Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2395: Go, Chaos Continent

The dark magic energy surged from Zhang Ziling's palm and quickly wrapped Ye Yan's body.

"Wait,, no..."

Feeling her whole body being wrapped in an icy force, infinite fear suddenly appeared on Ye Yan's face, and she quickly shouted to the trembling voice.

However, Ye Yan's cry can't change his ending...

Zhang Ziling's killing intent has been decided.

The dark magic energy completely swallowed Ye Yan!

Amid the miserable howlings of the gods in the Taiyin Palace, all the abandoned gods witnessed the fall of Ye Yan.

Qing'er looked at Zhang Ziling's back in a daze, her face full of incredible.

"Just, that's the end?"

Qing'er couldn't believe that there was someone in this world who could end a supreme life so easily!

After Ye Yan was solved, the space around Zhang Ziling was slightly distorted, and then Zhang Ziling disappeared in place and appeared in the control room.

Seeing Zhang Ziling came back, all the abandoned gods in the room stared at Zhang Ziling. They didn't even dare to breathe, and they were extremely nervous.

At this moment everyone began to understand why Taiyin wanted Zhang Ziling to become their new master!

If it was said that the people on the scene listened to Zhang Ziling's words only because of Taiyin's orders, then now they have completely recognized Zhang Ziling's strength, and they want to follow Zhang Ziling from the bottom of their hearts!

With one move to destroy the Supreme, Zhang Ziling seemed to be okay, and walked to Qing'er and asked: "It hasn't been an hour yet, is the teleportation array still on?"

"Emperor, Emperor..." Seeing Zhang Ziling coming, Qing'er was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, and said in a panic, "I'll go and see!"

When the Chaos Demon Race attacked, Qing'er thought it would be a protracted battle, and it didn't end in ten and a half months, so he didn't care about the teleportation array.

How can Zhang Ziling take a shot, and solved the supremacy of the Chaos Demon Race in less than an hour!

Moreover, Zhang Ziling's real shot time did not exceed ten minutes!

If you shoot at the beginning, this war will end sooner!

Qing'er ran to the console quickly, checked the positioning coordinates and the teleportation array, and then said to Zhang Ziling: "Return to the emperor, the positioning coordinates are still there, but because the Nether Cannon consumes most of the palace resources, the teleportation array has been On the verge of collapse, I'm afraid the destination will be a little off."

"Can you go to the Chaos Continent?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and asked.

Qing'er nodded, and hesitated: "It can be, but..."

"As long as you can, you will come with me."

Before Qinger finished speaking, Zhang Ziling directly took her hand and walked towards the teleportation formation.

Being pulled into the teleportation formation by Zhang Ziling, Qing'er was also dumbfounded, unable to react at all, and said, "Emperor, wait, this teleportation formation may..."

"Other people are staying in the palace, they are chaotic outside recently, don't run around."

Before Qing'er finished speaking, Zhang Ziling gave another instruction to the other abandoned gods in the control room, and then activated the teleportation circle, and passed Qing'er to the Chaos Continent together.

The Chaos Continent is not fixed in a certain place in the universe, but is constantly moving in the deep sky, and there is a strong magnetic field around the continent, which can hinder the exploration of the soul.

Lunar is because there is a position beacon in her Chaos Continent's power, so she can directly locate the Chaos Continent's coordinates in the universe in her palace.

But now that Taiyin is trapped, the Great God King is likely to take action against Taiyin's power in the Chaos Continent.

The teleportation array in the Taiyin Palace may lose its ability to locate the Great Wild Continent at any time.

Zhang Ziling has only this opportunity to teleport to the Chaos Continent, so no matter what the problem is with the teleportation array, Zhang Ziling must teleport!

As soon as the white light of the teleportation array flashed, Zhang Ziling and Qinger disappeared in place.

In the control room, the crowd of Abandoned Gods looked at each other.

"The energy of this teleportation array is not enough to pass it, what should I do?"

"The emperor is too anxious, are they going to have trouble?"

"There should be no major problems. After all, the emperor's strength is there. Even if the teleportation array fails midway, with the emperor's strength, he can still forcibly travel through space..."

In the control room, all the abandoned gods discussed, and they began to worry about the safety of Zhang Ziling and Qing'er.

Just now, Zhang Ziling moved too fast. Before all the abandoned gods came out of the shock of Zhang Ziling’s seckill, Zhang Ziling took Qing'er and teleported away...

They have no time to stop!

The abandoned gods in the control room can only choose to pray to Zhang Ziling and Qinger.

However, after the discussion went to discussion, the Abandoned Gods also knew that they could not help Zhang Ziling. So soon after Zhang Ziling left, the Abandoned Gods returned to the right track and began to do post-war maintenance.

None of the abandoned gods noticed that outside the Taiyin Palace, in the cosmic space, the magic crystal skeleton that should have been crushed by Zhang Ziling, I don't know when it has been restored!

Afterwards, the space around the magic crystal skeleton was slightly twisted and swallowed it in.


In another universe, an unknown barren planet.

Under the dark sky, a dark palace stood on the ground.

Countless demons in black robes knelt on the ground and bowed to the dark palace.

Suddenly, the space above the palace was slightly distorted, and the magic crystal skeleton flew out of it and sank into the dark palace.

Soon, the magic crystal skeleton flew into an empty hall.

In this empty hall, there are more than a dozen black shadows twisting, everyone is shrouded in black mist, and they can't see the truth.

The black shadow sitting in the upper position stretched out his hand and gently clicked, and the magic crystal skull dissipated as crystal powder.

The image of Zhang Ziling killing Ye Yan suddenly appeared in the hall!

In this video, Zhang Ziling and Ye Yan are even clearly simulated, as if Zhang Ziling is really here!

Even the trajectory of blood and spiritual power in Zhang Ziling's body is revealed in this image!

"Secondly kill Ye Yan, the cultivation base is at least half a step, the child seems to have hidden some power..."

In the empty hall, the dark shadow sitting in the upper position heard a deep, gloomy voice.

"Unexpectedly... that kid back then, now grows up to this point..."

A dark shadow next to him said solemnly, and the picture in the center of the hall stayed where Zhang Ziling was pulling Qing'er into the teleportation array.

As the picture disappeared, the surrounding shadows began to discuss each person one sentence.

"He went to the Chaos Continent... With the speed of this child's progress, if he were allowed to grow up in the Chaos Continent, he would soon surpass us."

A cold female voice sounded: "Just intercept him in the Chaos Continent... Don't give him room to grow."

"The Chaos Continent is the site of the Protoss. This is something that the Protoss people are worried about. Why should we go ahead?" A deep and deep voice objected.

The female voice continued to insist: "What can be done by the gang of protoss, we should do it ourselves."

"Indeed, after all, that child was from that year..."


When the black shadows were discussing how to deal with Zhang Ziling, the upper shadow coughed slightly, and the hall was instantly quiet.

"That child Xuyang is the current Ancestral Demon God, he still needs to experience...this matter, let him handle it."

As the voice of the upper shadow fell, the surrounding shadows all faced the upper shadow and saluted respectfully.


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