Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2353: Zhu, Sandaoji

Outside the door of the dungeon, a group of monks stared blankly at the dungeon that had been razed to the ground, their brains blank.

There was dead silence around, everyone could even hear the heavy breathing around!

how can that be?

You know, every one of those imprisoned in this dungeon is ridiculously strong, and is a strong one that even Daoji himself can hardly erase!

But it was such a group of demon that made countless monks fearful, so that Dao Ji could only choose to suppress it, so easily wiped out by Zhang Ziling?

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, thinking they were dreaming!

What's this kidding?

They can no longer imagine how strong Zhang Ziling is!


Mo Yuan watched the entire dungeon evaporate directly from the world, and swallowed again. He didn't even dare to look at Zhang Ziling, only feeling the creeps.

At this moment, Mo Yuan felt that he was an ant at the feet of an elephant. As long as Zhang Ziling moved a little, he could die without a place to bury him!

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the reactions of the cultivators around him, he smiled and clapped his hands, and said relaxedly: "Okay, these annoying flies are resolved."

Clearing out some garbage can really make people feel happy!

However, Zhang Ziling's reaction made everyone more tremble!

"Who would dare to make a second in Sacred City?"

Not long after Zhang Ziling razed the dungeon, an angry shout came from the sky, which exploded over Shengji City!

All the Taoism gods present were awakened by the anger, and they craned their necks and looked towards the sky, only to see a young man with white hair and immortal wind and bones was coming!


The cultivators exclaimed: "It's the leader of Qingfeng who is back!"

Hearing that majestic voice, all the gods present knew who the person was, but at this moment they were not excited at all, and on the contrary, the mood became heavier!

The fact that Zhang Ziling's blow would erase the dungeon alone, the Dao Gods present were clear that no one in the Three-Pole League was Zhang Ziling's opponent, including the three leaders!

Qingfeng rushed back now, in the eyes of the Dao Gods, it was no different from sending death!

Mo Yuan clenched his fists tightly. He gritted his teeth and seemed to be entangled in his heart.

Mo Yuan is very sober, now is his perfect opportunity to stand in line.

Once he chooses the right side, what awaits him will be steady and promising.

But once the wrong choice...

Then he will fall into an endless abyss, and he will never live beyond!

Although Mo Yuan was entangled, he did not hesitate for a long time before he made up his mind, and quickly expressed faithfulness to Zhang Ziling: "I will do my best to complete the adult's entrustment and will not let the adult down!"

Mo Yuan came here suddenly, and the surrounding Taoists were stunned, looking at Mo Yuan in surprise, not understanding what Mo Yuan was doing now.

However, there was still a trace of haze flashing in the eyes of the two half-walking poles, and the eyes looking at Mo Yuan became much colder.

No matter what the purpose of Mo Yuan's move is now, Mo Yuan, as the Grand Marshal of the Holy Extreme City Holy Extreme Army, can also be regarded as a high-level member of the Three Extreme Alliance.

Mo Yuan's doing such things is no different from casting an enemy, and it has a huge impact!

After Mo Yuan said these words, his whole body was completely free, and he tore off his official uniforms, and knelt down in front of Zhang Ziling in front of the monks, kowtow!

"Mo Yuan, the villain, will cast the shadow out and follow the adults to the death!"

Zhang Ziling glanced at Mo Yuan, but he didn't believe what Mo Yuan said, but Mo Yuan was able to choose to surrender actively at this juncture.

Although this tri-polar alliance was nothing but mosquito legs for Zhang Ziling, before the Emperor Palace took over, someone had to stabilize the situation.

Now Mo Yuan took the initiative to surrender, and he was still in the presence of all Dao Gods in Shengji City, which was equivalent to cutting off all his back roads.

After Mo Yuan did things, even if he wanted to save his life, he would definitely do his best.

Zhang Ziling also appreciates this kind of decisive person.

Although this kind of person would not hesitate to surrender after encountering a more powerful enemy, Zhang Ziling was not worried that Mo Yuan would have the opportunity to betray in this wild continent.

In some cases, loyalty is not required to employ people.

"Mo Yuan, you are so bold!"

The roar of the green wind fell from the sky, and then a powerful momentum swept the city instantly!

Seeing Qingfeng standing in the void, a group of Taoists turned pale, and subconsciously stepped back two steps, afraid to learn from Mo Yuan, and stood in line easily.

Mo Yuan felt the strong aura of Qingfeng, and was obviously under great pressure, but now he had no way back, so he could only choose to ignore Qingfeng and continue to stand on Zhang Ziling's side.

Seeing Mo Yuan dared to ignore him, Qingfeng was even more furious!

The news of the accident in Shengji City was still sent to him by Mo Yuan, how long has it been now? Mo Yuan actually cast the enemy!

Isn't this slap him in the face?

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Qingfeng's gaze fell on Zhang Ziling and asked in a cold voice, "Who is your Excellency? Why did you attack my Sacred City?"

Hearing Qingfeng's words, Zhang Ziling looked up and looked at Qingfeng carefully.

The aura radiating from Qingfeng's body has already reached the middle level of Dao extremely, and there is a faint tendency to break through the extremely high level of Dao.

And in Qingfeng's body, Zhang Ziling also felt the power of demonic emotions.

"Sure enough, this Three-Pole Alliance was also infiltrated by monsters..."

Zhang Ziling calmly watched the blue breeze in the void, and the breath of chaos began to surge around him.

Seeing an unknown force surrounding Zhang Ziling suddenly, Qing Feng's heart suddenly shook, and he began to be jealous of Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling said lightly: "Although I really want to chat with you again, I still have something to do in Dongxuanzhou, so I have to ask you to die immediately."

Died immediately?

Qingfeng was even more angry when he heard Zhang Ziling's words!

In this huge wilderness continent, no one has ever dared to speak to him like this!

"you wanna die--!"

Qingfeng shouted angrily, and the entire popularity surged, and Shengji City shook.

But before Qingfeng had time to attack, the breath of chaos surging around Zhang Ziling turned into an evil dragon, roaring towards Qingfeng.

"This power? Not good!"

Seeing the evil dragon coming, Qingfeng's pupils shrank suddenly. Before he could react, the whole person was completely swallowed by the breath of chaos!

The dragon dissipated, and the blue breeze disappeared.

Breath, not there.

The Taoist gods below blinked, still dazed.

What about the war?

Is it over?

They thought that no matter how strong Zhang Ziling was, the leader of Qingfeng should be able to beat Zhang Ziling for a few rounds.


As a Dao Ji Qingfeng, he didn't even say his last words, so he was wiped out like a bug?

You know, Qingfeng is one of the strongest people in the Great Wild Continent!

Suddenly, all Taoism including the half trail pole hidden in it, their legs began to weaken.

Everyone stared at Zhang Ziling's back in horror, and their souls began to tremble.

Is this...

What kind of monster is it?

"There are two minutes left..."

Zhang Ziling estimated the time, then turned and looked in another direction.

boom! boom!

Before everyone had time to react, Ye Xinhe Yiyu's two daoji broke out and fled into the distance!


Two breaths of chaos shot out from around Zhang Ziling, easily piercing Ye Xin and Yiyu's body!

Then, under the dull eyes of countless monks...

The remaining two Taoist powers of the Tripolar League fell from the sky.

The sky is falling.

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