Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2352: Settle accounts

In this dungeon, the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Mo Yuan was still watching the touching scene of father and son meeting, but Zhang Moyun said that he disappeared and disappeared, which caught Mo Yuan by surprise.

Zhang Ziling looked at Mo Yuan, waved his hand, and signaled the official Tianxu and Xiantuan to go back.

Mo Yuan looked at Zhang Ziling nervously, barely squeezing a smile on his face, and greeted Zhang Ziling: "How are you..."

He had always been behind Zhang Ziling before, even though Zhang Ziling felt powerful, the pressure he was under was still within control.

But Mo Yuan found that when Zhang Ziling put his gaze on him, the pressure he was under directly burst, and he almost did not kneel down to Zhang Ziling!

This is the situation when Zhang Ziling did not deliberately target him!

Mo Yuan looked at Zhang Ziling tremblingly, his legs trembling constantly.

‘Death! ’

Mo Yuan wailed in his heart.

"Do you know why I let you follow here?" Zhang Ziling suddenly asked, his indifferent voice made Mo Yuan's legs soften directly.

Mo Yuan can't hold it anymore...


Mo Yuan knelt down and quickly kowtowed to Zhang Ziling to beg for mercy: "My lord, please forgive me! The villain has no intention of offending!"

"The villain is just a mess in the Sanji League. The villain never knows that your father is here!"

At this moment, Mo Yuan didn't even dare to think about why Zhang Ziling kept him here. He only knew that he couldn't be Zhang Ziling's opponent at all. Zhang Ziling could easily crush him with just one finger!

Mo Yuan had no longer cared about his General Marshal's face, his life was crucial.

The Tri-Pole League has imprisoned their father, and it is not unusual for people to avenge the Tri-Pole League!

Zhang Ziling looked at Mo Yuan who was kneeling and kowtow indifferently, and said, "My father and son meet again today, and I don't want to kill him."

"Whoever set the ban, who knows that the border here is my father, give me a list."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words full of killing intent, Mo Yuan was shocked and his body began to tremble violently.

Sure enough, revenge!

Zhang Ziling should not belong to the Great Wasteland!

Mo Yuan didn't dare to think about what kind of storm Zhang Ziling would cause in Shengji City!

In the Tri-polar League, who really knows who is being held in the depths of this dungeon, there are only the top three!

If Zhang Ziling made a shot against those three, the Three Extreme Alliance would fall to the three Daoji...

A solid alliance will collapse in an instant!

The world will be in chaos!

Zhang Ziling was indeed planning to find someone from the Three-Pole League to settle accounts. After all, Zhang Moyun was locked in the dungeon of the Three-Pole League. Zhang Ziling did not believe that the Three-Pole League had nothing to do with this matter.

Now that he has reached Central China, it is too late to prevent Moqing from inheriting the power of the Supreme Immortal.

It takes ten minutes for him to open the bronze door. Instead of wasting his strength to break in, he might as well wait for the devil feeling to come out.

This just saves some power, and it will also have a few more minutes to deal with the affairs of the Tripolar Alliance.

Mo Yuan knew that powerful people like Zhang Ziling must have the ability to search for souls, and there was no point in lying by himself.

In order not to suffer unnecessary torture, Mo Yuan stammered: "This dungeon contains many demon...Yes, I'm sorry, I'm not talking about the adult's father...I, I..."

Zhang Ziling waved his hand impatiently: "Go on."

Mo Yuan swallowed fiercely before he cautiously said: "The dungeon is the forbidden area of ​​the Tri-Pole League, so not many people know the specifics here..."

"This deepest ban was set by the leader of Qingfeng himself. Only three leaders know who is inside, and the others are not qualified... and dare not explore it."

Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows: "You mean, I know that the people detained here belong to my father, and that there are only the three leaders of your Three-Pole League?"

Mo Yuan wiped off the fine sweat beads on his forehead and nodded, "Yes, yes..."

"There are three leaders in total... Sect Master Qingfeng of the Extreme Night Sect, Ye Xin, the master of Bufan Pavilion, and the master of Taxianlou."

Saying the names of the three Daojis, Mo Yuan seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and he fell directly to the ground.

