Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2122: The power of the demon

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the demon was taken aback for a moment, and then an exaggerated and weird smile appeared on his face. He retracted his paw from the mysterious woman and turned to look at Zhang Ziling.

"It turns out that there is another bug hidden here... I didn't find it."

"Bug, you should be proud of it."

The demon Jiejie smiled, and his eyes were full of smiles when he looked at Zhang Ziling.

"It's you?"

Seeing Zhang Ziling came out to rescue her, the mysterious woman couldn't help exclaiming, her eyes were full of incredible, she did not expect Zhang Ziling to come out to rescue her.

However, the mysterious woman quickly reacted, and she didn't care why Zhang Ziling did this. She quickly said to Zhang Ziling: "You run away and tell my teacher about the demon, and then my teacher will solve it all!"

Having said this, the mysterious woman remembered something, and quickly took out the rags stained with too green blood and the tiles left by the Supreme from the space ring, and threw them to Zhang Ziling together.

"It takes no effort at all..."

Zhang Ziling took the rags and tiles, and a smile flashed in his eyes. He was thinking about how to "reasonably" and "standardize" the cloth and tiles from the mysterious woman's hands, but he didn't expect the mysterious woman to be like this. I took the initiative to send things that cost a lot of money.

"I know that you also want these two things, but I still hope you can give the cloth and tiles to my teacher, that is very important to us."

"Don't worry! As long as you take these two things back, my teacher will never treat you badly!"

The mysterious woman said to Zhang Ziling, although she also had no hope of Zhang Ziling handing over the two things, but she knew that she couldn’t escape. Instead of letting the cloth and tiles fall into the hands of the demon, it would be better to hand over. To Zhang Ziling.

Naturally, Zhang Ziling would not do what the mysterious woman said. Although the performance of the mysterious woman so far has been quite like Zhang Ziling’s, for Zhang Ziling, the cloth dyed with her mother’s blood, and the tile left by the mysterious supreme Films are much more important than mysterious women.

As for the favor...

"Your life should be worth more than 30 Dao God level soldiers, right?"

Zhang Ziling collected the blood-stained cloth and tiles into the space ring, ignoring the demon, and smiled at the mysterious woman.


Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the mysterious woman was taken aback for a while, but she didn't understand what Zhang Ziling meant.

But when Xu Gu saw Zhang Ziling's appearance, the despair in his heart suddenly disappeared, and the whole person completely relaxed and fainted.

‘There is an adult...the demon is not enough...’

At the moment when Xu Gu fainted, this thought flashed through his heart involuntarily, with a smile on his mouth.

"Damn bug, dare to ignore me!"

Seeing that Zhang Ziling had stopped drinking him, the demon didn't pay any attention to him. The whole person felt a great insult, and suddenly became angry. A large amount of black energy permeated from its body and eroded towards Zhang Ziling!

"I have already decided. I will first dig out your skull cap, eat your brain, and then dig out your heart, and finally **** your soul out!"

"I want to clean up your food!"

The demon said in a low voice, its aura became stronger and stronger, and the surrounding environment was also withered and decayed under the black aura of the demon, extremely gloomy!

Feeling the aura of the demon, the mysterious woman's face changed drastically, and she hurriedly shouted to Zhang Ziling: "You run away, this demon is a monster at the peak of the Taoism, and the strength is crushing the monks of the same rank of our human race. We are not its opponent!"

"I'll help you hold it!"

As soon as the mysterious woman finished speaking, she forcibly stood up with her tired body and rushed towards the demon, hoping to hold back the demon and gain time for Zhang Ziling to escape.

But the mysterious woman fell into a weak state because of using the "Tai Xuan Sword Scripture", and did not have too much power to stop the demon.

Before she got close to the sky demon, she was flew out by the black energy bullets around the sky demon, and her meridians were all shattered!

"Strike the stone with the pebbles!"

The demon gave a cold snort of disdain, and then looked at Zhang Ziling again, with a grin on his face: "Bug, feel the fear!"

Before the demon's words fell, it instantly came to Zhang Ziling, and its sharp claws grabbed Zhang Ziling's head!

It wants to open Zhang Ziling's skull with one blow!

"It's over!"

Seeing that Zhang Ziling did not react to the attack of the Heavenly Demon, the mysterious woman quickly extinguished the hope that only ignited in her beautiful eyes, and was filled with despair.

If Zhang Ziling was also beheaded here by the demon, no power would know the news that the demon came to the world that day!

When the demon swallowed everything and its strength expanded enough to bring disasters to the East Xuanzhou, it would be too late for many sects to react!

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the Heavenly Demon who was in front of him, a trace of joking flashed in his eyes, just gently raising his hand.


Zhang Ziling grabbed the claws of the heavenly devil with one hand, and steel-like collision phonons rang around, and the heavenly devil froze in midair.

"This this……"

The face of the demon changed. It found that after being caught by Zhang Ziling, no matter how hard it used, it couldn't move Zhang Ziling's palm half a minute!

"You just have this strength?"

Zhang Ziling looked at the demon and squinted his eyes and smiled, his five fingers pressed slightly!


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The screams of the heavenly demon suddenly echoed in the canyon, and the mysterious woman was stunned.

Zhang Ziling easily crushed the claws of the heavenly demon that were harder than the **** gold, and blue blood spurted out!

"Unforgivable! Unforgivable! I was hurt by a bug..."

The demon screamed hysterically, and his scarlet eyes were full of anger. The whole momentum soared again, the surrounding black energy began to restlessly, and the faces of demons appeared in the air!


The demon broke his arm, broke free from Zhang Ziling's palm, and his body began to swell rapidly, like a Tiantong mountain!

"Are you crazy?"

Zhang Ziling looked at the Heavenly Demon who suddenly became tall in front of him, casually discarded the broken arm in his hand, and said with a chuckle.


The sky demon roared, its broken arm grew back, the storm surged, and countless demon faces twisted in the sky.


"This, this... is the power of the demon?"

The mysterious woman looked at the faces of demons roaring in the air, and even the air was filled with disturbing and depressing breath, her mind trembled.

For the first time, she felt how small she was...

Although Zhang Ziling's power was somewhat beyond her expectations, the true appearance of the demons now made her feel desperate!

"Insect, feel the anger of the demon!"

The demon roared, it raised its huge claws and slapped Zhang Ziling fiercely!

The endless black air was surging, causing Xugu's blind eye array to collapse, and the earth a thousand miles to collapse, a large amount of magma gushing out from the abyss swamp, swallowing everything!

In the sky is the face of a demon that traverses thousands of miles. Under the huge body of the demon, Zhang Ziling looks as small as an ant.

The attack of the Heavenly Demon is already half a trail of extreme power!

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