Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2364: Tianxie Palace is coming

Great Wasteland, Central China, Shengji City.

Under the guidance of Zhang Ziling, a large number of battleships from Tianxie Palace landed in Shengji City, attracting countless monks to watch.

Shengji City is the largest city in the Great Wilderness Continent. It also gathers the top forces from all the major states of the Great Wilderness Continent. They have their bases in the Holy Polarity City and are generally used to listen to the laws and regulations promulgated by the Tripolar Alliance.

Any major event that occurs in Shengji City can spread to the Wild Continent in a very short time.

It can be said that Shengji City is the place where news spreads fastest in the Great Wild Continent.

After the battleship of the Heavenly Evil Palace descended on the Holy Polar City, the news spread to the entire continent at an extremely fast speed as if it had grown wings, shaking the entire wilderness continent.

On the other hand, Zhang Ziling's choice to sit in the Holy Polar City also made the progress of the Emperor Palace's inclusion of the Tripolar Alliance extremely smooth. In a very short period of time, the Emperor Palace became a real power dominating the Great Wild Continent.

When Zhou Ji and Shao Sijun broke through the Supreme Immortal in Zhang Ziling, they both took the opportunity to comprehend a lot of reincarnation avenues, and at the same time absorbed a large amount of spiritual power that escaped from the inheritance of the Supreme Immortal.

At this moment, the distance between the two is the highest, and they are only one step away, and they may break through at any time.

As for the monster race, as Zhang Ziling expected, after the death of their evil emotions, the monsters of the entire Great Wild Continent began to fall into chaos, and many sect forces that had been eroded by the monsters fell into chaos because of the monsters.

In order to solve the problem of monsters ravaging the wild continent, Zhang Ziling still supported Qin Ziqi as agreed, and made Qin Ziqi the new master of monsters.

With the name of Emperor Palace, Moqing suppressed and controlled all monsters in a very short period of time, directly allowing the momentum of the Emperor Palace to surpass the tri-polar alliance!

After this incident, the Emperor Palace became the veritable first power in the Wild Continent, and the Tianxie Palace battleship anchored in the Holy Polar City, and the monks in the major states began to realize that their Wild Continent was not the only world in the universe.

After calming down the monsters, Zhang Ziling set out to solve the problem of the dispute between the human race and the monster race.

Zhang Ziling found Yinglong, and through Yinglong he found the ancient monster beast of the extreme rank in their clan.

At the beginning, the monster ancestor also rejected Zhang Ziling, and even wanted to blame Yinglong.

However, after Zhang Ziling showed some strength in front of the monster ancestor, the monster ancestor was completely honest and delegated full authority to Ying Long to handle this matter.

Subsequently, Zhang Ziling and Ying Long quickly integrated the contemporary monster race. At the same time, Zhang Ziling also issued regulations prohibiting monks from hunting low-level monsters through the Emperor Palace, forcibly calming the grievances between the human race and the monster race.

Although in a short period of time, Zhang Ziling could not erase the suspicion between the human race and the monster race, and the two sides occasionally killed each other, but still avoided large-scale monster tides and put an end to large-scale human hunting activities.

The Great Desolate Continent is no longer raging by monsters, and the monster and human races have fewer fights, which has caused the number of monks everywhere to increase exponentially.

In just a few years, the Great Wild Continent ushered in a golden age of practice.

Of course, all of this is something later.

After Zhang Ziling personally took the initiative to integrate the major races in the Great Wild Continent, the rest of the emperor’s palace affairs were handed over to Nai Qing, Shao Sijun and Zhou Ji to take care of them, while he himself stayed in Shengji City while training Ye Zi. The two apprentices and Lin Qingshan were waiting for the arrival of Tianxie Palace.

However, to Zhang Ziling's surprise, the fleet of the Tianxie Palace had been impounded for several months, and it seemed that the Tianxie Palace was dead, and there was no response at all.

In the past few months, Zhang Moyun has never been out of the Supreme Dao, and has been living with Taiqing in the small courtyard of the Supreme Dao. The two seem to have endless words, and even almost forgot Zhang Ziling's son...

Zhang Ziling didn't know how to evaluate his parents, so he could only try to give them two more two-person worlds and do his own thing.

Early in the morning.