It's over...

Mo Yuan's heart is full of sorrow. His actions now are tantamount to betraying the Tri-Pole League. If other monks in the Tri-Pole League know about it in the future, he can't imagine how miserable his future will be!

In addition to the three leaders, the Three-Pole League still has a lot of half trails.

Those one by one were not the existence that Mo Yuan could provoke!

"Qingfeng, Ye Xin, in one word... Of these three Daoji, two happened to be closed in Shengji City, and one was rushing back to Shengji City, just catching them all in one go."

Zhang Ziling's soul scanned Zhong Shenzhou and murmured.

His soul has long been able to cover the Great Desolate Continent, and a person with an extremely strong Taoism like Qingfeng, among the masses of beings in the Great Desolate Continent, is like a light in the night, very conspicuous.

As long as they don't intentionally hide their breath, Zhang Ziling will be able to find them in a very short time.

"There are still a few minutes, that's enough."

Zhang Ziling took the time to sweep the East Xuanzhou side with his soul. The bronze door was still closed, but there was a layer of black gas on the bronze door. It was obviously a barrier set by Moqing to prevent him from breaking the bronze door.

Around the bronze gate, Zhang Ziling could no longer feel the breath of the **** palm, it seemed that Moqing had won the final victory and inherited the power of the Supreme Immortal.

"Go out with me. After I kill your leader, you will take over as the leader of the Three-Pole Alliance. If there are people who take the opportunity to cause trouble, kill them all."

Zhang Ziling lifted Mo Yuan from the ground and walked quickly out of the dungeon.

"Huh? Me, me?"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Mo Yuan was a little confused, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

How can he be the leader?

Not only does he lack the qualifications, but he also lacks the strength!

"The Three-Pole League is the number one force on the face of the Great Desolate Continent, dominating the thirteen big states. Once those three Daoji are killed, if no one in your Three-Pole League stands up and presides over the overall situation, it will only lead to chaos. "

"I don't want to let the whole continent suffer because of my personal affairs." Zhang Ziling patiently explained to Mo Yuan, "You can do as I tell you, and I will lend you part of my power. You can use your means. Be tough."

"After I have settled my own affairs, someone in the Emperor's Palace will come to you to hand over the Three-Pole Alliance. Sooner or later, the Three-Pole Alliance will be cleaned up. You can just let go of it."

"I don't want to see the slightest riot." Zhang Ziling faintly ordered.

Mo Yuan walked quickly behind Zhang Ziling. He was stunned for a while, but he still didn't react.

So decided to let him become the leader of the Three-Pole League?

Mo Yuan was completely frightened by Zhang Ziling's style.

So sloppy?

Or... Zhang Ziling didn't take the Tri-Pole League into consideration at all, so any dog ​​can suppress it?

Mo Yuan's Adam's apple rolled, swallowing hard.

Soon, Zhang Ziling took Mo Yuan to the door of the dungeon. At this time, the Taoist gods of the whole city were gathered here, and among them, there were even half-travel powerhouses hidden in it!

The appearance of Zhang Ziling has already shocked the entire Sacred City. Now everyone wants to know, what exactly is Zhang Ziling's purpose in coming to Sacred City?

Zhang Ziling stopped at the door of the dungeon, suddenly remembering something, and turned to look at the dungeon.

"Big, my lord..."

Seeing Zhang Ziling turned around, Mo Yuan trembled and hurriedly saluted.

"In this dungeon, are all the demon with the most sinister crimes?" Zhang Ziling asked Mo Yuan.

Mo Yuan hurriedly said: "Yes, yes...Everyone is a demon who caused a disaster or even a big state. Except for the adult's father, there are records of each of them in the library."

"Then I can rest assured, I also think they are not pleasing to the eye."

Zhang Ziling suddenly laughed, making Mo Yuan and the Taoist powers outside the dungeon stunned, only feeling inexplicable.

But before everyone came back to their senses, they saw a gray-black energy ball in Zhang Ziling's palm.

Afterwards, Zhang Ziling threw the breath of chaos condensed into a ball into the dungeon.



The huge dungeon with countless monsters...


Everyone, dumbfounded!

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