Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2343: Mutant monster

After the fairy group settled everyone in the endless fairy tower, he couldn't help but glanced at Qin Ziqi who was helping to stabilize the enchantment, and quietly transmitted to Ye Zi: "Xiao Ye Zi, why have you been targeting him? You are still wondering he?"

"Didn't Qin Ziqi bring it here personally?"

"After all, he is a monster, with the blood of demon feeling flowing in his body. Putting him in the endless fairy tower may cause problems." Ye Zi replied through the sound transmission, regarding Xu Qing's mutation, her emotions were fair. stable.

"I once had an extremely evil bloodline, and I know very well the power of Demon Qing to control the bloodline owner. Even if he wants to betray Demon Qing, as long as the master is not by his side, Demon Qing wants to control him."

"In fact, I really want him to leave, so that at least one hidden danger will be lost. Unfortunately, he didn't leave, and I was too embarrassed to just drive away."

"It turned out to be like this... I will help you stare at him." Upon hearing Ye Zi's voice transmission, Xian Tuan couldn't help but nodded, focusing more on Qin Ziqi.

Once Qin Ziqi shows signs of reversing the water, the fairy group will manipulate the endless fairy tower to suppress it!

At this moment Qin Ziqi didn't know that he was being watched by the immortal group. After he gave up and escaped, he could only bite the bullet and help stabilize the barrier, delaying Xu Qing as much as possible.

The black aura around Xu Qing became stronger and stronger, and even his aura gradually transformed into an aura of demons.

Today's Xu Qing is like a mutated devilish distraction!

Under the gaze of Ye Zi and Qin Ziqi, Xu Qing slowly climbed up from the ground, and eight tentacles grew behind his back. His legs melted quickly and grew into a huge mass of flesh.

A large number of tentacles gush out from the meat ball, constantly bombarding the enchantment.

Seeing Xu Qing's current appearance, Ye Zi only felt nauseous and his face became ugly.

Obviously he is a human being, but the demons transformed are even uglier than monsters!

Xu Qing, after being turned into a demon, is the ugliest and most disgusting creature she has ever seen, not one of them!

"What is his situation now?"

Ye Zi couldn't stand Xu Qing's appearance and couldn't help asking Qin Ziqi.

"I don't know... I have never seen a monster like Xu Qing before..."

Qin Ziqi's face was also very ugly, but he was not because of the disgusting Xu Qing's current appearance, but because of the fear of Xu Qing's aura.

Now Xu Qing's aura only escaped slightly from the crack in the barrier.

Even so, Qin Ziqi felt that Xu Qing's power seemed to be endless, and his aura suffocated him!

Once the barrier is broken, they will definitely not be Xu Qing's opponent!

Xu Qing at this moment has become a monster!

"Hey... I said, let's hide in that fairy pagoda first. With the power of the emperor, Xu Qing can't succeed even if he wants to make trouble, why sacrifice here for nothing?" Qin Ziqi whispered to Ye Zi , Retreat again.

"I still said that, if you want to leave, you can leave at any time, but if you choose to stay, you can help me stabilize the barrier." Ye Zi said indifferently, directly interrupting Qin Ziqi's words.

Being so shocked by Ye Zi, Qin Ziqi was also frightened and furious, both angry at Ye Zi's words and deeds, and fearful of Xu Qing who was about to break the barrier!

At this moment, the fleshy mass was getting bigger and bigger, and those blood-colored tentacles slammed on the barrier, making the barrier more bleak and cracks on the surface bigger and bigger!

The power consumption of Ye Zi and Qin Ziqi suddenly increased several times!

"That meatball seems to have been born with the earth. It doesn't make much sense to insist on the barrier now. I will remove the barrier later and you will attack him with me!"

Ye Zi said quickly, a black magic sword condensed in her hand, and her momentum began to rise: "I want to explore his bottom."

"Attack this monster? Are you crazy?"

Qin Ziqi looked at Ye Zi with an unbelievable expression. Facing a monster like Xu Qing that was almost half a step high, they had no time to escape. Actively attacking was not to die?

Qin Ziqi warned: "With Xu Qing's current strength, he definitely inherited a lot of abilities in Demon Qing, and you are going to die now!"

He doesn't like to do things with no certainty, otherwise he would not hate Moqing while doing things for Moqing all the time, and dare not show any disagreement.

Had it not been for the opportunity of the tile treasure and Zhang Ziling, Qin Ziqi might have been playing the confidant of the devil's love.

In Qin Ziqi's eyes, fighting Xu Qing now is extremely irrational and impulsive.

"Sooner or later, he will break the barrier. It is too late for you to escape now."

Ye Zi did not hesitate at all, and directly withdrew from the enchantment, rushing towards Xu Qing with his sword: "Keep up!"

"Damn it!"

Seeing Ye Zi rushing towards Xu Qing, Qin Ziqi couldn't help but yell out loudly, but now he had no other choice but to attack Xu Qing with Ye Zi.

At the moment when the barrier was withdrawn, the tentacles on the meatball swelled up all around, blocking all the exits at the bottom of the Great Wilderness Tower!

If Qin Ziqi watched Ye Zi die under Xu Qing's hands, he would definitely become Xu Qing's next target!

Whether it is to gain Zhang Ziling's trust or to protect himself, he has to act!

"That guy doesn't seem to have any IQ, Xiaoyezi and Qin Ziqi can work together for a while..." Xian Tuan muttered, glanced at the rune space behind, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"The Breath of Chaos has been calm for a while. Looking at the situation in the rune space, the master should have inherited all the runes...what is he doing now?"

Now the fairy group can no longer feel the slightest power in the rune space, and even this rune space still exists only because Zhang Ziling's breath of chaos is maintained.

What Xiantuan couldn't figure out was that since the rune space had lost its power, what was Zhang Ziling doing in it?

The outside world knows nothing about what happened in the rune space, and it is still unknown whether Zhang Ziling became the Ling Jue Emperor.

The longer Zhang Ziling stays in the rune space, the more itchy Xian Tuan's heart!


While Xian Tuan was still guessing the situation of Zhang Ziling in the rune space, two figures passed by it and slammed into the ground!

Xu Qing’s strength has been rising. Ye Zi and Qin Ziqi were able to fight Xu Qing’s tentacles at first, but after Xu Qing’s strength soared, Xu Qing’s tentacles' speed and strength also experienced a qualitative change. Variety!

Ye Zi and Qin Ziqi were accidentally taken away by the tentacles!

"Are you OK?"

Xian Tuan quickly dug Ye Zi out of the pit and asked worriedly.

"Slight injury, just a few broken ribs."

Ye Zi wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth and kept his eyes on Xu Qing in the distance.

"That guy, there seems to be something pregnant in his body, I have to cut his stomach open." Ye Zi swallowed a healing pill, joined the broken ribs, and stood up again, "Xu Qing's stomach This may be the reason why the devil love has always retained Xu Qing!"

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