Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2342: Qin Ziqi's entanglement

Under the actions of Xu Gu and a group of mages, an enchantment rose up around Xu Qing, completely isolating Xu Qing from the outside world, and at the same time drew away the spiritual power around Xu Qing, so that Xu Qing’s power could not be supplemented. .

"I still don't think it's right. The power of the evil spirit cannot be underestimated. Now the emperor doesn't know when to come out. If the evil spirit takes advantage of the situation, wouldn't we..."

Qin Ziqi still frowned, not optimistic about Ye Zi's approach.

After all, Qin Ziqi decided to do something for Zhang Ziling for the sake of his own future. He couldn't do it yet to put his life in danger for Zhang Ziling.

If the evil spirit comes with the help of Xu Qing's body, it will be only a matter of a few seconds to kill them!

"Since Moqing has set up a fake treasure place here, he must be near the real treasure place now."

"It's okay if he doesn't come here, as long as he makes trouble with Xu Qing, the master will definitely be able to find the true position of the evil spirit through Xu Qing." Ye Zi is not worried at all, and even expects the evil spirit to come over.

Now it is Moqing that has been hiding, and he is still holding Zhang Moyun as a hostage, which has brought the situation to such a deadlock.

If Moqing took the initiative to expose his position, then Zhang Ziling could at least regain the initiative.

Qin Ziqi was puzzled: "Are you not afraid that the devil will kill you?"

"Devil love has the law of reincarnation, if you die in his hands, even the emperor will not be able to resurrect you!"

"We left Xu Qing here, just hanging a sharp sword on our head!"

Qin Ziqi still persuaded Ye Zi and kept pushing Ye Zi to solve Xu Qing.

Ye Zi took a deep look at Qin Ziqi and said, "But the master also has the law of reincarnation. If you are afraid of the devil's sentiment, you are not afraid of acting without authorization and ruining the master's affairs?"


Qin Ziqi was startled, and didn't know how to answer Ye Zi.

The reason why he kept persuading Ye Zi to do it was because he was afraid that doing it himself would ruin Zhang Ziling's plan, and thus bring himself to death.

After all, Ye Zi is Zhang Ziling's confidant, and she will be punished at most for her actions, and she will not worry about her life.

If Ye Zi didn't plan to deal with Xu Qing who was constantly changing... Even if he loaned Qin Ziqi ten more courage, he would not dare to kill Xu Qing and ruin Zhang Ziling's plan.


Qin Ziqi swallowed slightly and was speechless for a while, and the whole person was suddenly caught in a dilemma.

He was afraid that evil spirits would use Xu Qing to do things, and he was afraid that he would offend Zhang Ziling without authorization...

It is neither moving nor not moving now, Qin Ziqi feels that he is more uncomfortable than death!

"If you are really scared, leave this place first and save your life." Ye Zi could not help but say lightly when he saw Qin Ziqi's expression, and didn't care about Qin Ziqi's stay.

"The master cooperates with you, just wanting you to control the monsters in the future, so that the Great Wild Continent will not fall into chaos because the monsters are out of control."

"However, this does not mean that the master has only you to choose. I also have the bloodline of extremely evil. Even the master still holds Luo Yuqiu in his hand. We can all replace you in the future."

"You are not as important as you thought. If you leave now, the master will not pursue it."

Ye Zi's tone was indifferent, and Qin Ziqi's ears were extremely harsh!

Qin Ziqi squeezed his fist, then glanced at Xu Qing in the enchantment, the sweat on his forehead became more and more.

If he leaves now, it means that he is completely out of Zhang Ziling's camp. If Zhang Ziling resolves the demon feelings in the future, then the monster race has nothing to do with him, and even because he is a monster, he will also be under mandatory control.

But if he doesn't leave, he will lose his life here if the evil spirit is in trouble here!

If his life is gone, then there is really nothing left.

Ye Zi didn't care about Qin Ziqi's entanglement, she didn't know Qin Ziqi, and had no friendship with him.

As long as Qin Ziqi doesn't cause trouble here, Ye Zi doesn't care about what Qin Ziqi does, leaving or staying.


Suddenly, the breath of chaos in the rune space surged out again, and a powerful aura swept all around, causing the bottom of the entire Great Wild Tower to violently shake!

The barrier constructed by Xu Gu became unstable under the impact of the breath of chaos, and a large amount of black energy escaped from Xu Qing's body, instantly filling the entire barrier!

"Damn it!"

Qin Ziqi felt Xu Qing's momentum soaring, and wanted to flee outside, but his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move.


Under the dual impact of the aura that burst out in Xu Qing's body and the breath of chaos, cracks appeared in the barrier, and black aura diffused out of the barrier.

"No! This barrier can't hold it!" Xu Gu quickly said, seeing Xu Qing's momentum about to break through the barrier.

A group of mages tried their best to stabilize the barrier, but the breath of chaos and Xu Qing's aura was too strong, even if the mages worked together to deal with it, there were more and more cracks in the barrier. .

Ye Zi glanced at the rune space behind, Zhang Ziling showed no signs of coming out, then looked at Xu Qing in the enchantment, his brows could not help but frowned: "It's coming too soon..."

Although what Ye Zi is doing now is to isolate Xu Qing and wait for Xu Qing to mutate, Xu Qing's mutation speed is too fast!

If this situation continues, I am afraid that Zhang Ziling has not yet come out, and everyone present will have to die!

Ye Zi said that she was not afraid of death, but she was still worried about other people being brutally killed.

Without hesitation, Ye Zi injected his own power into the barrier. While strengthening the barrier, he said to the immortal group: "Tuanzi, you first let everyone enter the endless fairy tower, this place is left to me to deal with! "

"You won't go in?"

As soon as the fairy group called out the endless fairy tower from the space ring, when he heard Ye Zi's words, he couldn't help but stunned.

"This enchantment can still be delayed for a while, and there is no point for other people to stay here, let them in." Ye Zi said decisively, directly swaying a large swath of devil energy, and bringing a group of mages to Xu Gu night Swept into the endless fairy tower together!

Infinite Immortal Pagoda is the most high-level genius soldier, and now in this market city, I am afraid that only Immortal Pagoda is the safest.

Qin Ziqi also wanted to take the opportunity to hide in the endless fairy tower, but was stopped by Ye Zi.

"Miss Ye Zi?" Qin Ziqi looked at Ye Zi with a puzzled expression, wondering why Ye Zi wanted to stop him!

"You are a monster after all, I don't trust you!" Ye Zi said directly, "You have to go, I won't stop, but if you want to stay, you can only help me maintain the barrier here."

"I won't let you enter the endless fairy tower."


Hearing Ye Zi's words, Qin Ziqi couldn't help but feel angry. He was about to do it, but suddenly he thought of Zhang Ziling!

Qin Ziqi was poured with cold water, his anger disappeared, and he turned to help Ye Zi strengthen the barrier.

After all, he didn't dare to do anything to Ye Zi, and he also knew...Once he escaped from here, he would not only betray the devil, but also lose the blessing of Zhang Ziling.

At that time, it was really desperate!

Now, Qin Ziqi can only go one way to the dark.

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