Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2394: Extreme fear

"This force... we can't stop it!"

Looking at the huge white skull outside the palace, Qing'er couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in her heart.

Now the breath of the magic crystal skeleton has exceeded the strongest person she has ever encountered so far!

That power... she couldn't understand it anymore.

Fighting enemies with this level of power, they have no chance of winning.

Not only Qinger, but all the abandoned gods in the palace lost their intent to fight at this moment. Everyone stayed on the spot, looking out at the skull with shocked faces, and a dead gray color appeared on their faces.

That powerful?

"It's too strong... it shouldn't be like this... something must have gone wrong!"

The Mozu supreme muttered, his mood at this time was the same as that of Qing'er, his brain almost stopped thinking.

The power of the Demon Crystal Skeleton has surpassed his control. Once the energy inside the Demon Crystal Skull runs away, he will be blown out in the first place!

"Even the supreme **** of the Chaos God Race in Taiyin, it is impossible to possess such power...what kind of character is it in it?"

The Mozu supreme swallowed fiercely, and his heart had begun to retreat.

Even if there is a strong person with the highest limit in the Taiyin Palace, he will not be afraid, and he is confident that he can rely on this magic crystal skeleton to steadily defeat the highest limit.

But now this situation can not only be reversed by a magic tool!

Power beyond the supreme, this kind of existence has only been heard in legends!

Although the demon supreme does not understand what kind of realm is above the supreme, there is one thing he knows very well...

In that realm, this point of cultivation that he had exceeded had no meaning at all!

Then there are 10,000 ways to kill him.

"I don't know which adult is visiting the Taiyin Palace. The kid didn't intend to offend the adult, please forgive me!"

At this moment, the demon supreme dared to manipulate the magic crystal skeleton to attack the Taiyin palace, quickly let go of the magic crystal skeleton in his hand, and shouted at the void.

The surrounding demons were excited by the terrifying aura of their commander, but when they heard what the supreme demons had said, it was like a basin of cold water poured over them, instantly extinguishing their enthusiasm!

Is there a stronger presence in the Lunar Palace?

For a moment, all the demons were stunned, staring at the supreme back of the demons, the smile on their faces gradually turned into incredible.

how can that be?

At this moment, the demon supreme has no intention to control the views of the demons. In front of Zhang Ziling, he doesn't even have the courage to escape!

"This guy knows the current affairs, but it's a pity that you are an abandoned son sent by the person behind the scenes, and you have not received the value of your subordinates."

Zhang Ziling could not help but laugh when he saw that the Demon Sovereign hadn't started the fight, and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

After all, Zhang Ziling didn't know much about the supremacy of the Demon Race, and that person was probably also subject to some kind of restriction. Taking him to the Emperor's Palace by himself, it is likely that he dug a hole for himself and asked for trouble.

As for letting him go, it's a fantasy.

Whether it's for Zhang Ziling himself or Taiyin, that Mozu supreme is an enemy, and Zhang Ziling definitely has no reason to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

That Mozu Supreme's fate today, there is only one dead word.

"The kid made a blood contract, and he won't step into this universe again in the future. Please let the adults give me a way out!"

The Mozu supreme still didn't know what his destiny was waiting for him next, and kept shouting to the void, trying to find a way for himself.

The other demons asked for mercy when they saw that their commander had that kind of power. They didn't even have the slightest will to fight. Many demons even started to escape secretly, not wanting to stay here to die.

"what is happening?"

Qinger saw that the Mozu Supreme suddenly changed her attitude, and even released the Demon Crystal Skeletons. The whole person was still a little dazed, not understanding what had happened.

"We... should be regarded as the crisis resolved?"

"Should... The other side started begging for mercy."

"Could it be the handwriting of the one brought back by the Lord?"

Many Abandoned Gods began to whisper. They thought that there would be a hard fight next, and even the danger of falling into the Taiyin Palace...

Unexpectedly, the battle ended in this weird way!

Just when both sides felt the situation was unusually weird, Zhang Ziling appeared in the sight of everyone, standing in front of the supreme demon clan, looking at the demon crystal skeleton.

As soon as Zhang Ziling appeared, the Demon Crystal Skull rushed towards Zhang Ziling like crazy, and its violent aura swept all around!


The defensive array outside the Taiyin Palace was broken in an instant, and the abandoned gods in the palace felt that they were swept by with a strong aura, and everyone was shaken out!

And because there is no magical buffer on the demon clan, many weak demon clan died suddenly, even those demon clan with great Taoism cultivation, they were also hit hard one after another, like a gossip!

Even the supreme Demon Race was shocked by the momentum of the Demon Crystal Skull for hundreds of miles. He only felt a sweet throat and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Good, so strong!"

The Mozu Supreme was frightened by the explosive momentum of the Demon Crystal Skeleton, and looked at Zhang Ziling who was attacked by the Demon Crystal Skeleton with a look of horror, wanting to know what Zhang Ziling would do!

"A dead thing, it still learns my aura..."

Seeing the magic crystal skull attacking him, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth slightly raised.

He raised his right hand, and the barren field spread out around itself centered on itself.

The magic crystal skeleton turned gray, and the powerful aura surging in it disappeared instantly!

The magic crystal skeleton flew towards Zhang Ziling along the inertia, just flying into the palm of Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling's five fingers pinched slightly...


The Demon Crystal Skeleton was in the sluggish sight of that Demon Race's supreme, crushed to pieces!

"Broken, broken?"

The Mozu supreme looked at Zhang Ziling in amazement, swallowed fiercely, and his brain became blank.

He has no idea what happened just now!

Everything he encountered here today is beyond his understanding.

Zhang Ziling clapped his hands, patted the bone debris off his hands, then looked at the demon supreme, and hooked his fingers.

The space around the Mozu Supreme was slightly distorted, and the next moment, the Mozu Supreme found himself in front of Zhang Ziling!

The demon's supreme pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared at Zhang Ziling in front of him in a daze, his body trembling constantly: "My lord, my lord..."

Although he is also the highest, and he also dominates a star field, he is a big man who can only look up to hundreds of millions of creatures...

But now in front of Zhang Ziling, he was so scared that he couldn't even organize a complete sentence!

"Who asked you to come?" Zhang Ziling asked indifferently at the Demon Race Supreme in front of him.

The Mozu supreme trembling, hurriedly replied: "Yes, the ancestor Demon God sent me over... He gave me the Demon Crystal Skeleton and asked me to take the Taiyin Palace."

"If I knew that the adults were here, I wouldn't dare even lend me ten more courage..."

"What's your name?" Zhang Ziling interrupted the Mozu Supreme, and asked again.

"Ye Yan..."

Seeing Zhang Ziling asked about his name, Ye Yan couldn't help but feel happy when he thought Zhang Ziling wanted to recruit him.


When he heard Zhang Ziling's next sentence, it made him fall completely into the abyss.

"Since you have reported your name, then you..." Zhang Ziling reached out and grabbed Ye Yan's head, "You can die."

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