Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2341: Enhanced Barren Field

Zhang Ziling smiled and shook his painful head vigorously, and then a gray-black force filled his body.

"This power... Isn't this spiritual power?"

Xue Mei noticed that Zhang Ziling's momentum had suddenly changed dramatically, and she was taken aback.

Zhang Ziling now seems to have completely changed.

If it weren't for Xue Mei's stare at Zhang Ziling all the time, it even felt that there was another person in this rune space!

Zhang Ziling urged the Seed of Chaos, the spiritual aura in his body was already covered by the power of Chaos, and at this time his aura was somewhat similar to that of Chaos creatures!

The breath of chaos began to permeate around Zhang Ziling. The barren realm opened around Zhang Ziling, spreading to the surroundings, and enveloped many runes.

Zhang Ziling’s barren realm was originally derived from the law of nirvana, and after Zhang Ziling absorbed the chaos seed, the law of reincarnation and the law of the void were more or less suppressed. Zhang Ziling originally thought that his barren realm would also be suppressed. Chaos was weakened, but Zhang Ziling did not expect that instead of weakening his barren realm, he was greatly strengthened by the addition of the breath of chaos!

Now Zhang Ziling can not only erase the power of all creatures and artifacts in the domain, but he can even turn those erased powers into his own strength in a short time!

Under the influence of the barren field, all the surrounding runes became dim, and the power of the entire space disappeared to Zhang Ziling, making Zhang Ziling soar!

The power contained in all the runes in the space was taken away by the barren realm and poured into Zhang Ziling's body.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling's momentum directly broke through the highest limit, swelling to an incredible level!


The breath of chaos broke out and swept across the entire rune space. A large number of runes were swallowed by the breath of chaos, and the golden light in the space became more bleak.

Xue Mei drifted in the breath of chaos, feeling that the godhead that merged with herself began to restless.

The crack on Zhang Ziling's body quickly disappeared, and the knowledge in his mind was quickly digested by Zhang Ziling with the help of the breath of chaos.

Before Zhang Ziling did not use the breath of chaos to absorb rune knowledge, this is equivalent to Zhang Ziling using the highest realm to obtain higher knowledge.

Delusion to break through to a higher level, the process will naturally be painful and unbearable, and there is a great chance of failure.

After all, Ling Jue Emperor was the peak existence of the ancient spirit race, which was equivalent to the current Supreme Immortal.

Even if Zhang Ziling is the highest limit, he would have to pay a great price if he wants to become the Ling Jue Emperor, and the level of danger is no less than that of Zhang Ziling's conquest of Chaos Seed!

But now it is different. Zhang Ziling possesses the Seed of Chaos, and should be respected as the Emperor of Heaven in the Void Realm.

Emperor Tianxu is equivalent to the Supreme Immortal, the realm of Ling Jue Emperor!

In the same rank, Zhang Ziling, as the Emperor of Tianxu, wanted to absorb the rune power of the ancient spirit race, and it was not as difficult as before.

With the help of the barren realm, the power in the rune disappeared, becoming no threat to Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling can now only remember the meaning of the rune without absorbing the power in the rune.

After Zhang Ziling had memorized all the runes, he would take back the barren realm and return all the power of those runes.

At that time...Zhang Ziling began to absorb the power of the rune.

In this way, Zhang Ziling's pressure was directly reduced to the lowest level, and he also inherited the entire rune space...

Xue Mei never thought that things would turn out to be like this.

Although it is a wedge of this rune space, it can't feel the slightest power from the rune!

There is still a half of the time in the hourglass. With Zhang Ziling's current speed of absorbing and digesting runes, I am afraid that there is still a lot of time left to memorize the runes in the entire space!

This way of accepting inheritance is too barbaric!

"Master...what kind of monster is your offspring?" Xue Mei sighed in a low voice, feeling extremely shocked by Zhang Ziling's performance.

What Zhang Ziling is doing now is no longer in the highest category.

"Even if he does not inherit this rune space, I am afraid that Moqing is not his opponent..."

"The monster lord...what kind of monster did he provoke?"

Xue Mei whispered, and even began to sympathize with the future of Moqing!

After Zhang Ziling released the barren field, there were no more waves next.

Each rune was understood and absorbed by Zhang Ziling, and the entire rune space became bleak as a result, and might disappear at any time.

It was only a matter of time before Zhang Ziling became Ling Jue Emperor.

At this moment, outside the rune space.

The fairy group floated beside Ye Zi and Xu Gu. They stood at the entrance of the rune space together, watching the runes on the entrance gradually darken.

"Looking at the current situation, it is not difficult for the master to inherit this rune space!"

"As a human race, but at the same time became the Tianxu Emperor of the Chaos Race, and the Ling Jue Emperor of the Spirit Race, this is probably an amazing figure that has never been seen before!"

"If the master becomes the supreme immortal again... Tsk tsk tsk..."

Xian Tuan smiled, his eyes filled with excitement and excitement.

As the soul of the endless fairy tower, it will definitely follow Zhang Ziling to fight everywhere.

The stronger Zhang Ziling is, the brighter its future will be!

The vertical and horizontal universe is not a problem!

Ye Zi didn't care about her future, she only needed to know Zhang Ziling was safe, and that was enough.

"We can't help with the Emperor's side. Let's solve Xu Qing first."

Qin Ziqi threw Xu Qing, who was still in a coma, in front of Ye Zi, and said, "Xu Qing is the person arranged by Demon Qing here. He may be one of the eyes that Demon Qing placed here."

"The emperor asked me to rescue him before, but if we keep him here, there may be problems next."

Ye Zi glanced at Xu Qing, who was in a coma, and then asked Qin Ziqi: "What's wrong with him?"

After the Great Wild Tower collapsed, You Du and Earth completely lost contact.

Ye Zi solved most of the monsters in Youdu, and now the huge Youdu almost became an empty city. Instead, the bottom of this wild tower became the most densely populated place.

A bunch of mages huddled in the corner of the gravel, with fear still remaining on their faces.

If Xu Qing had a problem, it could only happen to him.

Qin Ziqi said: "The power of the devil's emotions in his body has begun to agitate. If he wakes up, he may become a monster."

"After all, the devil's sentiment is the supreme. Let Xu Qing become a monster, you and I are both in danger."

Ye Mei disdainfully said: "What is this, let me swallow him in one bite and see what other storms he can cause!"

It is gearing up to the side, as long as Ye Zi speaks, it can pounce on it at any time.

"Don't act rashly, no one knows what evil emotions have done in him."

Ye Zi stopped Ye Mei and said to Xu Gu, "Master Xu Gu, please join forces with the array mage present to establish an enchantment and seal Xu Qing inside."

"Leave it to me, I can't help with other things, but I'm still a little useful with the formation." Xu Gu patted his chest to make sure, and then flew to the front of the formations and began to mobilize those formations.

"Can you stop the demon feeling just by enchantment?" Qin Ziqi glanced at Xu Gu, and asked Ye Zi hesitantly.

"Of course I can't stop it." Ye Zi shook his head and said without hesitation.

Qin Ziqi was taken aback: "Then you still..."

"We only need a master to fight for a certain amount of time, and we don't have to do extra work."

"The master left Xu Qing down, which shows that Xu Qing still has a role to play. If we commit suicide, it will only be a bad thing.

"There is an abnormal change in his body, just isolate it."

Ye Zi chuckled: "If Devil Love really wants to use Xu Qing to do something, it will fulfill the master's wish."

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