Liu Qing, dead?

The Tianjiao from several counties in the teahouse stared at Liu Qing who was kneeling in front of Ye Cheng, but did not respond.

They didn't even feel that Ye Cheng had used spiritual power. He only relied on skill and crossed two small realms to kill Liu Qing!

How can such an exquisite martial arts be understood within ten minutes?

This is impossible!

Several Tianjiao couldn't believe it, they were roaring inside, and couldn't believe what they saw.

But **** facts, they saw it with their own eyes!

"Ten minutes have come. If you can kill them all, the booklet will be given to you." Zhang Ziling said lightly, as if he had caused Ye Cheng to trample a few trivial bugs.

"The kid must complete the task!"

Ye Cheng was overjoyed, he was full of confidence at the moment, and he didn't think it would be difficult to kill those Tianjiao.

Only he himself knew what he had experienced in those ten minutes!

He will never forget it all his life.

The resources contained in that booklet are absolutely no less than the treasure house of any top power!

Countless high-level martial arts and techniques, as well as the terrifying Taoism attached to the book... He just took a look, and many doubts about cultivation in his heart suddenly became clear!

If this booklet is left out, it will definitely set off a **** storm on the mainland and make the mainland turbulent!

This is, Tian Xing Bao!

"In the early stage of Nirvana, I dare to look down upon me!" The fairy Tianjiao's face was frosty, and the hand holding the rapier trembled slightly, angrily.

She is the celestial daughter of the Azure Cloud Gate, she entered the Celestial Realm at the age of eighteen, and now she has the strength of the mid-celestial palace, almost comparable to the top princes of the Sancun Sect!

"Ruo Shuang, don't be careless, although the martial arts used by that kid is not impressive, but his rank is very high, it is estimated that there is a holy rank!" The young man on the side said with a solemn tone.

His name is Qianyue, and he is also the proud son of Qingyunmen. In the early stage of Tiangong, he and Ruoshuang are childhood sweethearts, and Shimen secretly matched their marriage.

The Tianjiao who came to the teahouse this time were led by the two of them. They were also well-known among the younger generation in the county town, and belonged to the top of the second-line Tianjiao.

"I know, but this guy was in the early stage of Nirvana. Liu Qing's basic skills were not solid at first, and he was slapped by that guy and he was killed."

"But there is a chasm-like gap between Tiangong and Nirvana. It can't be made up by martial skills. We only need to use strength to crush, he can't turn the waves!"

Ruoshuang said coldly, although they shocked Ye Cheng to kill Liu Qing, Liu Qing was considered weak among them, and his death did not cause panic in the hearts of these Tianjiao.

"It's better to be careful, the man by the window is unfathomable, and the booklet he lost is also a bit weird. Don't capsize in the gutter."

Qianyue still remained calm. At this moment, he had no intention of despising Ye Cheng and Zhang Ziling as if he were real enemies.

Ruoshuang nodded, and then said to the other Tianjiao around him: "You guys go up together, be careful, don't be robbed of weapons like Liu Qing."

"Leave it to us."

Those few Tianjiao were not afraid, they patted their chests to make sure, and then rushed towards Ye Cheng together.

"You so-called Tianjiao, a few of the late Nirvana together to besiege an early Nirvana, do you want to be shameless!" When the surrounding monks saw the Tianjiao choose to besiege Yecheng, they all shouted and resented.

However, those Tianjiao turned a blind eye to everyone's cursing, and the sword pointed at Ye Cheng!

Ye Cheng just killed Liu Qing, they didn't dare to underestimate them, they just wanted to force all Ye Cheng's hole cards out, and let Ruoshuang and Qianyue handle the rest.

"Huh! I am not what I used to be!"

Seeing several people rushing forward, Ye Cheng let out a cold snort, a flash of contempt in his eyes!

He kicked his feet slightly, quickly turned into three people, and rushed towards the three Tianjiao who rushed.

"Ling Yingbu, holy martial art." Zhang Ziling chuckled, "It can be cultivated to the extreme, and it can transform three thousand."

boom! boom! boom!

With three muffled noises, the three Tianjiao flew out like cannonballs and slammed into the wall.

The three Yecheng became one again, pinching the tactics with both hands, swelling up all over his clothes, and the whole body's spiritual power evolved into a small sword!

"Seven battles of Yujian, ignoring the body's qi, suitable for chasing martial arts, and a great skill for higher-level challenges!"

Following the exit of Zhang Ziling, the small swords around Yecheng turned into sword light, stabs at the three Tianjiao quickly.

Feeling the sword light coming, the three Tianjiao's complexions changed slightly, and they quickly gathered the barrier, but they couldn't stop the sword light at all. All three of them were poked into blood holes!

Blood splattered!

The screams echoed in the teahouse, and the monks were stunned!

However, this did not end.

Purple vines poured out of Ye Cheng's hands, rushing to the three Tianjiao quickly, pulling them back.

"Manluo Tengbin? This kid actually understood this kind of side-by-side moves? It's suitable for the current situation."

Seeing the three people dragged back by the purple vines, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but flash in surprise.

This Manluo Vine is tied to the martial arts recorded in that booklet, but it belongs to the weaker category, but it is full of toughness and is only suitable for control, without the slightest attack power.

Zhang Ziling thought that Ye Cheng would learn a few powerful martial arts to directly kill those Tianjiao, but he didn't expect Ye Cheng to take the skill stream.

However, it is not difficult to understand, even the imperial martial arts or even higher-rank martial arts, the power of its explosion depends on the users themselves.

For example, Zhang Ziling, even if he didn't use any martial arts, pure spiritual power alone was enough to crush everything. And a monk in the Qi Gathering Realm, even if he could use Dao God level martial arts, it would be enough to kill a Nirvana!

If Ye Cheng learned those powerful and fierce words, killing those nirvana Tianjiao would be easy, but Ruoshuang and Qianye behind, I am afraid he will also fall into a hard fight.

"It deserves to be a casual cultivator. I walked up all the way on my own. In this case, I can analyze the situation clearly, without blindly learning martial arts and choosing my own optimal solution."

"This kid, after using can be cultivated."

Zhang Ziling admired Ye Cheng very much. For him, cultivating some excellent offspring to add some brilliance to the world is also his great hobby.

Under Ye Cheng's series of martial arts bombardment, those three Tianjiao were beaten with no power to fight back. The weapon had already been released, blood-stained and weak aura.

"This, this is Ye Cheng? How did you become so strong?"

"Ten minutes...what happened to him?"

"It's not Ye Chengqiang, it's the adult..."

The surrounding monks looked at the three Tianjiao lying on the ground, their hearts were shocked, and their eyes looked at Zhang Ziling in awe.

Now the stronger Ye Cheng's performance is, the more everyone feels the horror of Zhang Ziling's strength!

And Ruoshuang and Qianyue, at this moment, there is a terrible storm in their hearts, and they are full of thoughts!

A small booklet can make a guy in the early stage of Nirvana change upside down in ten minutes.

If they get... won't they be able to ascend to the sky in one step and become a peerless arrogant?

At that time, among the same age, who was their opponent?

The two looked at each other and nodded, and quickly sent a message to the teacher, and at the same time they became more and more alert to Zhang Ziling!

Obviously, the two have begun to covet the booklet Zhang Ziling took out, and they want to inform the master of the division to come, and grab the booklet before it is distributed!

As for everyone in this teahouse, including their companions...

Ruoshuang and Qianyue's eyes flashed a cold light.

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