to take the risk now.

However, Ye Cheng is different. Several Tianjiao can clearly perceive Ye Cheng's strength in only the early stage of Nirvana. The weakest of them is the latter stage of Nirvana. Anyone can give Ye Cheng with one hand. Hit down.

How many levels can a waste improve in ten minutes?

They have never heard of such a thing!

Not to mention that these Tianjiao didn't believe it, even the local monks in the teahouse who knew the details of Zhang Ziling didn't believe that Ye Cheng could complete the transformation within ten minutes.

The Devil Emperor is strong, but what he said is really a fantasy!

Under the eyes of everyone questioning or mocking, Ye Cheng swallowed slightly, and then opened the booklet.

Even if he himself thought it was impossible, Zhang Ziling had already put him on top. If he didn't do something, those arrogants would not show mercy to his men.

Turning over the booklet, a powerful soul force gushed out of the booklet, carrying a lot of information into Ye Cheng's mind.

The massive amount of information almost burst Ye Cheng's head. Ye Cheng now only feels that countless exercises and martial arts flashed in his mind, and then imprinted in his soul.

Outside, other monks saw Ye Cheng's eyes dull, and the booklet in his hand was glowing with golden light, turning the pages quickly.

A few Tianjiao still didn't care about this, even if the pamphlet was a masterpiece of martial arts and the Taoist suicide note, it was impossible for a guy in the early stage of Nirvana to expand to the point where it threatened them.

What's more, treasures of the level of Taoism's suicide note will contain Taoist spirit, even the strong holy ranks may not be able to touch it. A book that can be opened in Nirvana is at most left by the strong holy ranks. The exercises are commonplace.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about everyone's questioning glances.

If he wanted to, it wouldn't be a problem to forcibly raise Ye Cheng's strength to the emperor rank, but that would break the way for Ye Cheng to continue to grow stronger in the future, and there was no need.

In that booklet, Zhang Ziling left a little bit of his own soul power, recorded some of his collections in the three thousand universes, and some of the martial arts and martial arts that he created without any problems.

Coupled with the supreme aura attached to the booklet, the booklet Ye Cheng is holding is like a golden finger obtained by the hero of a fantasy novel, which is enough to blow up!

If Ye Cheng can make good use of, he may be able to shine in the Wild Continent in the future and break into a world.

"This little guy has a good talent. As long as he understands the one-and-a-half tricks in the booklet in these ten minutes, killing those celestial nirvanas is not difficult."

"If you don't realize it, I blame him for not having enough opportunities."

Zhang Ziling glanced at Ye Cheng, then closed his eyes and took a nap, no longer caring about outside affairs.

Since those Tianjiao wanted to surround him and prevent him from escaping, he also saved the effort of suppressing those people.

The atmosphere in the teahouse was a bit depressed, and the local monks were even more nervous than Ye Cheng at the moment, clenching their fists and staring at Ye Cheng.

Although everyone didn't believe it, the booklet was thrown out by the Devil Emperor...

What if a miracle is created?

The cultivators don't want to miss the deeds that are enough to be recorded in the history of the Great Wasteland!

The craziest level of murder in history!

Ten minutes of transformation!

The booklet turned faster and faster, Ye Cheng Qiqiao had already bleed, and there was an inexplicable aura around him.

"Something is wrong!" Fairy Tianjiao's beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

If Zhang Ziling was joking, and what he threw out was an ordinary booklet, there would never be such a vision!

The expressions of the other Tianjiao were not as arrogant as they were just now, and the momentum surrounding Ye Cheng at this moment made them a little uncomfortable.

"The fool really gave him ten minutes, kill it!"

A Tianjiao in the late stage of Nirvana didn't want to wait any longer, and directly stabbed Ye Cheng with his sword, a bit of cold light splashed!

Ye Cheng's eyes were still sluggish, and he didn't notice the arrogant attack that day.

However, when everyone thought that pride was going to pierce Ye Cheng's throat, Ye Cheng moved aside like a ghost, avoiding the sword of pride!


Jiao's face changed slightly that day, and before he could change his move, he felt a wave of palm wind.


Ye Cheng slapped that arrogant chin with a palm, and directly slapped that arrogant into the air, hitting the ground fiercely.

"This this!"

The eyes of the monks in the teahouse were wide-eyed, and it was a little illusory to easily shoot a late Nirvana in the early stage of Nirvana!

Moreover, everyone did not feel the spiritual power fluctuations in Ye Cheng at all!

"Did you see clearly?" Fairy Tianjiao's expression became solemn, and he whispered to the youth beside him.

"Well... that guy completely knocked Liu Qing into the air by skill, and happened to attack Liu Qing's weakness!" The young man frowned, he didn't expect Ye Cheng to improve so fast!

The attack just now requires extremely rich combat experience no matter how you look at it. It is not something a teenager like Ye Cheng can fight!

What martial skill is this?

"Damn it!"

Liu Qing corrected his misplaced jaw, picked up the long sword that fell beside him, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes!

"At the beginning of Nirvana, I still want to turn the sky over!"

Liu Qingna's post-Nirvana aura broke out, and many tables and chairs in the teahouse were blown out. He also turned into a ghost and rushed towards Yecheng again with his sword.

Jianmang masterpiece!


The fairy Tianjiao wanted to stop Liu Qing, but it was too late, and Liu Qing had already arrived in front of Ye Cheng.

The sword light flickered, and Liu Qing's surging spiritual power turned into a sword, and he wanted to smash Ye Cheng!

"Four or two throws a thousand catties, I merged with Chinese Tai Chi, the martial art created in my spare time, "Tianji Palm", that seems to be an emperor martial skill, right? This little guy has a good talent, and he realized the fur of this martial skill so quickly."

Zhang Ziling opened his eyes and looked at Ye Cheng with a smile.

After killing the ultimate, he lived on the earth for a long time, creating a lot of martial arts in boredom, leaving a part to the earth monks, and a part to Xingyu to sell to the three thousand universes, and the rest he did. Put it in this booklet.

Although Zhang Ziling could no longer use the martial arts of Tianji Palm, it was extremely suitable for teaching juniors.

Liu Qing held swords in both hands and slashed at Ye Cheng fiercely.

Swordsmanship is vertical and horizontal, violent power is directed at Ye Cheng, and the surrounding floor bursts into pieces!

Sword marks are staggered!

"Ten minutes, here it is."

Zhang Ziling whispered, Ye Cheng suddenly opened his eyes, **** in his eyes.

"Tianji Palm."

Ye Cheng whispered softly in his mouth, his palms bypassed Liu Qing's blade like a snake, easily grabbed the long sword from Liu Qing's hand, and stabbed his backhand.


Go in for nothing, red go out!

", how?"

Liu Qing looked at the long sword pierced into his chest with a full face of doubt. The intense pain stimulated his nerves, causing his eyes to gradually become distracted.

Ye Cheng released the hilt of his sword, turned around and bowed to Zhang Ziling:

"Thank you, the adults, for the great good luck of the kid!"

"" Liu Qing only felt that his consciousness became blurred, his face was full of regret and unwillingness.


Liu Qing knelt down in front of Ye Cheng, and the blood slid down the hilt.

No breath.

There was a dead silence all around.

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