In the imperial palace dojo, Zhang Ziling is teaching Lin Qingshan's new martial arts.

A large number of battleships from the Heavenly Evil Palace suddenly appeared over the Great Wild Continent.

A strong momentum spread out from the battleship, sweeping the entire wilderness continent, attracting the attention of countless monks.


Lin Qingshan put away his sword, raised his eyes to look at the silver warships in the sky, his eyes condensed slightly.

Now Lin Qingshan has become heroic, and his cultivation has reached the emperor rank, as if he has changed.

Those battleships were covered with cold golden luster, and the artillery above was terrifying, and the energy contained in them was enough to wipe out the Taoist **** in a single shot.

"It's coming." Zhang Ziling looked at the huge battleships in the sky, and told Lin Qingshan, "Go and call Di Fang."

During the time when Zhang Ziling detained Di Fang, Di Fang was gradually overwhelmed by Zhang Ziling's strength. In the end, Di Fang chose to lead the entire Tianxie Palace fleet to Zhang Ziling, revealing a lot of information about the Tianxie Palace to Zhang Ziling.


Lin Qingshan saluted Zhang Ziling respectfully, then he turned into a phantom and disappeared in place.

Not long after, Di Jianrong flew towards Zhang Ziling with a serious face, and said solemnly: "Emperor, they..."

Zhang Ziling's expression was calm, and he said faintly: "Your palace lord has not come. The strongest of the battleships is only half a step high. They are not here to make trouble."

Knowing that the Great Desolate Continent has a supreme existence, Tianxie Palace still sends people below the supremacy over, which means that the Tianxie Palace does not want to fight.

At least not now.

"The emperor meant..." A trace of doubt flashed in Di Fang's eyes, "Are they here to take the warship that was impounded on the Great Wild Continent back?"

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling nodded and said, "But you have been here for a few months, and you should also know that our Emperor Palace is waiting to be thrived, and you need the resources of the Heavenly Evil Palace very much."

"The battleship they came here is especially precious to the Emperor Palace, and most of our monks in the Emperor Palace do not know how to control the battleship, so I need you to negotiate and persuade them to surrender."

"Leave all their warships behind."

Zhang Ziling's lion opened his mouth wide, and had already taken a fancy to all the warships in the sky, as well as the technicians inside.

If the Emperor Palace needs to conquer the Heavenly Mystery Domain, it needs the Heavenly Evil Palace as a pedal.

The battleship of the Tianxie Palace is an excellent means of transportation for Zhang Ziling to transport the monks of the Emperor Palace to the center of the Heavenly Mystery Domain.

The Emperor Palace currently does not have the technology to build battleships that can sail between the stars. Therefore, the battleships of the Heavenly Evil Palace are treasures for the Emperor Palace, and the operators inside are also extremely important.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Di Fang couldn't help showing a look of embarrassment on his face and hesitated: "Emperor...We know your strength, but the cultivators of the Tianxie Palace don't know..."

"The Palace Master of the Heavenly Evil Palace itself is also supreme, and I am just the captain of a fleet, I am afraid I can't convince them..."

While Di Fang was talking, the huge battleship headed by the sky opened, and several monks wearing battle armor flew out of the battleship.

The middle-aged man headed by him has the highest cultivation base of half a step. Obviously he is the highest leader of the Heavenly Evil Palace fleet.

"Marshal Zhai Tang?"

Seeing the middle-aged man in the air, Di Fang's pupils shrank slightly, and a look of fear suddenly appeared on his face.

"Why? He is terrible?" Zhang Ziling couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when Di Fang turned pale.

Di Fang swallowed fiercely, and said in a condensed voice: "For you, Monarch, Zhai Tang is naturally not terrible, but for us... Zhai Tang is a demon!"

"Zhai Tang is the commander-in-chief of the battleships of the Tianxie Palace, and the commander-in-chief of the Star Army of the Tianxie Palace. He is called the hand of the devil by the major civilizations of the Tianji Domain!

"Zhai Tang has a cruel temperament and destroys the world civilization and sect forces in his say nothing, there are more than a thousand!"

Di Fang took a deep breath, then said solemnly: "This time I asked the evil sect Zhai Tang to come here. The purpose... I'm afraid it is not just to recover the fleet."

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