The demon roared, and the huge claws that looked like a meteorite fell fiercely against Zhang Ziling. The surrounding claws ignited fiery flames because of violent friction with the air, burning everything in the world!

Zhang Ziling watched the demon's claws as big as a meteor hit him, a smile flashed in his eyes, and the devilish energy began to linger around him.

An unspeakable aura filled Zhang Ziling's body, gradually flooding the valley.

"This, this is?"

The mysterious woman who was still desperate because of the terrifying power displayed by the demon felt Zhang Ziling's aura, her pupils shrank suddenly, and a pair of eyes stared at Zhang Ziling, her eyes full of incredible.

"No, impossible... how could he be..."

The mysterious woman trembled all over, staring at Zhang Ziling, as if she had seen something incredible!

In the eyes of the mysterious woman, apart from being shocked by Zhang Ziling's strength, she seemed to have other emotions hidden...

It was as if she saw someone who shouldn't exist in the world.

"The humble bugs, turn them into powder!"

The deafening sound of the demon rolled from the sky, and its claws were already approaching Zhang Ziling.

The gorge collapsed, the magma churned in the cracked earth, it turned into a hell!

"Is this the ultimate power of the Heavenly Demon? It is indeed much stronger than the monks of the same rank on the Great Wild Continent. Only with the cultivation of the peak of the Taoist God, the power of half a trail has erupted..."

"Although the demon's performance is amazing enough, it's almost like that, it's time to win."

Zhang Ziling whispered, raising his hand and pressing it on the paw of the demon.


The huge pressure struck, and the ground around Zhang Ziling was completely shattered, the terrifying impact swept all around, and the huge canyon was instantly razed to the ground!

Ye Mei instantly appeared behind the mysterious woman and Xu Gu, grabbed the two with her mouth, and quickly withdrew back.

At the moment Ye Mei took the two of them away, the place where the mysterious woman and Xu Gu were before turned into nothingness under the horrible impact.

With the aftermath of the collision between Tianma and Zhang Ziling, if Ye Mei hadn't rescued the mysterious woman and Xu Gu, they would not be able to bear it!


The mysterious woman was also a little surprised to see that she was rescued by Ye Mei.

After all, Ye Mei is an ancient divine beast, with an arrogant nature. With the exception of the master she surrendered, other people would be grateful if they didn't eat Ye Mei, let alone save others.

The mysterious woman did not expect that she would be rescued by Ye Mei!

"Don't get me wrong, it's just that the master has specifically ordered that you can't cause trouble."

Ye Mei sent a voice message to the mysterious woman, throwing her and Xu Gu onto her back, and quickly withdrew to the distance to avoid the aftermath of the shock.

"Your master? Is it him?"

When the mysterious woman heard Ye Mei's transmission, she couldn't help but look at Zhang Ziling, feeling more shocked in her heart.

In this era, there are not many monks who can be recognized by Ye Mei.


Zhang Ziling supported the claws of the demon with one hand, and extremely terrifying power surged in the center of the two, and even the space collapsed and distorted, swallowing everything around!

"Damn bug! Where did you come from with such a powerful force that can resist my attack?"

The devil's face was distorted and roared sharply. It really didn't understand why Zhang Ziling's body was so small, but it was comparable in strength?

"Resist your attack?"

Hearing the roar of the heavenly demon, Zhang Ziling flashed a jokingly in his eyes, and began to exert force: "You too look at yourself too highly."

"This this?"

The heavenly demon suddenly found that his body was constantly being lifted into the air, and the power from Zhang Ziling was getting stronger and stronger, and the face of the heavenly demon couldn't help showing a look of fear, and he quickly increased his strength, wanting to press Zhang Ziling down again!

But no matter how hard the demon tried, he couldn't stop himself from being pushed into the sky by Zhang Ziling!

"Damn it! Who are you?"

Zhang Ziling's sudden increase in power caught the demon by surprise, and there was a little fear in his heart!

Zhang Ziling did not answer the Heaven Demon, a large amount of demon energy gushed from the palm of his hand, quickly wrapped the Heaven Demon's claws, and swept away at the whole body of the Heaven Demon!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Feeling that Zhang Ziling's devilish energy was about to swallow his body, the demon panicked completely and began to struggle frantically, trying to withdraw his arm!

But after its arm was wrapped by Zhang Ziling's magic energy, it couldn't even control its arm.

No matter what method the demon uses, he can't draw out his arm!

"You guy... I remember it!"

The sky demon's eyes were full of blood, and his face was gloomy.

At this moment, it has been driven to a desperate situation by Zhang Ziling, so he had to repeat the trick and cut off his arm again!

A lot of blood splashed out, and the entire sky was dyed blue.

"Devil... defeated?"

The mysterious woman in the distance saw the demon breaking her arm, her beautiful eyes were full of shock, and her eyes became more complicated when she looked at Zhang Ziling.

"Who is he? Why is the breath so similar to my master?"

The mysterious woman murmured, shocked and curious.

In the ruins of the canyon, after the devil cut off his arm, its figure quickly shrank and quickly returned to its normal human size.

The demon gave Zhang Ziling a fierce look, then he turned into a black glow without hesitation and fled into the distance.

Zhang Ziling's power was beyond his imagination. The demon knew that he was invincible, and he was not stupid, and he had to fight to death. Now naturally he can run as far as he can!

"Want to escape?"

Seeing Yaoyao where the demon fled, and fled thousands of miles away in a flash, the joke in Zhang Ziling's eyes became more and more intense.

The demon energy around Zhang Ziling turned into chains and chased the demon.

A demon who could not breathe and fled thousands of miles away was caught up by the chain of devil energy.

"This **** bug! It has forced me to such an extent! This master world can't stay any longer, I have to go back quickly!"

Feeling the chain shot from behind, the scarlet eyes of the heavenly devil were full of anger and anxiety, he quickly tore the space with one arm, and got in!

As a heavenly demon, although it is very difficult for it to enter the main world of the Great Wild Continent, there is no difficulty for them to go back.

In the past, when the demons came to the world, most of them would choose to escape back to their original world to save their lives when they were driven into desperation by the cultivators of the Great Wild Continent.

"You can't escape."

Just as the demon escaped back to the world, when a relaxed smile appeared on his face, Zhang Ziling's faint voice suddenly rang in his ears, making it tremble!


Unable to allow the demon to think, it heard the sound of a chain behind it, and then it was bound by the cold chain!

"I'm back, how can you still catch me?"

The sky demon saw the devil energy chain that bound him, his face changed drastically, and screamed sternly. Then it was pulled back by the devil energy chain under the shocked eyes of countless sky demon!

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