Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2365: arrogant

Zhai Tang flew out of the battleship, glanced down indifferently, and finally focused his gaze on Zhang Ziling next to Di Fang.

Seeing Zhang Ziling standing in the dojo, Zhai Tang frowned first, and then stretched out, a subtle arc was drawn in the corner of his mouth.

In his eyes, there was a trace of joking!

Zhai Tang waved slightly, and the warships entrenched in the sky above Shengji City floated in the air, and finally flew out of the atmosphere of the Great Wild Continent, disappearing from the sight of the monks.

Afterwards, Zhai Tang led the cultivators to the dojo, and asked Zhang Ziling, neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Excellency is the master of the Wild Continent, right?"

Seeing Zhai Tang’s prepared expression, Zhang Ziling was also very interesting, and asked, "Who are you?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's question about his identity, Zhai Tang frowned slightly and said with a displeased expression: "Di Fang just introduced you to it? Asked knowingly?"


Seeing Zhai Tang's attitude like taking gunpowder, Di Fang was also dumbfounded, and his brain went blank.

Even if Zhai Tang himself is half-step supreme and still leaning against the Heavenly Evil Palace, he wouldn't be able to put his score in front of the supreme?

Is such an arrogant attitude looking for death?

During the months following Zhang Ziling, Di Fang knew very well that Zhang Ziling had never put Tianxie Palace in his eyes.

Zhai Tang is now so "dead" in front of Zhang Ziling, Di Fang didn't even think that Zhai Tang would end up tragically.

Zhai Tang didn't know what Di Fang was thinking. He glanced at Di Fang dissatisfiedly before looking at Zhang Ziling and saying, "For the sake of your supremacy, I will also give you a face and introduce myself. ."

"My name is Zhai and my surname is Tang, the interstellar marshal of the Tianxie Palace. This time I came to the Great Desolate Continent by the order of the Palace Master of the Tianxie Palace to come and ask you to get back the warships you seized in the Great Desolate Continent."

"The palace owner has a kind heart. If you return the battleship in time, Tianxie Palace will treat you as a friend and will not trouble you."

Hearing Zhai Tang's remarks, Zhang Ziling couldn't help laughing. He looked at Zhai Tang curiously and said with a smile: "What if I don't pay it back?"

As soon as Zhang Ziling said these words, the monks standing behind Zhai Tang set up their weapons and stared at Zhang Ziling coldly, as if they would kill Zhang Ziling as soon as Zhai Tang ordered them.

Di Fang's mouth twitched again when he saw the few monks who were waiting for him, he really didn't know what was going on right now.

The cultivators behind Zhai Tang are only Taoist cultivation bases. Even if they wear top-level armor that can block the attacks of the Taoist, they still look like paper in front of the Supreme?

Di Fang couldn't figure out, where did these guys get their courage?

He had only left Tianxie Palace for a few months, so the people in Tianxie Palace became so crazy?

In Di Fang’s eyes, although the Heavenly Evil Palace is the overlord of the Heavenly Mystery Realm, he can only ask Heavenly Evil alone as the supreme. Although there are several half-step strongest in the Heavenly Evil Palace, this does not represent the monks of the Heavenly Evil Palace. In the face of other supremacy, you can still maintain a defiant attitude!

Other supremacy may be based on the face of Tianxie Palace, giving the people of Tianxie Palace a little face, but this does not mean that the people of Tianxie Palace can push their noses!

Annoying any Supreme will bring extremely serious consequences!

Zhai Tang slightly raised his hand to signal the monks to retract their weapons, and then looked at Zhang Ziling with a sneer, "If your Excellency refuses to cooperate, then it is the enemy of our Heavenly Evil Palace."

"What about your enemy?" Zhang Ziling asked with a smile.

Now Zhang Ziling can see it, Zhai Tang did it on purpose.

After all, Zhai Tang is also half-step to the highest anyway, no matter how stupid he is, he should know the gap between the half-step to the highest.

Being able to have such an arrogant attitude when he knows that the enemy is the supreme, it means that Zhai Tang thinks he has a back hand that can suppress the supreme.


Zhang Ziling is not the highest.

"Are you crazy?" Di Fang finally couldn't help it, and asked Zhai Tang, "The Lord is the supreme and supreme! With such an attitude, you really want to die?"

Although Di Fang had already taken refuge in Zhang Ziling, he had always been a member of the Heavenly Evil Palace before, and now he can't bear to see Zhai Tang behave like this.

What's more, Di Fang himself was also worried that if the people in the Heavenly Evil Palace had been defeating the senses in front of Zhang Ziling, I am afraid that his weight in Zhang Ziling's heart would also be reduced.

Di Fang didn't want to ruin his future just because Zhai Tang was mad.

Zhai Tang was taken aback by Di Fang's scolding, then his face became extremely gloomy.

"Di Fang, you are so courageous!" Zhai Tang claws his right hand, ignoring Zhang Ziling in front of him, and directly grabbed Di Fang, "Going for death!"

Zhai Tang's violent aura suddenly caused the dojo to collapse!

Di Fang never thought that Zhai Tang would dare to act on him at such a time. He only felt that he was weighed on him by a huge amount of weight, making himself immobile!

However, before Zhai Tang met Di Fang, he was stopped by Zhang Ziling's demonic energy.

Zhai Tang seemed to have forgotten where he was, and turned to Zhang Ziling and said angrily: "Let go of me!"


Zhang Ziling's momentum suddenly broke out, and he pressed **** Zhai Tang, directly pressing Zhai Tang to the ground.

Zhai Tang only felt that he had a few ribs broken, and he suddenly woke up!


The cultivators behind Zhai Tang saw Zhang Ziling acted, and they all set up their weapons.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Several voices of meat cutting sounded, and the arms of those cultivators were all cut and flew out by Zhang Ziling's devilish energy, splashing blood!


The screams resounded through the dojo, and the monks fell to the ground and cried out, their faces completely distorted because of the pain.

Zhang Ziling's complexion has become extremely cold. He looked at Zhai Tang who was struggling on the ground indifferently, and said calmly: "I kindly give you time to perform, really I am not a clown?"

Zhai Tang gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, his veins violent!

He gritted his teeth and said: "Zhang Ziling...Do you really want to be an enemy of Tianxie Palace?"

Zhang Ziling sneered, and stepped on Zhai Tang's head with a slight force, and directly stepped half of Zhai Tang's head into the ground.

Zhang Ziling asked in a deep voice: "I really want to know, you are only half-step to the top, where did the provocative confidence come from?"

"Now your life is in the hands of the Heavenly Evil Palace. If you continue to be presumptuous to me, you will find your own way of death!" Zhai Tang shouted sharply and began to threaten Zhang Ziling.

Di Fang asked: "What are you kidding? The huge Heavenly Evil Palace also asked Heavenly Evil, the supreme one, how can he control the life of the emperor?"

"It's true that the Heavenly Evil Palace alone won't work!" Zhai Tang sneered, "but what about the Chaos Protoss?"

As soon as Zhai Tang said these words, the huge dojo fell into a dead silence!

Zhang Ziling removed the foot that was on Zhai Tang's face, and the momentum pressing on Zhai Tang's body gradually dissipated.

"you have just……"

"Speaking of Chaos Protoss?"

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